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=== SetMatrix3D_Constant===
=== SetMatrix3D_Constant===
This subroutine is in the ModuleFunctions of MohidWater. In the context of MohidWater, parallelizing this subroutine yields a worse performance. However, in the little test program, the same OMP directives yield quite good results.
This subroutine is in the ModuleFunctions of MohidWater. In the context of MohidWater, parallelizing this subroutine yields up to 15% increase in performance. However, in the little test program, the same OMP directives yield quite good results (under 1/3 of the simulation time or a 200% increase in performance).
*Core i7-870
*Core i7-870
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=== Test-cases===
=== PCOMS test-case===
*Here's the present situation with the codeplex build (20101029). The chart below depicts the PCOMS test-case performance with the growing number of threads (up to 8). Maximum performance gains are roughly 15% for the 4 threads. Since the i7-870 is a 4 core machine, it makes sense that 4 threads perform better than 5 or more, or than 3 or less. Also note that a single-threaded openmp code is slower by 9% than a no-openmp code.
====Without openmp compiler option====
====Without openmp compiler option====
A 1 hour run of the PCOMS is made, which takes around '''870s''' without parallelization.
A 3 hour run of the PCOMS is made, which takes around '''870s''' without parallelization.
Here's an excerpt of the outwatch log.
                           Main ModifyMohidWater                          863.33
                           Main ModifyMohidWater                          863.33
               ModuleFunctions THOMASZ                                    46.06
               ModuleFunctions THOMASZ                                    46.06
Line 343: Line 348:
               ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_FromMatri            16.69
               ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_FromMatri            16.69
               ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix3D                  8.42
               ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix3D                  8.42
Another 3 hour run with the above compiler settings takes, rougly, '''425s''' without parallelization:
====With openmp compiler option, with current code from Codeplex (codename: Angela)====
====With openmp compiler option, with current code from Codeplex (codename: Angela)====

Latest revision as of 16:48, 29 October 2010

What is the best performance that Fortran can give when computing do-loops over large matrices? A single triple-do-loop test-case was implemented with matrix size ranging from 1M to 216M four-byte units. The test-case below shows:

  • a 400% performance increase when looping with the order (k,j,i) instead of looping with the order (i,j,k),
  • that a 300% performance increase occur when using openmp directives in a quad-core processor (i7-870),
  • that changing the chunk size or alternating between static and dynamic scheduling yield less than 10% differences in performance. Best performance is obtained, for this test-case, with a small dynamic chunk.

Limiting number of threads before running

If one wishes to limit the maximum number of threads to 2 when running openmp-able executables:

> MohidWater_omp.exe


Simple triple do-loop


Performs a triple-do-loop with a simple computation over a cubic matrix. Size is chosen by the user through standard input.


  • Intel Core i7 - 870
  • 8 GB Ram


  • The main program
program DoloopsOpenmp

   use moduleDoloopsOpenmp, only: makeloop

   implicit none
   integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer      :: mycube
   integer                                 :: M = 1
   real                                    :: elapsedtime
   real                                    :: time = 0.0

   do while (M < 1000)

       write(*,*) 'Insert the cube size M (or insert 1000 to exit): '
       read(*,*) M
       if (M > 999) exit


       time = elapsedtime(time)

       call makeloop(mycube)

       time = elapsedtime(time)
       write(*,10) time

   end do

   10 format('Time elapsed: ',F6.2)
end program DoloopsOpenmp

!This function computes the time
real function elapsedtime(lasttime)

   integer     :: count, count_rate
   real        :: lasttime

   call system_clock(count, count_rate)
   elapsedtime = count * 1.0 / count_rate - lasttime

end function elapsedtime

  • The module
module moduleDoloopsOpenmp

   use omp_lib

   implicit none


   public :: makeloop


   subroutine makeloop(cubicmatrix)
       !Arguments --------------
       integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer  :: cubicmatrix
       !Local variables --------
       integer                             :: i, j, k, lb, ub
       lb = lbound(cubicmatrix,3)
       ub = ubound(cubicmatrix,3)        
       !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(i,j,k)        
       !$OMP DO
       do k = lb, ub
       do j = lb, ub
       do i = lb, ub
           cubicmatrix(i,j,k) = cubicmatrix(i,j,k) + 1
       end do
       end do
       end do
       !$OMP END DO

   end subroutine makeloop
end module moduleDoloopsOpenmp


  • Full results

  • Looking only at the results with STATIC/DYNAMIC/CHUNK variations.
DO (i,j,k) / NO CHUNK
Table A.1 - Debug do(i,j,k)
Size	Time
100		 0.04
200		 0.37
300		 1.58
400		 7.60
500		19.66
600		41.65

Table A.2 - Debug openmp without !$OMP PARALLEL directives do(i,j,k)
Size	Time
100		 0.04
200		 0.37
300		 1.58
400		 7.27
500		19.34
600		41.34

Table A.3 - Debug openmp with one !$OMP PARALLEL DO directive do(i,j,k)
Size	Time
100		 0.02
200		 0.19
300		 0.70
400		 1.86
500		 4.05
600		 7.83

DO (k,j,i) / NO CHUNK

Table B.1 - Debug do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.04
200		 0.31
300		 1.22
400		 3.36
500		 7.55
600		14.88

Table B.2 - Debug openmp without !$OMP PARALLEL directives do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.04
200		 0.31
300		 1.21
400		 3.36
500		 7.82
600		15.07

Table B.3 - Debug openmp with one !$OMP PARALLEL DO directive do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.02
200		 0.09
300		 0.36
400		 0.94
500		 2.04
600		 3.89


Table C.3 - Debug openmp with one !$OMP PARALLEL DO directive do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.02
200		 0.15
300		 0.42
400		 1.03
500		 2.12
600		 3.97

DO (k,j,i) / STATIC CHUNK = 10

Table D.3 - Debug openmp with one !$OMP PARALLEL DO directive do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.02
200		 0.16
300		 0.43
400		 1.04
500		 2.18
600		 4.05

DO (k,j,i) / DYNAMIC CHUNK = 10

Table E.3 - Debug openmp with one !$OMP PARALLEL DO directive do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.01
200		 0.10
300		 0.36
400		 0.93
500		 2.01
600		 3.89


Table F.3 - Debug openmp with one !$OMP PARALLEL DO directive do(k,j,i)
Size	Time
100		 0.02
200		 0.09
300		 0.39
400		 1.04
500		 2.14
600		 4.00


  • do(k,j,i) Vs do(i,j,k) ==> 2 to 4 times faster!
  • dynamic small chunks, or no chunk at all yield 10% increased performance over large dynamic chunks. Probably better off with no-chunk.
  • More test-cases representing different scenarios of do-loops may yield different choices of CHUNK/scheduling.
  • Single precision computation over large numbers (such as summing the entries in a large matrix) yield significant errors. Furthermore, the results yielded are different between openmp and no-openmp.
  • Double precision computation yields the correct results. The results are the same between openmp and no-openmp.



This subroutine is in the ModuleFunctions of MohidWater. In the context of MohidWater, parallelizing this subroutine yields up to 15% increase in performance. However, in the little test program, the same OMP directives yield quite good results (under 1/3 of the simulation time or a 200% increase in performance).


  • Core i7-870
  • 8 GB RAM


   real function SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant (Matrix, Valueb, MapMatrix)

       real, dimension(:, :, :), pointer               :: Matrix
       real, intent (IN)                               :: Valueb
       integer, dimension(:, :, :), pointer, optional  :: MapMatrix

       integer                                         :: i, j, k
       integer                                         :: ilb, iub, jlb, jub, klb, kub


       ilb = lbound(Matrix,1)
       iub = ubound(Matrix,1)
       jlb = lbound(Matrix,2)
       jub = ubound(Matrix,2)
       klb = lbound(Matrix,3)
       kub = ubound(Matrix,3)

       !griflet: omp slowdown
       if (present(MapMatrix)) then
           !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,k)
           do k = klb, kub
           do j = jlb, jub
           do i = ilb, iub
               if (MapMatrix(i, j, k) == 1) then
                   Matrix (i, j, k) = Valueb
           !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
           !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,k)
           do k = klb, kub
           do j = jlb, jub
           do i = ilb, iub
               Matrix (i, j, k) = Valueb
           !$OMP END PARALLEL DO

       SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant = sumMatrix3D(Matrix)

   end function SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant



The MOHID parallelization is a complex matter because:

  • Time keeping is hard to keep with due to the fact that CPU time is the sum of the computation time of each thread.
  • Do loops that parallelize very well in small programs add a lot of overhead in big programs like MOHID and actually tend to decrease performance.

This wiki-entry comments which loops are efficiently parallelized in each module.


  • Intel Core i7 - 870
  • 8 GB Ram

Compiler options

  • Here are the different compiler options used throughout this test-case, as seen from visual studio 2008:

PCOMS test-case

  • Here's the present situation with the codeplex build (20101029). The chart below depicts the PCOMS test-case performance with the growing number of threads (up to 8). Maximum performance gains are roughly 15% for the 4 threads. Since the i7-870 is a 4 core machine, it makes sense that 4 threads perform better than 5 or more, or than 3 or less. Also note that a single-threaded openmp code is slower by 9% than a no-openmp code.

Without openmp compiler option

A 3 hour run of the PCOMS is made, which takes around 870s without parallelization.

Here's an excerpt of the outwatch log.

                         Main ModifyMohidWater                          863.33
              ModuleFunctions THOMASZ                                    46.06
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant              40.09
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_FromMatri             16.69
              ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix3D                  8.42

Another 3 hour run with the above compiler settings takes, rougly, 425s without parallelization:

With openmp compiler option, with current code from Codeplex (codename: Angela)

A 1 hour run of the PCOMS is made, and takes around 400s with parallelization with 8 threads.

  • All threads (8):

Here's an excerpt of the outwatch log:

                         Main ModifyMohidWater                          346.76
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant               5.02
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_FromMatri              1.83
              ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix3D                  1.10
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues2D_R8_Constant               0.13
              ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix2D                  0.08
  • 1 Thread only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1) takes more than 460s:

  • 2 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=2) take less than 380s:

  • 3 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=3) take less than 370s:

  • 4 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=3) take less than 360s:

  • 5 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=5) take more than 370s:

  • 6 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=6) take more than 375s:

  • 7 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=7) take more than 385s:

  • 8 Threads only (set OMP_NUM_THREADS=8) take more than 390S:

With openmp, but without any openmp directives

Here's an except of the outwatch log:

                         Main ModifyMohidWater                          936.25
              ModuleFunctions THOMASZ                                    46.38
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant              40.12
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_FromMatri             16.63
              ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix3D                  8.24
              ModuleFunctions THOMAS_3D                                   0.57


  • After parallelizing the Module Functions only.

Here's an excerpt of the outwatch log:

                         Main ModifyMohidWater                          945.70
              ModuleFunctions THOMASZ                                    46.89
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_Constant              17.66
              ModuleFunctions InterpolateLinearyMatrix3D                  8.31
              ModuleFunctions SetMatrixValues3D_R8_FromMatri              6.82
              ModuleFunctions THOMAS_3D                                   0.67

Parallelizing only the moduleFunctions yields a localized gain in most of the parallelized subroutines, except for the THOMASZ and the THOMAS_3D.

