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(Main Processes)
(Main Processes)
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| ''H'' || is the water column(ft/s, m/s)
| ''H'' || is the water column(ft/s, m/s)

Revision as of 20:27, 1 March 2011


Module Runoff allows the calculation of the overland surface runoff over a regular structured grid as function of the water column and terrain slope. The water column, namely the water located above the terrain, is given by the Module Basin where the precipitation is converting into a water column considering the losses due to the evapotranspiration and the infiltration processes. In particular the overland flow is evaluated by the Manning’s equation.

Main Processes

The runoff is calculated by the Manning's equation. In order to apply it each cells of the grid are considered as a open channel as shown in the scheme below.



H is the water column(ft/s, m/s)
W is the cell width

In order to apply this formula each cells is consider like a open channel where the water level is given by the water column and the slope in the two directions X,Y is given by the difference of the slopes' interfaces. The roughtness of the terrain is given by the manning coefficient ans it is obtained by the land use map by a gis process.

The runoff is calculated by the Manning's equation as follow:

In order to apply the manning formula

Failed to parse (unknown error): \[Q=\frac{1}{n}\cdot A\cdot R_{h}^{2/3}\cdot s^{1/2}\]


| Q || is the flow (m^{2/3}/s) |- | n || is the Gauckler–Manning coefficient (independent of units) |- | Rh Template:Pad|| is the hydraulic radius (m) |- | S || is the slope of the water surface or the linear hydraulic head loss (ft/ft, m/m) (S = hf/L) |}

Other Features

How To Generate Manning Coefficients

Manning coefficients must be provided in runoff data file.


  • Use a constant value
  • Define a Manning's grid: One possible option is to associate Manning with land use classes (shape file). In this case can use MOHID GIS going to menu [Tools]->[Shape to Grid Data] and provide: i) the grid (model grid), ii) the land use shape file and iii) the corespondence between land use codes and Manning.

Use Manning inicialization with Module FillMatrix standards in the block:

FILE_IN_TIME           : NONE
DEFAULTVALUE           : 0.08
FILENAME               : ..\..\GeneralData\Runoff\Mannings200m_v2.dat 



Data File

