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2gif is a nice little utility used to create gif animations.


Please put the executable directory in the PATH environment variable.

The following syntax allows to create an animated gif anim.gif from bmp files with a delay of 500 ms between each frame:

$ 2gif.exe s=*.bmp -namegen=anim.gif -unite -Delay500

Make colors transparent

$ 2gif.exe s="C:\Source Images\*.*" d="C:\out" -totranspm(255,255,255)

Command line tips

Producing large amounts of snapshots and creating animations can be very time-consuming. Here are a few tips for speeding up with the commandline:

  • Get the 2gif utility and add the folder to the PATH environment variable.
  • Get the winzip utility and add the folder to the PATH environment variable.

The idea is basically inside your figures folder, to create a subfolder with the number of the run, and save inside the images and animations. The goal is to keep the same structure for each run, thus allowing more efficiency.

Open a command line window and go to the figures folder:

$ xcopy /T /E Run_1 Run_New
$ cd Run_New
Now create a snapshot of the results, and save the images and the animation
$ 2gif.exe s=*.bmp -namegen=anim.gif -unite -Delay1000
$ winzip32 -min -m *.bmp
$ move *.* This_snap

Useful references