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==Main Processes==
==Main Processes==
Main processes in SedimentQuality are organic matter mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and immobilization. These processes are simulated using a standard rate ( that is afected by temperature, pH, oxygen in case of aerobic processes and sustrate concentrations if exist.
Main processes in SedimentQuality are organic matter mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and immobilization driven by microorganisms. These processes and microorganisms death are simulated using a standard rate ( that is afected by temperature, pH, oxygen in case of aerobic processes and substrate concentrations if exist.
An old formulation based on RZWQM was adapted in order to be consistent in units and in the new formulation a maximum rate exists and "stress" factors (from 0 to 1) are computed accordingly to pH, aerobiose and aerobiose conditions, oxygen and susbtrate availability. Aerobiose and aerobiose conditions are computed from realtive water content.
A maximum rate is computed calculating the standard rate at the actual temperature (day-1.pop-1) times bacteria population that conducts the process.
A maximum rate is computed calculating the standard rate at the actual temperature (day-1.pop-1) times bacteria population that conducts the process.
<math> MaxRate (day-1) = Standard Rate at actual Temperature (day-1.pop-1) * BacteriaPopulation </math>
<math> MaximumRate = \left [\frac{K_{b}\times T_{p}}{h_{p}}\times A_{decay}\times e^\left [{\frac{-Ea}{Rg\times T_{p}}}  \right ] \right ]\times Micro_{pop}</math>
<math> MaximumDeathRate = \left [\frac{\frac{K_{b}\times T_{p}}{h_{p}}\times A_{decay}}{e^\left [\frac{-Ea}{Rg\times T_{p}}  \right ]} \right ]\times Micro_{pop}</math>
Kb - Boltzman constant [J.K−1]
Tp - temperature [K]
hp - Planck constant [J.s]
Rg - Universal gas constant [Kcal.mole-1.K-1]
Adecay - decay coefficient [s. day-1.pop-1]
Ea - Apparent activation energy [Kcal.mole−1]
<math> NonDeathRate = MaximumRate \times \varphi (Aerobiose/Anaerobiose)\times \varphi (Oxygen)\times \varphi (pH)\times \varphi (Substrate_nonDeath) </math>
<math> DeathRate = MaximumDeathRate \times \frac{1}{\varphi (Aerobiose/Anaerobiose)}\times (1 -\varphi (Oxygen))\times (1 -\varphi (pH))\times \varphi (Substrate_Death) </math>
This term has a value of 1 in pHopt and symetric descending behaviour up to acid and basic pH's. In the case that is used in death rates the term is (1 - pHterm) since value 1 (maximum death rate) will be for the worst conditions (pH acid or basic) and 0 for best conditions.
<math>if pH > pHopt => pHused = 2* pHopt - pH</math>
<math>pHTerm=\frac{pHused}{2\times pHopt-pHused}</math>
'''OxygenTerm and Sustrate in non death rates'''
The oxygen term and substrate term represent the abundance of substance that has not a negative effect on high concentrations. As so, for higher concentrations than optimum the value will be always 1. for lower concentrations than optimum there is a linear decrease of the term up to zero concentration and zero term.
In the case that oxygen term is used in death rates it will become (1 - OxygenTerm) since the value 1 represents a maximum death rate and 0 represents no death.
<math>Term = min\left [\frac{Conc}{ConcOpt} , 1 \right ]</math>
'''SubstrateTerm in Death Rates'''
In the case that the substrate term is used in death rates it becomes a exponential decay with increasing substrate (higher than a mimimum) to represent the same behaviour as old formulation.
For concentration lower than the minimum, the term is 1 and death rate is maximum. For concentrations higher than the minimum the term as an exponential decay showing the effect of increasing material on lowering death rate.
<math> ActualRate (day-1) = MaxRate (day-1) * Aerobiose/AnaerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm * SubstrateTerm </math>
<math>Term=min\left [\frac{MinConc}{Conc} , 1 \right ]</math>
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Organic matter is mineralized to ammonia with heterotrophic bacteria and also immobilization may occur in order to maintain bacteria C:N ratios.
Organic matter is mineralized to ammonia with heterotrophic bacteria and also immobilization may occur in order to maintain bacteria C:N ratios.
Heterotrophic LPOM mineralization rate
<math>Insert formula here</math>
'''LPOM mineralization rate'''
<math>LPOMRate = LPOM_MaximumRate(HeterotrophsPop) * AerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm </math>
Heterotrophic RPOM mineralization rate
<math>Insert formula here</math>
'''RPOM mineralization rate'''
<math>RPOMRate = RPOM_MaximumRate(HeterotrophsPop) * AerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm</math>
Immobilization rate
<math>Insert formula here</math>
'''Immobilization rate'''
<math>Insert formula here</math>
Nitrification is driven by autotrophic microorganisms. Also immobilization is associated.
<math>NitrificationRate = Nitrification_MaximumRate(AutotrophsPop) * AerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm</math>
Nitrification rate
<math>Insert formula here</math>
Denitrification is driven by anaerobic microorganisms. Also immobilization is associated.
<math>DenitrificationRate = Denitrification_MaximumRate(AnaerobicPop) * AnaerobioseTerm * pHTerm * Substrate_Carbon(</math>
===Microorganisms Growth===
Microorganisms incorporate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the processes described above. However, they also have sinks as respiration and death.
'''Death Rates'''
Denitrification rate
Heterotrohpic microorganisms
<math>HeterotrophicDeathRate = Heterotrophic_MaximumDeathRate(HeterotrophicPop) * (1 /AerobioseTerm) * (1 - pHTerm) * (1 - OxygenTerm) * SubstrateTerm_Carbon</math>
<math>Insert formula here</math>
Autotrohpic  microorganisms
<math>AutotrophicDeathRate = Autotrophic_MaximumDeathRate(AutotrophicPop) * (1 /AerobioseTerm) * (1 - pHTerm) * (1 - OxygenTerm) * SubstrateTerm_Ammonia</math>
Anaerobic  microorganisms
<math>AnaerobicDeathRate = Anaerobic_MaximumDeathRate(AnaerobicPop) * (1 /AnaerobioseTerm) * (1 - pHTerm) * SubstrateTerm_Nitrate * SubstrateTerm_Carbon</math>
==Other Features==
==Other Features==
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[[Category:MOHID Land]]
====New Formulation====
  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAIN SEDIMENT OPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAIN SEDIMENT OPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  !CARBON  : 1
  CARBON  : 1
  OXYGEN  : 1  
  OXYGEN  : 1  
  DTSECONDS    : 86400.
  DTSECONDS    : 86400.
  NO3_LIMIT    : 0. ![mg/L] Minimum value for denitrification or maximum value for methane production in organic matter decay
  NO3_LIMIT    : 0.     ![mg/L] Minimum value for denitrification or maximum value for methane production in organic matter decay
CHANGE_RATES : 0  !0 - original rates; 1-changed rates (removing concentrations from rates so do not change units)
  NEW_RATES    : 1     !1 - new rates using maximum * factors; 0 - old formulation
  NEW_RATES    : 1 !1 - new rates using maximum * factors
  IMOBILIZATION : 0   !1 - immobilization is connected; 0 - immobilization is disconnected 
  EXPLICIT : 1         !explicit method
!IMPLICIT  ! not working?
====Old Formulation====
  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAIN SEDIMENT OPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  !!!! Organic Matter Decay !!!!
  DTSECONDS    : 86400.
AE          : 15.1        ![kcal.mole-1] Initial Activation Energy
  NO3_LIMIT    : 0.    ![mg/L] Minimum value for denitrification or maximum value for methane production in organic matter decay
  Acoef        : 0.391E-9    !same rate as original rates  !1E-7        ![] Rate Coefficient
  IMOBILIZATION : 0    !1 - immobilization is connected; 0 - immobilization is disconnected 
kp     : 12.3     ![L/mol] Salinity coefficient
  Temperature  : 35          ![ºC] Optimal Temperature   
  OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
  EXPLICIT : 1         !explicit method
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
AE          : 15.1
Acoef        : 0.653E-11    !0.653E-10    !same rate as original rates  !1.67E-8
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
!!!! Microorganisms Death !!!!!
AE          : 15.19
Acoef        : 1.01E-33    !5.00E-34    !5.00E-35 testing
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
ConcMinCarbon : 1000.        ![kg/kgsoil] - labil and refractary organic carbon. below rate is maximum
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
AE          : 12.64
Acoef        : 1.35E-25    !1.34E-25      !same rate as original rates  !6.68E-30  testing
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
ConcMinAmmonia : 1.          ![mg/L] - ammonia min. below rate is maximum
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
AE          : 12.83
Acoef        : 4.522E-30    !4.76E-33      !4.76E-30      !4.76E-23
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
ConcMinNitrate : 1.          ![mg/L] - nitrate min. below rate is maximum
ConcMinCarbon : 1000.        ![kg/kgsoil] - labil and refractary organic carbon. below rate is maximum
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
!!!! Nitrification !!!!!
AE          : 21
Acoef        : 0.    !3.33E-04          ! 3.33E-01                          !Need for a standard value.
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
!!!! Ammonia Immobilization !!!!!
AE          : 15.1
Acoef        : 5E-07
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
!!!! Denitrification !!!!!
AE          : 12.6
Acoef        : 1.431E-10  !1.746E-8      !1.00E-13  2E-7 gave similar results as original rates with 1E-13
kp     : 0
Temperature  : 35
ConcOptCarbon : 10000.        ![kg/kgsoil] - labil and refractary organic carbon. below rate is maximum
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
!!!! Nitrate Immobilization !!!!!
AE          : 15.1
Acoef        : 5E-07
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
!!!! Urea hydrolysis !!!!!
AE     : 12.6
Acoef        : 2.50E-04
kp     : 0
Temperature  : 35
!!!! Phsphorus Immobilization !!!!!
AE     : 15.1
Acoef        : 1.955E-9    !5E-10        !5E-07 testing
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
!!!! Methane Production !!!!! -> testing
AE     : 12.6
Acoef        : 1.252E-12      !same rate as original rates !1E-13  testing
kp     : 0
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
!!!! Solubilizing Bacteria  !!!!!
AE          : 15.19
Acoef        : 5.00E-35
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
AE          : 1.64E-04
Acoef        : 7.92E-10
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35   
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
AE          : 2.02E-04
Acoef        : 2.58E-10
kp     : 12.3
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
[[Category:MOHID Base 1]]
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
[[Category:MOHID Land]]
AE          : 12.6                
Acoef        : 1.10E-13
kp     : 0
Temperature  : 35
OptimumpH    : 7            ![] Optimum pH for reaction
ConcOptO2    : 10          ![mg/L] Maxium conc. above rate will be maximum.
CN_RATIO                : 3.40        !
CP_RATIO : 12.09      !
POPULATION_CARBON_RATIO : 950        !950        ![(#org/kgsoil)/(mgC/kgsoil)]
CARBON_EFICIENCY        : 0.13        !
NITROGEN_EFICIENCY      : 0          !
MINIMUM_POPULATION      : 50000.      ![#org/kgsoil]
CN_RATIO                : 2.01
CP_RATIO : 13.82   
CN_RATIO                : 3.40
CP_RATIO : 13.82   
CN_RATIO                :8
CP_RATIO :60   

Latest revision as of 19:46, 8 December 2013


This is the 0D module that handles sediment biological processes made by bacteria as organic matter mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and immobilization.

Main Processes

Main processes in SedimentQuality are organic matter mineralization, nitrification, denitrification and immobilization driven by microorganisms. These processes and microorganisms death are simulated using a standard rate ( that is afected by temperature, pH, oxygen in case of aerobic processes and substrate concentrations if exist. An old formulation based on RZWQM was adapted in order to be consistent in units and in the new formulation a maximum rate exists and "stress" factors (from 0 to 1) are computed accordingly to pH, aerobiose and aerobiose conditions, oxygen and susbtrate availability. Aerobiose and aerobiose conditions are computed from realtive water content.

A maximum rate is computed calculating the standard rate at the actual temperature (day-1.pop-1) times bacteria population that conducts the process.

 MaximumRate = \left [\frac{K_{b}\times T_{p}}{h_{p}}\times A_{decay}\times e^\left [{\frac{-Ea}{Rg\times T_{p}}}  \right ] \right ]\times Micro_{pop}

 MaximumDeathRate = \left [\frac{\frac{K_{b}\times T_{p}}{h_{p}}\times A_{decay}}{e^\left [\frac{-Ea}{Rg\times T_{p}}  \right ]} \right ]\times Micro_{pop}


Kb - Boltzman constant [J.K−1]
Tp - temperature [K]
hp - Planck constant [J.s]
Rg - Universal gas constant [Kcal.mole-1.K-1]
Adecay - decay coefficient [s. day-1.pop-1]
Ea - Apparent activation energy [Kcal.mole−1]

 NonDeathRate = MaximumRate \times \varphi (Aerobiose/Anaerobiose)\times \varphi (Oxygen)\times \varphi (pH)\times \varphi (Substrate_nonDeath) 

 DeathRate = MaximumDeathRate \times \frac{1}{\varphi (Aerobiose/Anaerobiose)}\times (1 -\varphi (Oxygen))\times (1 -\varphi (pH))\times \varphi (Substrate_Death) 

pHTerm This term has a value of 1 in pHopt and symetric descending behaviour up to acid and basic pH's. In the case that is used in death rates the term is (1 - pHterm) since value 1 (maximum death rate) will be for the worst conditions (pH acid or basic) and 0 for best conditions.

if pH > pHopt => pHused = 2* pHopt - pH

pHTerm=\frac{pHused}{2\times pHopt-pHused}

OxygenTerm and Sustrate in non death rates The oxygen term and substrate term represent the abundance of substance that has not a negative effect on high concentrations. As so, for higher concentrations than optimum the value will be always 1. for lower concentrations than optimum there is a linear decrease of the term up to zero concentration and zero term. In the case that oxygen term is used in death rates it will become (1 - OxygenTerm) since the value 1 represents a maximum death rate and 0 represents no death.

Term = min\left [\frac{Conc}{ConcOpt} , 1 \right ]

SubstrateTerm in Death Rates In the case that the substrate term is used in death rates it becomes a exponential decay with increasing substrate (higher than a mimimum) to represent the same behaviour as old formulation. For concentration lower than the minimum, the term is 1 and death rate is maximum. For concentrations higher than the minimum the term as an exponential decay showing the effect of increasing material on lowering death rate.

Term=min\left [\frac{MinConc}{Conc} , 1 \right ]

Organic Matter Mineralization

Organic matter is mineralized to ammonia with heterotrophic bacteria and also immobilization may occur in order to maintain bacteria C:N ratios.

LPOM mineralization rate

LPOMRate = LPOM_MaximumRate(HeterotrophsPop) * AerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm 

RPOM mineralization rate

RPOMRate = RPOM_MaximumRate(HeterotrophsPop) * AerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm

Immobilization rate

Insert formula here


Nitrification is driven by autotrophic microorganisms. Also immobilization is associated.

NitrificationRate = Nitrification_MaximumRate(AutotrophsPop) * AerobioseTerm * pHTerm * OxygenTerm


Denitrification is driven by anaerobic microorganisms. Also immobilization is associated.

DenitrificationRate = Denitrification_MaximumRate(AnaerobicPop) * AnaerobioseTerm * pHTerm * Substrate_Carbon(

Microorganisms Growth

Microorganisms incorporate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the processes described above. However, they also have sinks as respiration and death.

Death Rates

Heterotrohpic microorganisms
HeterotrophicDeathRate = Heterotrophic_MaximumDeathRate(HeterotrophicPop) * (1 /AerobioseTerm) * (1 - pHTerm) * (1 - OxygenTerm) * SubstrateTerm_Carbon

Autotrohpic  microorganisms
AutotrophicDeathRate = Autotrophic_MaximumDeathRate(AutotrophicPop) * (1 /AerobioseTerm) * (1 - pHTerm) * (1 - OxygenTerm) * SubstrateTerm_Ammonia

Anaerobic  microorganisms
AnaerobicDeathRate = Anaerobic_MaximumDeathRate(AnaerobicPop) * (1 /AnaerobioseTerm) * (1 - pHTerm) * SubstrateTerm_Nitrate * SubstrateTerm_Carbon

Other Features


Output is done in terms of timeseries, HDF, and boxes following the MOHID standards.


Data File


Properties Units:
dissolved                 - as from called - in MOHID Land mg/L
adsorbed/particulated     - as from called - in MOHID Land mg/kgsoil
CO2 and CH4               - same as adsorbed/particulated properties
N2                        - same as dissolved properties
oxygen                    - mol/L
hydrogen                  - mol/L
microorganisms population - #org/kgsoil
wind                      - km/day

OXYGEN   	            :  [0/1]       0      !Connect/Disconnect Oxygen computation 
SOL_BACTERIA 	            :  [0/1]       0	  !Connect/Disconnect Solubilizing bacteria computation 

DTSECONDS                  :  [s]       86400.   !dt to evaluate
NO3_LIMIT                  :  [mg/L]      0.     !Minimum value for denitrification or maximum value for 
                                                   !methane production in organic matter decay
NEW_RATES                  : [0/1]        0      !Connect/Disconnect new rates formulation using maximum * factors
IMOBILIZATION              : [0/1]        1      !Connect/Disconnect immobilization

EXPLICIT                   : [0/1]        1      !Explicit computation for time dicretization


New Formulation

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAIN SEDIMENT OPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CARBON   	: 1
OXYGEN   	: 1 

DTSECONDS    : 86400.
NO3_LIMIT    : 0.     ![mg/L] Minimum value for denitrification or maximum value for methane production in organic matter decay
NEW_RATES    : 1      !1 - new rates using maximum * factors; 0 - old formulation
IMOBILIZATION : 0    !1 - immobilization is connected; 0 - immobilization is disconnected   

EXPLICIT : 1          !explicit method

Old Formulation

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAIN SEDIMENT OPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CARBON   	: 1
OXYGEN   	: 1 

DTSECONDS    : 86400.
NO3_LIMIT    : 0.     ![mg/L] Minimum value for denitrification or maximum value for methane production in organic matter decay
IMOBILIZATION : 0    !1 - immobilization is connected; 0 - immobilization is disconnected   

EXPLICIT : 1          !explicit method