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(Extending the LV size)
Line 234: Line 234:
  > su
  > su
  > pvextend
  > pvextend
> fuser -m /dev/data/opendap
> ps aux | grep xxxx
> kill xxxx
  > lvextend -L+150G /dev/data/opendap
  > lvextend -L+150G /dev/data/opendap
  > lvextend -L+45 /dev/data/ftp
  > lvextend -L+45 /dev/data/ftp
> umount /dev/data/opendap
> umount /dev/data/ftp
  > fsck -f /dev/data/opendap
  > fsck -f /dev/data/opendap
  > fsck -f /dev/data/ftp
  > fsck -f /dev/data/ftp
  > resize2fs /dev/data/opendap
  > resize2fs /dev/data/opendap
  > resize2fs /dev/data/ftp
  > resize2fs /dev/data/ftp
> mount /dev/data/opendap
> mount /dev/data/ftp
====Deleting pv, vg and lvs. Starting over.====
====Deleting pv, vg and lvs. Starting over.====

Latest revision as of 11:31, 10 February 2011

VmMrtSrv06 is a xen domain built in Maretec xen server composed of a 20GB LV and a temporarily device made of a dvd iso.


This domain is meant to become a dedicated OpenDAP/Thredds/LAS and ftp server.




From the maretec user at the MrtXnSrv,

Create a new LV and a new domain

First make sure that you have a decent configuration file with a bootable cd .iso file where you can install the OS. For this example we used the following configuration file:

> sudo lvcreate -n vmmrtsrv06 -L 20G dados01
> cd /home/maretec/xen_configs
/home/maretec/xen_configs> sudo /usr/sbin/xm new -F vmmrtsrv06-1.0.cfg
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm start vmmrtsrv06
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm sched-credit -d VMMMRTSRV06 -w 256 -c 150
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm sched-credit
sched-credit> Name                                ID Weight  Cap
Domain-0                             0    256    0
VMMRTSRV02                          17    256    0
VMMRTSRV03                                256    0
VMMRTSRV04                          19    256    0
VMMRTSRV05                          33    256    0
VMMRTSRV06                          36    256  150

let's add a data LV as a new PV in the domain

> sudo /sbin/lvcreate -n vmmrtsrv06-data -L 50G dados01
> ls -l /dev/mapper
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm block-attach VMMRTSRV06 phy:/dev/mapper/dados01-vmmrtsrv06--data hdb:disk w
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm reboot VMMRTSRV06

Accessing the domain via a console with VNC

Access the domain with a VNC client, such as <goto>TightVNC</goto>. The domain console access port with VNC is If running from the live cd, then proceed to install the distro. If the distro is already installed and you're not running from the live cd, then the linux distro is already installed and you can check the network ip so you can ssh. Open a new terminal and type the > ifconfig command. Read the ip number. In this case we have Then you can proceed to configure your new domain.


From the user user at the VmMrtSrv06,

Update your distro

> su
> yum update

Add a new PV, a new VG and new LVs

> pvcreate /dev/sdb
> pvscan
> vgcreate -p 4 -v data /dev/sdb
> vgscan
> lvcreate -n opendap -L 40G data
> lvcreate -n ftp -L 5G data
> lvcreate -n http -L 1G data

Create filesystems and mount them

> mkfs -t ext2 /dev/data/opendap
> mkfs -t ext2 /dev/data/ftp
> mkfs -t ext2 /dev/data/http
> mkdir /opendap
> mkdir /http
> mkdir /ftp
> vim /etc/fstab
fstab> /dev/data/opendap       /opendap                ext2    defaults        0 0
fstab> /dev/data/http          /http                   ext2    defaults        0 0
fstab> /dev/data/ftp           /ftp                    ext2    defaults        0 0
> mount -a
> df

Configure users and groups

  • Use VNC then go to System-->Administration-->Users and groups
  • Make users the primary group of user user.
  • Create the group Maretec. Every user of this system should be applied to the group Maretec.
  • Create the user datamover. Make his primary group Maretec.

Configure permissions

> chgrp -R maretec /opendap 
> chgrp -R maretec /ftp 
> chgrp -R maretec /http
> chmod g+w /opendap
> chmod g+w /http
> chmod g+w /ftp

Configure the firewall

> vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables
iptables> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
> /etc/init.d/iptables restart
> netstat -tulpn

From the X environment, open up the System-->Administration-->Firewall. Then open up the ports 22(ssh), 21(ftp), 80(http), 443(https) and 8080(tomcat).

Enable sshd

> vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sshd_config> #PermitRootLogin yes
sshd_config> PermitRootLogin no
> service sshd start
> service sshd status
> chkconfig --level 345 sshd on
> chkconfig | grep sshd

and smb

> yum install samba
> service smb start
> chkconfig --level 345 smb on
> chkconfig | grep smd
> smbpasswd -a datamover
> vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
smb.conf> see a typical config here
> chcon -R -t samba_share_t /opendap

and httpd

> service httpd start
> service httpd status
> chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
> chkconfig | grep httpd
> chown -R apache:apache /http
> chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t /http
> locate httpd.conf
> vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
httpd.conf> :%s@/var/www@/http@g
> service httpd restart

and php

> yum install php php-devel php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mysqlphp-xml php-xmlrpc curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 libxml2-devel
> vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
httpd.conf> DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi index.php index.php3 index.xml
> service httpd restart

and ftpd

> yum install pure-ftpd
> vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local
rc.local> /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -E -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb &
>  vim /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
ChrootEveryone              yes
NoAnonymous                 yes
PureDB                      /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb
> groupadd ftpgroup
> useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
> mkdir /ftp/ftpusers
> pure-pw useradd joe -u ftpuser -d /ftp/ftpusers/joe -m
> pure-pw mkdb
> /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -E -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb &
> ftp localhost

Fiuu, that was a long one!

Add a new ftp user
> pure-pw useradd joe -u ftpuser -d /ftp/ftpusers/joe -m
> pure-pw mkdb
> ps aux | grep ftpd
> kill pid number
> /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -E -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb &

Install Thredds

  • Configure Thredds
  • Then launch it at startup:
> vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local
rc.local> /home/user/Download/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/bin/

Install Netcdf

> yum install netcdf
> yum install nco

Install ferret

> yum install csh compat-libstdc++-33.i386 libstdc++-devel.i386
> wget
> wget
> wget
> mkdir /usr/local/ferret
> cd /usr/local/ferret
> zcat $HOME/fer_environment.tar.Z | tar xvf -
> mkdir $HOME/fer_dsets
> cd $HOME/fer_dsets
> zcat $HOME/fer_dsets.tar.Z | tar xvf -
> /usr/local/ferret/bin/Finstall
> cp /usr/local/ferret/bin/ferret_paths_bash_template /usr/local/ferret_paths
> vim /usr/local/ferret_paths
> vim /etc/profile
/etc/profile> source /usr/local/ferret_paths
> ferret
ferret> yes?

Install Las

> yum install ant mysql
> wget
> mkdir /usr/local/las
> cd /usr/local/las
> tar -xvf $HOME/las.v7.0.2.tar.gz
> cd las.v7.0.2
> ./configure
Edit later 'JavaSource/resources/ferret/FerretBackendConfig.xml' to change the configuration options.
> vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local
rc.local> /usr/local/las/

NOTE: LAS7.0.2 installation FAILED due to changes in the folder tree of latest tomcat version in use. Must retry to relaunch it. Workaround:

> vim build.xml
build.xml> :%s@common/lib@lib@g
> ant deploy

FAILED still :(

Install svn

> su
> yum install subversion trac
> lvcreate -n svn -L 2G data
> mkfs -t ext2 /dev/data/svn
> mkdir /svn
> vim /etc/fstab
> mount -a
> df
> chgrp -R maretec /svn
> chmod g+w /svn
> chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t /svn


Extending the LV size

Not done :(. Instead I'm starting over... (don't have access to the lvextend, fsck and resize2fd commands)

From the maretec user at the MrtXnSrv,

> sudo /sbin/lvextend -L+200G /dev/dados01/vmmrtsrv06-data
> sudo /sbin/fsck -f /dev/dados01/vmmrtsrv06-data
> sudo /sbin/resize2fs /dev/dados01/vmmrtsrv06-data

From the user user at the VmMrtSrv06,

> su
> pvextend
> fuser -m /dev/data/opendap
> ps aux | grep xxxx
> kill xxxx
> lvextend -L+150G /dev/data/opendap
> lvextend -L+45 /dev/data/ftp
> umount /dev/data/opendap
> umount /dev/data/ftp
> fsck -f /dev/data/opendap
> fsck -f /dev/data/ftp
> resize2fs /dev/data/opendap
> resize2fs /dev/data/ftp
> mount /dev/data/opendap
> mount /dev/data/ftp


Deleting pv, vg and lvs. Starting over.

From user user in the VmMrtSrv06

> su
> vim /etc/fstab
fstab> #/dev/data/opendap      /opendap                ext2    defaults        0 0
fstab> #/dev/data/http         /http                   ext2    defaults        0 0
fstab> #/dev/data/ftp          /ftp                    ext2    defaults        0 0
> umount /opendap
> umount /http
> umount /ftp
> vgremove data
> pvremove -ff /dev/sdb

At this stage, all is done in VmMrtSrv06. You can proceed to shutdown.

From the user maretec in the MrtXnSrv:

> sudo /usr/sbin/xm shutdown VMMRTSRV06
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm list -l VMMRTSRV06
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm block-detach VMMRTSRV06 hdb
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm list -l VMMRTSRV06
> sudo /sbin/lvcreate -n vmmrtsrv06-data01 -L 250G dados01
> ls -l /dev/mapper
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm block-attach VMMRTSRV06 phy:/dev/mapper/dados01-vmmrtsrv06--data01 hdb:disk w
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm start VMMRTSRV06

Changing the bridging between the LAN and the DMZ

Switching from LAN(eth0) to DMZ(eth1)

> sudo /usr/sbin/xm shutdown VMMRTSRV06
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm list -l VMMRTSRV06 > xen_configs/VMMRTSRV06_1.1.cfg
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm delete VMMRTSRV06
> vim xen_configs/VMMRTSRV06_1.1.cfg
06_1.1.cfg> remove all lines with uuid, status, long serial numbers, mac adresses ...
> cp xen_configs/VMMRTSRV06_1.1.cfg xen_configs/VMMRTSRV06_1.2.cfg
> vim xen_configs/VMMRTSRV06_1.2.cfg
06_1.2.cfg> (bridge eth1) 
06_1.2.cfg> :w
06_1.2.cfg> :q
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm new -F vmmrtsrv06-1.2.cfg
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm start VMMRTSRV06

Then, use TighVNC to enter the domain through console access as user:

  • System--> Administration--> Network--> New. It will open a wizard.
  • Ethernet connection--> Realtek (eth1)
  • Static ip-->
  • Subnet mask-->
  • Gateway-->
  • Save.
> su
> /sbin/service network restart
> /sbin/ifconfig
> /sbin/route -n

Finally, you need to ask Marco Reis from Conexa to configure the router firewall so it links the ports between the LAN firewall and the DMZ firewall (reverse tunneling, height port). You might as well ask also to open up ports 21, 20, 80, 443 and 8080.

Reconfiguring httpd

> vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
httpd.conf> Listen
httpd.conf> :w
httpd.conf> :q
> /sbin/service httpd restart
> curl

Reconfiguring pure-ftpd

> ps aux | grep ftp
> kill pid ftpd
> /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -E -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb &
> ftp localhost

Switching from DMZ(eth1) to LAN(eth0)

> sudo /usr/sbin/xm shutdown VMMRTSRV06
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm delete VMMRTSRV06
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm new -F vmmrtsrv06-1.1.cfg
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm start VMMRTSRV06

Then, use TighVNC to enter the domain through console access as user:

  • System--> Administration--> Network-->
  • Ethernet connection--> Realtek (eth0)
  • Static ip-->
  • Subnet mask-->
  • Gateway-->
  • Save.
> su
> /sbin/service network restart
> /sbin/ifconfig
> /sbin/route -n


  • The mouse in VNC won't work!
  • > sudo yum update on the client maching, then reboot.