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Line 14: Line 14:
  four five six
  four five six
  > pr -m -t -sfile1 file2 | gawk '{print $4,$5,$6,$1}'
  > pr -m -t -s file1 file2 | gawk '{print $4,$5,$6,$1}'
  four five six one
  four five six one
  four five six one
  four five six one
  four five six one
  four five six one
  four five six one
  four five six one
DOS tip:
$ pr -m -t file1.txt file2.txt | sed 's/\x0D//g' | gawk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6}'
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Latest revision as of 19:35, 17 September 2010

Pr is a small linux utility that produces paginated column output from different input ascii text files. Use it with Awk.


> cat file1
one two three
one two three
one two three
one two three
> cat file2
four five six
four five six
four five six
four five six
> pr -m -t -s file1 file2 | gawk '{print $4,$5,$6,$1}'
four five six one
four five six one
four five six one
four five six one

DOS tip:

$ pr -m -t file1.txt file2.txt | sed 's/\x0D//g' | gawk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6}'

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