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Winscp is a little yet powerful secure copy (scp) or secure file protocol transfer (sftp) client. In command line mode it allows to easily automate some tasks such as access and transfer from remote linux-based machines.


The following line executes a text-script that transfers to the machine the folder MyFolder:

>winscp3 /console /script=winscpscript.txt 
#winscript.txt content
option batch on
option confirm off
open fedora:fedora@
cd /home/fedora/Aplica
option transfer binary
put MyFolder


Here's a combination with a batch file, that creates a clean copy of a MOHID simulation and then transfers it to a linux machine with a winscp script:

> copysimulation MySimulation
#copysimulation.bat content
#Input argument %1 stands for simulation name
@echo off
set COPYHOME=C:\Program Files\2gif
xcopy %1\*.* %1_copy /E /EXCLUDE:%COPYHOME%\exclui.txt
perl %COPYHOME%/ 's/%2/\.\.\/\.\./g' *
perl %COPYHOME%/ 's/\\/\//g' *
winscp3 /console /script=%COPYHOME%\winscpfedora.txt
@echo on
#winscpfedora.txt content
#don't stall on errors
option batch on
#don't ask for confirmation
option confirm off

open fedora:fedora@
cd /homes/Aplica
option transfer binary

External references