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===All-in-one tex file===
===All-in-one tex file===
  \documentclass[11pt]{report} %report, paper, book
  \documentclass[11pt]{report} %report, paper, book, letter

Revision as of 13:20, 7 January 2009

Here's a latex template. Copy/paste the latex snippets into your working folder.

tex files

Where you put all your text and images.

All-in-one tex file

\documentclass[11pt]{report} %report, paper, book, letter



\title{My Title}
\author{Me\\ \emph{MARETEC IST}}




Hey, here's the introduction...

And here's the content~\cite{lemos2006stv}:

e^{i\,\pi} + 1 = 0

Finally, the conclusion...


But wait! Let's not forget the annex...



Same but with includes

NOTE: each include is a separate tex file.

\documentclass[11pt]{report} %report, paper, book



\title{My Title}
\author{Me\\ \emph{MARETEC IST}}






Hey, here's the introduction...
And here's the content~\cite{lemos2006stv}:

e^{i\,\pi} + 1 = 0
Finally, the conclusion...
But wait! Let's not forget the annex...

sty file

Where you define all your macros, custom commands and usepackages. It can be reused for several documents. Is to be included in the tex file.


% Griflet commands latex style - 20071018

\newcommand{\del}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\Dt}[1]{\frac{D #1}{Dt}}

\newcommand{\dx}[1]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial x}}
\newcommand{\dy}[1]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial y}}
\newcommand{\dz}[1]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial z}}
\newcommand{\dt}[1]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial t}}

%New commands ad-hoc
\newcommand{\InternalHeatFlux}{\left( - F_{rad}^{\prime\,i} + k^{\,\prime}\,


bib file

NOTE: To manage all your citations and references online, I heartily recommend CiteULike.

Where you keep all your life's references and citations. It is common to reuse always the same up-to-date bibtex file for all your works. It is included in the tex file. Note that the bibtex file is usually created from a citation manager like CiteULike or <goto>Endnote</goto>. You can also use it with your OpenOffice documents.

%% BibTex file written by B3 %%

  title={ {Spatio-temporal variability of ocean temperature in the Portugal Current System} },
  author={Lemos, R.T. and Sans{'o}, B.},
  journal={Journal of Geophysical Research},

  title={ {Applied Turbulence Modelling in Marine Waters} },
  author={Burchard, H. and others},

  title={ {A numerical method for the study of the world ocean} },
  author={Bryan, K.},
  journal={J. Comput. Phys},

  title={ {Analysis of Flow of Control for Reverse Engineering of Sequence Diagrams} },
  author={Volgin, O.N.},
  school={The Ohio State University}


Simply type these commands from the command line in order to make the document

> latex main.tex
> bibtex main
> latex main.tex
> latex main.tex
> dvipdf main.dvi

Or, you can use the latex makefile project, copy the makefile and the dependencies file, and type:

> make -ri main.pdf

See Also