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#puts mybits.whereis(" 32 ").join("\n") | #puts mybits.whereis(" 32 ").join("\n") | ||
#puts timefromnow('2008-11-14 17:18:46') | #puts timefromnow('2008-11-14 17:18:46') | ||
+ | |||
</pre> | </pre> | ||
</htm> | </htm> |
Revision as of 16:11, 28 October 2010
Codebits rfid bot
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'jabber/bot' require 'socket' require 'date' def sendreceive(request,ip='',port=13568) puts "initializing socket..." TCPSocket.open(ip, port.to_i) do |sock| puts "done\n" puts "sending request..." sock.write(request) puts "done\n" puts "getting answer..." result = sock.read(100) puts "done\n" sock.close return result end end def timefromnow(string) now = DateTime.now date = DateTime.parse(string) days = (now-date).to_f secs = days * 86400 if secs < 60 msg = secs.to_i + " seconds ago." else if secs > 59 && secs < 120 msg = "1 minute ago." else mins = secs / 60 if mins < 60 msg = mins.to_i.to_s + " minutes ago." else if mins > 59 && mins < 120 msg = "1 hour ago." else hours = mins / 60 if hours < 24 msg = hours.to_i.to_s + " hours ago." else if hours > 23 && hours < 48 msg = "1 day ago." else days = hours / 24 msg = days.to_i.to_s + " days ago." end end end end end end return msg end class Rfidcodebits def initialize(file = "rfidbits.txt") @cache = file @results = Array.new end def whereis(message) flag = false File.open(@cache,'r') { |fs| pat=message.gsub(/ /,' .*') while line = fs.gets words = line.split(/\|/) if words[5].match(/#{pat}/i) || words[2].match(/^#{message.strip}$/) flag = true @results.push("#{words[5]} (#{words[2]}) was last seen at " + words[1] + ", " + timefromnow(words[3])) end end fs.close if !flag @results.push("#{message} wasn't found.") end @results } end end # Create a public Jabber::Bot bot = Jabber::Bot.new( :jabber_id => 'codebits@jabber.cc', :password => 'hackathon', :master => 'guillaume.riflet@gmail.com', :is_public => true ) # Give your bot a public command bot.add_command( :syntax => 'rand', :description => 'Produce a random number from 0 to 10', :regex => /^rand$/, :is_public => false ) { rand(10).to_s } # Give your bot a private command with an alias bot.add_command( :syntax => 'puts', :description => 'Write something to $stdout', :regex => /^puts\s+.+$/, :alias => [ :syntax => 'p ', :regex => /^p\s+.+$/ ] ) do |sender, message| puts message "'#{message}' written to $stdout" end bot.add_command( :syntax => 'whereis ', :description => 'People spotter, give name or id', :regex => /^whereis */i, :alias => [ :syntax => 'W', :regex => /^W */i ], :is_public => true ) do |sender, message| #sendreceive("whereis:#{message}") bits = Rfidcodebits.new bits.whereis(message).join("\n\n") end bot.add_command( :syntax => 'kill', :description => 'Disconnect me, master.', :regex => /^kill$/, :alias => [ :syntax => 'K', :regex => /^K$/ ] ) { "Ah, you killed me master." self.disconnect } # Bring your new bot to life begin bot.connect rescue puts "The bot got, somehow, disconnected." end #puts sendreceive("Guillaume\n", 'localhost', 3000) #puts sendreceive("Guillaume") #mybits = Rfidcodebits.new #puts mybits.whereis(" 32 ").join("\n") #puts timefromnow('2008-11-14 17:18:46')
In this example, we'll see how to use a couple of classes in a ruby program in order to execute in a batch a series of actions to perform with the MOHID utility tools, such as ConvertToHdf5 or Hdf5Extractor.
Concretely speaking, the example takes a template file with the configuration of the MOHID utility (such as ConvertToHdf5Action.dat or Hdf5Extractor.dat) and file with a list of substitutions to perform on the template configuration file, one line per configuration file.
Template file
Here is an example of the template file:
#root_Hydro_HDF5Extractor.dat OUTPUTFILENAME : MOHID_HYDRO_XX.hdf5 FILENAME : ../Glue/MOHID_HYDRO_XX.hdf5 START_TIME : 2004 MM SDD 0 0 0 END_TIME : 2004 MM EDD 0 0 0 CONVERT_V3_TO_V4 : 0 <BeginParameter> PROPERTY : velocity U HDF_GROUP : /Results/velocity U <EndParameter> <BeginParameter> PROPERTY : velocity V HDF_GROUP : /Results/velocity V <EndParameter> <BeginParameter> PROPERTY : water level HDF_GROUP : /Results/water level <EndParameter>
Substitutions list
Here is the file containing the list of substitutions to perform on the above template:
#List.txt (XX) (MM) (EDD) (SDD) 01 1 31 2 02 2 29 1 03 3 31 1 04 4 30 1 05 5 31 1 06 6 30 1 07 7 31 1 08 8 31 1 09 9 30 1 10 10 31 1 11 11 30 1 12 12 31 1
The first line contains the list of strings to match in the template file (such as XX or MM). Each string to match is between parentheses. The strings to match are space-separated. The following lines containg the strings to substitute, space-separated. Each new line will correspond to a new configuration file.
For example, the substitution of (XX) (MM) (EDD) (SDD) with 01 1 31 2 on the template file will yield the following result file:
#Hydro_HDF5Extractor_001.dat OUTPUTFILENAME : MOHID_HYDRO_01.hdf5 FILENAME : ../Glue/MOHID_HYDRO_01.hdf5 START_TIME : 2004 1 2 0 0 0 END_TIME : 2004 1 31 0 0 0 CONVERT_V3_TO_V4 : 0 <BeginParameter> PROPERTY : velocity U HDF_GROUP : /Results/velocity U <EndParameter> <BeginParameter> PROPERTY : velocity V HDF_GROUP : /Results/velocity V <EndParameter> <BeginParameter> PROPERTY : water level HDF_GROUP : /Results/water level <EndParameter>
Program file
Here is the program code that will generate the suite of configuration files and run the batch of transformations with HDF5Extract:
require "patterntransform" hextract = IsTheActionToPerformWithFiles.new("root_Hydro_HDF5Extractor.dat", "list.txt") hextract.transformsInto("Hydro_HDF5Extractor") hextract.usesAGenericMohidtoolBatchfile("HydroExtract.bat", "HDF5Extractor.exe", "HDF5Extractor.dat") hextract.ing wextract = IsTheActionToPerformWithFiles.new("root_Water_HDF5Extractor.dat", "list.txt") wextract.transformsInto("Water_HDF5Extractor") wextract.usesAGenericMohidtoolBatchfile("WaterExtract.bat", "HDF5Extractor.exe", "HDF5Extractor.dat") wextract.ing
Class IsTheActionToPerformWith
class IsTheActionToPerformWith attr_reader :patterncontent, :listofsubs attr_reader :matchline, :batch def initialize (patterncontent, listofsubs) @patterncontent, @listofsubs = patterncontent, listofsubs @listofsubs = @listofsubs.to_a if !@listofsubs.is_a?(Array) @matchline = @listofsubs.shift @matches = @matchline.tr('()','').split(' ') @closings = @matchline.gsub(/\(.+?\)/, '*').split(/\*| /) puts @closings.join(' ') end #private def thePatternIsTransformedByTheBlock @j = 1 @listofsubs.each do |line| yield line @j = @j + 1 end end #private def buildHashOfSubs(array) hash = Hash.new array.size.times { |i| hash.store(@matches[i], @closings[2*i].chomp + array[i] + @closings[2*i + 1].chomp) } return hash end def transformsInto(filename) @outfilename = filename thePatternIsTransformedByTheBlock{ |line| filecontent = String.new( @patterncontent ) tokens = line.split( ' ' ) subhash = buildHashOfSubs(tokens) @matches.each { |element| iselement = false subhash.each{ |match,sub| if (match.eql? element) iselement = true end } if !iselement filecontent = String.new( filecontent.reject{|n| n.match(element)}.to_s ) end } subhash.each { |match, sub| filecontent.replace filecontent.gsub(match, sub) } tokens = line.split( ' ' ) subhash = buildHashOfSubs(tokens) subhash.each { |match, sub| filecontent.replace filecontent.gsub(match, sub) } mytrgfile = File.new(filename + "_" + @j.to_s.rjust(3,"0") + ".dat", "w") mytrgfile.puts filecontent mytrgfile.close puts filecontent } end #Running def ing puts "Running #{@batchfilename}..." end #Running def ning ing end #Method 1 def usesTheFollowingBatchfileNameAndBlock(batchfilename) @batchfilename = batchfilename @batch = String.new batchhead = <<HEAD @echo off for %%i in (#{@outfilename}_*.dat) do ( HEAD yield batchfoot = <<FOOT ) pause @echo on FOOT batchfile = File.new(@batchfilename, "w") batchfile.puts batchhead + @batch + batchfoot batchfile.close end #Method 2 def usesAGenericMohidtoolBatchfile(mohidtool, batchfilename, configfilename) usesTheFollowingBatchfileNameAndBlock(batchfilename){ @batch = <<BATCH copy %%i #{configfilename} #{mohidtool} BATCH } end def usesAGenericMohidtool(mohidtool, configfilename) usesAGenericMohidtoolBatchfile(mohidtool, "All_UseTool.bat", configfilename) end #Methods 3 def usesAConverttohdf5BatchfileNamed(batchfilename) usesAGenericMohidtoolBatchfile( "ConvertToHdf5.exe", batchfilename, "ConvertToHDF5Action.dat") end def usesAConvert2netcdfBatchfileNamed(batchfilename) usesAGenericMohidtoolBatchfile( "Convert2Netcdf.exe", batchfilename, "Convert2Netcdf.dat") end end class IsTheActionToPerformWithFiles < IsTheActionToPerformWith def initialize(patternfilename, listofsubsfilename) if File.exists?(patternfilename) and File.exists?(listofsubsfilename) then #patternfile = File.open(patternfilename) patterncontent = String.new( File.open(patternfilename).read ) #listofsubsfile = File.open(listofsubsfilename) listofsubs = String.new( File.open(listofsubsfilename).read ) super(patterncontent, listofsubs) else puts "Error: one or both of #{patternfilename} or #{listofsubsfilename} doesn't exist." end end end if __FILE__ == $0 mycontent = <<CONVERTTOHDF5ACTION <begin_file> ACTION : GLUES HDF5 FILES OUTPUTFILENAME : MOHID_WATER_01.hdf5 <<begin_listofsubs>> ..\\Extraction\\Stride_WaterProperties_1.hdf5 ..\\Extraction\\Stride_WaterProperties_2.hdf5 <<end_listofsubs>> <end_file> CONVERTTOHDF5ACTION mylistofsubs = <<listofsubs _(01) s_(1). s_(2). (WATER) (WaterProperties) 01 1 2 WATER WaterProperties 01 1 2 HYDRO Hydrodynamic 02 3 5 WATER WaterProperties 02 3 5 HYDRO Hydrodynamic listofsubs ## 1 Create ########## #You can create the class object with files ... glue = IsTheActionToPerformWithFiles.new("root_ConvertToHDF5Action.dat", "listofsubs.txt") #... or with strings glue = IsTheActionToPerformWith.new(mycontent, mylistofsubs) ## 2 Generate new files ########## glue.transformsInto("GlueAction") ## 3 Generate runscript ########## #You can easily customize the batchfile main loop ... glue.usesTheFollowingBatchfileNameAndBlock("GlueAllHdf5.bat") { glue.batch.replace <<BATCH copy %%i ConvertToHdf5Action.dat ConvertToHdf5.exe BATCH } #... or use a standard one glue.usesAConverttohdf5BatchfileNamed("GlueAllHdf5.bat") ## 4 Run ########## glue.ing end