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(Changing the bridging between the LAN and the DMZ)
(Make the machine folders visible with Samba)
Line 144: Line 144:
  > yum install ruby
  > yum install ruby
===Make the machine folders visible with Samba===
===Make the machine folders visible in Windows with Samba===
  > yum install samba
  > yum install samba
  > service smb start
  > service smb start

Revision as of 21:29, 13 January 2012

Create VM in VMWare vSphere

Linux Red Hat FEDORA 16. FEDORA 10 (Xen OpenDAP version) was not accesible
Installed VMTools from the console making a CD Link to the VMWareTools in \\Davinci\Software\VMWare\Tools. vSphere does not support the linux version to do the installation from vSphere.

Configure VM in FEDORA console

This steps were made based on Xen OpenDAP configuration wiki and with help from Guillaume.

During installation chose a custom partition definition.

Created partition 'sda1' - boot (2MB) and partition 'sda2' - LVM PV (300GB). 
created VG 'vg_opendap2' from 'sda2' and on top
i) LV 'swap' (swap fs 2GB); 
ii) LV 'root' (ext4 fs) in / (30GB)
iii) LV 'home' (ext4 fs) in /home (10GB)
iv) LV 'opendap' (ext4 fs) in /opendap (265GB)

Update your distro

> su
> yum update

Configure users and groups

  • Go to Other-->Users and groups
  • Make users the primary group of user user.
  • Create the group Maretec. Every user of this system should be applied to the group Maretec.
  • Create the user datamover. Make his primary group Maretec.

Configure permissions

> chgrp -R maretec /opendap 
> chmod g+w /opendap

Configure the firewall

From the X environment, open up the Applications-->Other-->Firewall. Then open up the ports 22(ssh), and 8080(tomcat) (add).

Enable sshd

> vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sshd_config> #PermitRootLogin yes
sshd_config> PermitRootLogin no
Remeber in vim:
i - insert
:w - save
:q - quit
> service sshd start
> service sshd status
> chkconfig --level 345 sshd on
> chkconfig | grep sshd

Install Thredds

It is needed java and apache tomcat.

  • Download current Java SE Developer Kit (JDK) from Sun for linux (.tar.gz file)
  • extract the zip file in the current folder or copy it to the destination folder before this command as a regular user (not as root).
> cd [destinationfolder]                   'in this case [destinationfolder] was /home/user/Downloads/
> tar xvzf [tarfilename]                   'in this case [tarfilename] was jdk-7u2-linux-i586.tar.gz
  • Download apache tomcat for linux (.tar.gz file)
  • extract the zip file in the current folder or copy it to the destination folder before this command as a regular user (not as root).
> cd [destinationfolder]                   'in this case [destinationfolder] was /home/user/Downloads/
> tar xvzf [tarfilename]                   'in this case [tarfilename] was apache-tomcat-7.0.23.tar.gz
  • start the apache,
> cd [apachefolder]                        'in this case [apachefolder] was /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.23
> bin/
  • and check that responds.
test nº1:
> ps -ef | grep tomcat

and test nº2: 
Open a new browser window/tab and go to http://localhost:8080/ to verify Tomcat is running a message appers saying that 
"If you're seeing this page trough a web page it means that you have setup tomcat sucessfull"
  • Download the TDS WAR file from Unidata's web site.
  • copy the thredds.war file to the apache /webapps folder
> cp [folderorigin]/thredds.war [apachefolder]/webapps     'in this case [apachefolder] was /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.23 and [folderorigin] was /home/user/Downloads
  • Assure that tomcat is launched at startup:

These steps were different than in Xen OpenDAP configuration because it did not worked - Guillaume made them.

1) Create a script saved in /etc/init.d/tomcat as root

> su
> touch /etc/init.d/tomcat             'creates an empty file
> chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/tomcat        'permissions(+) reading and executing (r e x) for all (a)
> vim /etc/init.d/tomcat
use the example in tomcat_startup_file. copy it to vim and save (:w) and quit (:q).
>chmod a+rwx -R /home

2) Create a link to the script

> cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d                         'tomcat initialization in init level 3
> ln -s ../init.d/tomcat S30tomcat           'symbolic link for the script in init.d/tomcat
> exit

3) Test the script and connectivity

> service tomcat start                       'Test the script
> service tomcat stop
> service tomcat restart
> netstat -tlnap | grep 8080                 'Test if 8080 port is activ (tomcat port)

4) Test if tomcat service is started in boot

Restart the VM and test http://localhost:8080 in web browser. it should say

"If you're seeing this page trough a web page it means that you have setup tomcat sucessfull"

Add Thredds catalogs and crontab and install packages

  • Copy the catalogs from the Xen OpenDAP to VMWare OpenDAP

In the Xen VM, create a new folder /opendap/catalogs and copy the catalogs from apache folder/content/threadds to there

> mkdir /opendap/catalogs
> cp /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/content/threadds/*.xml /opendap/catalogs

Create the same folder in the VMWare VM and copy the files between machines (visible in network).

In the VMware VM copy the xml files to the thredds folder and let rewrite

> cp /opendap/catalogs/*.xml /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.23/content/threadds 

Each catalog is open (only threddsconfig.xml needs to be open) in vim to replace each appearence of tomcat folder (versions were different)


Create the links in /opendap/pcoms/scripts and /opendap/new_opendap/.../scripts to the scripts in thredds folder (see in which files

go to each each script folder in terminal 
>su datamover
>ln -s [origin file with path] [destin file]
  • Copy the crontab from the Xen OpenDAP to VMWare OpenDAP

In the Xen OpenDAP copy the crontab to the catalogs folder to be shared as previously. crontab text was saved as txt file

> touch crontab.txt 
> crontab -e
copy the content of crontab
edit the crontab.txt and copy the content

In the VMWare the text file was saved to downloads folder

> cp /opendap/catalogs/crontab.txt /home/user/Downloads

so that it could be used when all files are copied from and crontab could work (next steps).

  • Install necessary packages so that the Thredds (and scripts) work:

Install Netcdf, nco and ruby

> yum install netcdf
> yum install nco
> yum install ruby

Make the machine folders visible in Windows with Samba

> yum install samba
> service smb start
> chkconfig --level 345 smb on
> chkconfig | grep smd
> smbpasswd -a datamover                                  (Typed the datamover Password)
> vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
smb.conf> see a typical config here         (did not changed nothing here, used Samba server configuration tool, below)
> chcon -R -t samba_share_t /opendap                      (change file SELinux security context to folder opendap)
  • Change permissions in folder /opendap:
> chmod a+rwx -R /opendap         'to all (a) give permissions (+) read (r), write (w) and execute (x)
  • In Firewall allowed samba and samba client as trusted
  • Installed Samba Server Configuration tool
> su
> yum install system-config-samba
  • In Samba Server Configuration tool (Application->Other->Samba) edited workgroup as MARETEC and description blank, and added /opendap folder share (access to datamover)

Copy Files between sources and start crontab

  • Copy all the content in /opendap folder from Xen Opendap ( to VMWare Opendap (opendap2) - used windows explorer in my machine since both machines are visible.
  • Change crontab in opendap2 for user datamover (the owner of /opendap). Use the file saved in Downloads
>vim /home/user/Downloads/crontab.txt

copy the file content

>su datamover
>crontab -e                 'edit crontab

paste and save (:w) and quit (:q)

Changing the bridging between the LAN and the DMZ

Create New Network Adapter

  • In vSphere add a new network adapter (virtual machine) in the host (the physical machine should have a second physical network adapter).
  • After created new network adapter, edit the vSwithc created and add a new vKernel and define the IP's for the host
  • Static ip-->192.168.21.xx '50 and 60 and 70 are available
  • Subnet mask-->
  • Gateway-->
  • In the VM configuration add a new ethernet adpater and choose the second virtual adapter just created.
  • The machine will have now available two virtual network adapters

Switching from LAN to DMZ

  • Connect the network cable from a DMZ exit to the second host physical network port

In the opendap VM access as user:

  • Other--> Network Connections--> New. It will open a wizard.
  • Ethernet connection--> Realtek (eth1)
  • Static ip-->192.168.21.xx '50 and 60 are available
  • Subnet mask-->
  • Gateway-->
  • DNSserver
  • Select to not connect eth0 automatically 'or it would give fail in network restart after taking it down 8below)
  • Save.
  • Add in copernico the new IP and name to DNS list
> su
>ifconfig eth0 down                    'takes the maretec network adapter down and in command network restart ir is not connectd
> /sbin/service network restart
> /sbin/ifconfig
> /sbin/route -n

Finally, you need to ask Marco Reis from Conexa to configure the router firewall so it links the ports between the LAN firewall and the DMZ firewall (reverse tunneling, height port). You might as well ask also to open up ports 21, 20, 80, 443 and 8080.

Reconfiguring httpd

Reconfiguring pure-ftpd

Switching from DMZ(eth1) to LAN(eth0)

Use TighVNC to enter the domain through console access as user:

  • System--> Administration--> Network-->
  • Ethernet connection--> Realtek (eth0)
  • Static ip--> 'for instance 179
  • Subnet mask-->
  • Gateway-->
  • Save.
> su
> /sbin/service network restart
> /sbin/ifconfig
> /sbin/route -n

Increase /opendap size

First, do a snapshot, backup the files.

  • Add a virtual disk to the VM vSphere Client from the same physical disk(default)or select other datastore.

IMPORTANT: do not add size to the existing virtual disk or the space will not be usable. Add one new disk.

  • Check the name of the new disk in the VMMachine Disk Utility (Accesories). It was /dev/sdb
  • Create a new partition of appropriate size using fdisk
>fdisk /dev/sdb
>n             (create new partition, select start and end cylinders (default), all free space is selected by default)
>w             (save partition table and exit)
>fdisk -l      (check the new partition, /dev/sdb1 was created ~10G in size)
  • Create an ext3 filesystem in the partition (this step is optional, just a quick test that all is well)
>mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
  • Initialise the partition for use as a physical volume in lvm and add it to vg_opendap2
>pvcreate /dev/sdb1
>vgextend vg_opendap2 /dev/sdb1
  • Extend LogVol00 (use 'df /' to check that / is mounted on LogVol00) as required (by 10G here)
>lvextend -L +10G /dev/vg_opendap2/lv_opendap
  • If you receive errors about not enough physical extents, then reduce the size of the extension a little until it fits.
  • Finally, resize the filesystem (this part normally would require unmounting /, but for ext4 it works while the partition is mounted)
>resize2fs /dev/vg_opendap2/opendap
  • Type 'df -h /', to check it worked, there should be an extra 10G available

(you can use vgdisplay, pvdisplay and lvdisplay (as root) to see detailed info, pvscan for a summary)


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Xen OpenDAPserver