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Mohid Applications

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The Mohid Water Modelling System has been applied to several coastal and estuarine areas and it has shown its ability to simulate successfully very different spatial scales, below it can be found a list of the documented applications:

  • Large coastal applications: as the northern European Atlantic front (Santos et al. (2002)), the western Iberia coast (Coelho et al. (2002); Santos et al. (2005); Riflet et al. (2007)) and the North Sea (Bernardes (2007)).
  • Medium range coastal areas: as the Galician coast (Leitão et al. (2003a); Carracedo et al. (2006)), Algarve coast (Portugal) (Leitão et al. (2005)), the Chilean Patagonian fjord region (Marín & Campuzano (2007)) and the São Paulo province coastal area (Brazil) (Leitão et al. (2004))
  • Estuaries: Including the main Portuguese estuaries: Minho (Saraiva et al. (2007b)), Lima (Saraiva et al. (2007b)), Douro (Silva et al. (2004); Saraiva et al. (2007b)), Mondego (Saraiva et al. (2007b)), Tagus (Braunschweig et al. (2003); Leitão et al. (2003b); Saraiva et al. (2007b)), Sado (Martins et al. (2001); Saraiva et al. (2007b)). Along with most of the Galician Rias: A Coruña (Gomez-Gesteira et al., 1999), Ferrol (deCastro et al. (2002)), Pontevedra (Villarreal et al. (2002); deCastro et al. (2004)), Vigo (Gomez-Gesteira et al. (1999)). And some northern European estuaries: Western Scheldt (Belgium-The Netherlands) (Cancino & Neves (1999); Campuzano-Guillén (2004)), Gironde (France) (Cancino & Neves (1999)) and Carlingford (Ireland) (Leitão (1996))
  • Coastal Lagoons: Aveiro (Trancoso et al. (2005); Vaz et al. (2005); Saraiva et al. (2007b)), Óbidos (Silva & Leitão (2005)), Formosa (Silva et al. (2002); Saraiva et al. (2007b)).
  • Coastal structures: Port of Fortaleza (Silva et al. (2000))
  • Submarine canyons: Aviles (Spain) (Villareal et al. (2004)); Nazaré (Portugal) (Garcia et al. submitted)
  • Fresh water reservoirs: Monte Novo, Roxo and Alqueva (Braunschweig (2001)) to study the flow and water quality.

MOHID applications map

In order to present the modelling sites where the Mohid modelling system has been applied and the institutions using it, a Google Map has been developed and is open for collaboration. It can be found [here].

Three different pointers are shown,

If you want to collaborate adding your application site or your institution please read carefully the instructions or Send an email.

Adding an Application

For adding an application, whether of Mohid Water or Mohid Land, place the corresponding flag in the study location. At this stage, only study cases with available extra information as publications are to be added. The fields needed to be filled are:

Study site: i.e. Óbidos Lagoon

Application or study title: i.e. Óbidos lagoon and Foz do Arelho submarine outfall monitoring program.

Application creators: Name of the researcher (Name of the institution)

Related publications: Santos, M., Leitão, P.C., Silva, A., Neves, R. Effect of coastal waves over the sea level in Óbidos Lagoon: a downscaling approach. Continental Shelf Research (Submitted).

Related Webpages: aplication url i.e.

Contact person email address: contact email of the application responsible

Optionally, it should be added an image of the study site application.

Adding an Institution

For institutions, these are the fields needed to be completed:

Short institution/company/university name

Name of the Institution: Full name of the institution/company

Related Webpages: i.e.

Email: Contact email

Address: Av. Manuel da Maia nº 36 3ºEsq., 1000-201 Lisbon Portugal

Telephone/Fax: Tel.: +351 xxxxxxxxx Fax: +351 xxxxxxxxx