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Creating an OpenDAPServer in VMWare

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Create VM in VMWare vSphere

100GB and fedora created its own partitions
Linux Red Hat FEDORA 16. FEDORA 10 (old OpenDAP version) was not accesible
Installed VMTools from the console making a CD Link to the VMWareTools in \\Davinci\Software\VMWare\Tools. vSphere does not support the linux version to do the installation from vSphere.

Configure VM in FEDORA console

Update your distro

> su
> yum update

Add a new PV, a new VG and new LVs

> pvcreate -ff /dev/sda3                   (sda3 being the disk with 100GB - use Disk Utility)
> pvscan

> vgcreate -p 4 -v data /dev/sda3          (-p maxphysicalvolumes; -v verbose; data volumegroupname; /dev/sda3 physicaldevice)
> vgscan
> lvcreate -n opendap -L 80G data

  the latter was not possible because already existed the volume group name vg_opendap2 and logical volumes /dev/vg_opendap2/lv_root and /dev/vg_opendap2/lv_home each with 50GB

Create filesystems and mount them

> mkfs -t ext2 /dev/vg_opendap2/lv_home
> mkdir /lv_home
> vim /etc/fstab
fstab> /dev/vg_opendap2/lv_home       
/lv_home                ext2    defaults        0 0
> mount -a
> df

The llater were not performed because file systems were already present in the two logical volumes but mkdir had to be done

> mkdir /lv_home

Configure users and groups

  • Go to System-->Administration-->Users and groups
  • Make users the primary group of user user.
  • Create the group Maretec. Every user of this system should be applied to the group Maretec.
  • Create the user datamover. Make his primary group Maretec.

Configure permissions

> chgrp -R maretec /lv_home 
> chmod g+w /lv_home

Configure the firewall

From the X environment, open up the Applications-->Other-->Firewall. Then open up the ports 22(ssh), and 8080(tomcat).

Enable sshd

> vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sshd_config> #PermitRootLogin yes
sshd_config> PermitRootLogin no
Remeber in vim:
i - insert
:w - save
:q - quit
> service sshd start
> service sshd status
> chkconfig --level 345 sshd on
> chkconfig | grep sshd

and smb

> yum install samba
> service smb start
> chkconfig --level 345 smb on
> chkconfig | grep smd
> smbpasswd -a datamover                                 (Typed the Administrator Password)
> vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
smb.conf> see a typical config here         ??? Did not getted what to do
> chcon -R -t samba_share_t /lv_home

Install Thredds

It is needed java and apache tomcat.

  • Download current Java SE Developer Kit (JDK) from Sun for linux (.tar.gz file)
  • extract the zip file in the current folder or copy it to the destination folder before this command as a regular user (not as root).
> cd [destinationfolder]                   'in this case [destinationfolder] was /home/user/Downloads/
> tar xvzf [tarfilename]                   'in this case [tarfilename] was jdk-7u2-linux-i586.tar.gz
  • Download apache tomcat for linux (.tar.gz file)
  • extract the zip file in the current folder or copy it to the destination folder before this command as a regular user (not as root).
> cd [destinationfolder]                   'in this case [destinationfolder] was /home/user/Downloads/
> tar xvzf [tarfilename]                   'in this case [tarfilename] was apache-tomcat-7.0.23.tar.gz
  • start the apache,
> cd [apachefolder]                        'in this case [apachefolder] was /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.23
> bin/
  • and check that responds.
test nº1:
> ps -ef | grep tomcat

and test nº2: 
Open a new browser window/tab and go to http://localhost:8080/ to verify Tomcat is running a message appers saying that 
"If you're seeing this page trough a web page it means that you have setup tomcat sucessfull"
  • Download the TDS WAR file from Unidata's web site.
  • copy the thredds.war file to the apache /webapps folder
> cp [folderorigin]/thredds.war [apachefolder]/webapps     'in this case [apachefolder] was /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.23 and [folderorigin] was /home/user/Downloads
  • Assure that tomcat is launched at startup:

1) Create a script saved in /etc/init.d/tomcat as root

> su
> touch /etc/init.d/tomcat             'creates an empty file
> chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/tomcat        'permissions(+) reading and executing (r e x) for all (a)
> vim /etc/init.d/tomcat

#! /bin/sh
# tomcat:       Starts the tomcat Daemon
# chkconfig: 345 96 02
# processname: apache-tomcat
# description: tomcat fedora init script \
# config:
# Author: Brito e Riflet


# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
       echo "Waiting for daemon to exit..."
       sleep 5
       echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
       exit 2

exit $RETVAL

2) Create a link to the script

> cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d                         'tomcat initialization in init level 3
> ln -s ../init.d/tomcat S30tomcat           'symbolic link for the script in init.d/tomcat
> exit

3) Test the script and connectivity

> service tomcat start                       'Test the script
> service tomcat stop
> service tomcat restart
> netstat -tlnap | grep 8080                 'Test if 8080 port is activ (tomcat port)

4) Test if tomcat service is started in boot Restart the VM and test http://localhost:8080 in web browser. it should say

"If you're seeing this page trough a web page it means that you have setup tomcat sucessfull"
  • Pass the catalogs from the Xen OpenDAP to VMWare OpenDAP
  1. In the Xen VM Guillaume started a htppd service, copied catalogs to shared folder under /catalogs and changed permissions for user apache so that in browser it was possible to see the catalogs files listed.
  2. In the VMWare VM each file was downloaded to /home/user/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.23/content/threadds (and rewrited).
  3. Each catalog was open in vim to replace each appearence of tomcat folder (versions were different)
  • Install necessary packages

It was installed using add/remove programs, ruby, netcdf and nco (netcdf operator) so that the scripts in crontab may work

  • Pass the crontab from the Xen OpenDAP to VMWare OpenDAP
  1. In the Xen OpenDAP it was saved the crontab as txt file to be seen in as previously.
  2. In the VMWare the text file was saved to /home/user/Downloads

Future Task

  1. Ask Luis to copy all the content of the Xen OpenDAP to VMWare OpenDAP
  2. Change crontab. Use the text file saved in Downloads to copy the content to crontab:
>crontab -e                 'edit crontab
  1. Change permissions in folder /opendap:
>chmod a+rwx -R /opendap         'to all (a) give permissions (+) read (r), write (w) and execute (x)


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Xen OpenDAPserver