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User's manual
To activate a variable time step bounded between a minimum and maximum DT, in configuration file Model_x.dat
VARIABLEDT : 1 DT : 10. MAXDT : 100.
A log file DTLog.txt is stored in the results folder /res of the main domain if the option DT_LOG is set in the nomfich.dat file in /exe folder of the main domain.
DT_LOG : ..\res\DT_Log_2.log
An option can be checked in MOHID Studio or MOHID GUI that enables the logging of variable time steps.
An excerpt of a log file looks like this (Iterartion number, dt, i, j, k, model name, property name):
1, DT: 10.000, I: 177, J: 75, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 2, DT: 10.000, I: 37, J: 1, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 3, DT: 10.000, I: 177, J: 101, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 4, DT: 10.000, I: 62, J: 1, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 5, DT: 10.000, I: 156, J: 93, K: 25, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 6, DT: 10.000, I: 69, J: 1, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 7, DT: 10.000, I: 177, J: 84, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 8, DT: 10.000, I: 64, J: 1, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - momentum 9, DT: 12.000, I: 155, J: 106, K: 33, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 10, DT: 13.846, I: 65, J: 1, K: 49, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 11, DT: 16.364, I: 25, J: 4, K: 45, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 12, DT: 18.000, I: 32, J: 6, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 13, DT: 20.000, I: 26, J: 6, K: 44, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 14, DT: 22.500, I: 27, J: 8, K: 44, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 15, DT: 25.714, I: 156, J: 119, K: 30, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 16, DT: 30.000, I: 32, J: 4, K: 42, Model - Property: Portugal - silicate acid 17, DT: 36.000, I: 30, J: 3, K: 42, Model - Property: Portugal - silicate acid 18, DT: 36.000, I: 27, J: 10, K: 44, Model - Property: Portugal - nitrate 19, DT: 36.000, I: 32, J: 6, K: 43, Model - Property: Portugal - silicate acid 20, DT: 36.000, I: 30, J: 5, K: 42, Model - Property: Portugal - silicate acid
Physical rationale
The main to compute an ideal time-step is to choose the largest time-step above which the numerical model iteration would overshoot. This is equivalent to make sure that no cell in any property can deplete more than its property mass in one time-step, given that it has a net flux with positive divergence. Mathematically speaking this would be equivalent to:
Failed to parse (unknown error): \Delta t = \min_{ \frac{p\;ijk} \left( m_{p\;ijk}}{\Phi_{p\;ijk}}\right) if Failed to parse (unknown error): \Phi_{p\;ijk} \gt 0 .