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Xen is an open-source virtual machine server to be run on Linux. At Maretec we recently took a course on Xen and have installed a quad-core Opteron machine with 20GB RAM and a nearly 2TB RAID 5 storage volume.

Maretec xen admin quick start

Quick check on VM machines, and start them if needed

  • Download putty,
  • Connect using putty to host on port 22 as user maretec; use the admin password.
  • Once in, perform the following commands to check which machines are running and which are down:
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  2048     2     r-----  20156.6
VMMRTSRV02                                   2  1024     2     -b----  75002.4
VMMRTSRV04                                   3  1024     2     -b----   3830.1
VMMRTSRV05                                   6  1024     2     -b----   2433.5
VMMRTSRV06                                   4  1024     2     -b----   6656.9
  • The machines with the second state set to b are running for the amount of time indicated in seconds.
  • The machines with the second state set to - aren't running. To start them use the following command for each machine:
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm start VMMRTSRV0[2-6]

Useful stuff to know

How to reboot a VM? 
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm reboot VMMRTSRV0[2-6]
How to shutdown a VM? 
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm shutdown VMMRTSRV0[2-6]
How do I know which sudo commands are available to me? 
> sudo -l
How do I know which commands are available with xm
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm list

Maretec Xen server machine


  • Quad-core Opteron AMD with 20GB ram and 2 TB RAID5 Physical Volume composed by 4x750GB enterprise-graded hard-drives,
  • Suse Enterprise Server v10.2 with Xen Hypervisor installed,
  • Network address at
  • RAID 5 of 1.97TB with no hot-swap disk available.
  • Bridging: eth2<->; eth1<->DMZ; eth0<->LAN;

Maretec Xen domains

a windows server 2003 web-pages server on the DMZ. Domain name is, IP is
a windows server 2003 database server on the LAN. Domain name is, IP is
A dedicated OpenDAP/Thredds server on the DMZ. Domain name is, IP is and VNC console access is

Accessing via VNC

  • Install <goto>TightVNC client</goto>.

External references