Module PorousMedia
From MohidWiki
Main Processes
Other Features
How to Generate Info needed in Porous Media
Model needs to know soil ID in each cell and layer to pick hydraulic properties from that type of soil.
- Constant value
- Soil Grid. One possible option is to associate with soil shape file. In this case can use MOHID GIS going to menu [Tools]->[Shape to Grid Data] and provide: i) the grid (model grid), ii) the soil shape file and iii) the corespondence between soil codes and soil ID defined in data file.
Soil ID must be defined in Module FillMatrix standards for each soil horizon defined (grid example):
<beginhorizon> KLB : 1 KUB : 10 <beginproperty> NAME : SoilID DEFAULTVALUE : 1 INITIALIZATION_METHOD : ASCII_FILE REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 FILENAME : ..\..\GeneralData\PorousMedia\SoilID200m.dat <endproperty> <beginproperty> <endproperty> .. <endhorizon>
All the soil ID's appearing in the soil grid(s) must be defined in the PorousMedia data file in terms of hydraulic properties:
<beginsoiltype> ID : 1 THETA_S : 0.3859 THETA_R : 0.0476 N_FIT : 1.39 SAT_K : 3.5556e-6 ALPHA : 2.75 L_FIT : 0.50 THETA_CV_MIN : 0.2844 THETA_CV_MAX : 0.3791 <endsoiltype> <beginsoiltype> ID : 2 ... <endsoiltype> ...
Soil Bottom
The soil depth must be known by the model. This is computed by the model from terrain altitude (topography) and soil bottom altitude. As so, a soil bottom grid is needed.
- Grid File.
Soil depth (and soil bottom altitude, the effective grid needed) can be estimated from slope HOW TO SoilBottom LINK.
Define the grid just generated, in the porous media data file with:
BOTTOM_FILE : ..\..\GeneralData\PorousMedia\BottomLevel.dat
Water Level
- Grid File.
The water table altitude represents the initial altitude of the water table. It is recommended to do a spin-up run to estabilize water level and then do a continuous simulation starting with the final water table achieved. Use the following blocks with Module FillMatrix standards:
<beginwaterlevel> NAME : waterlevel INITIALIZATION_METHOD : ASCII_FILE DEFAULTVALUE : 0 REMAIN_CONSTANT : 0 FILENAME : ..\..\GeneralData\PorousMedia\WaterLevel0.50.dat <endwaterlevel>
Impermeability values (0 - completely permeable, 1 - impermeable) must be provided.
- Constant Value.
- Grid File. One possible option is to associate with land use shape file. In this case can use MOHID GIS going to menu [Tools]->[Shape to Grid Data] and provide: i) the grid (model grid), ii) the land use shape file and iii) the corespondence between land use codes and Impermeability values.
Use the following blocks with Module FillMatrix standards:
<beginimpermeablefraction> NAME : impermeablefraction INITIALIZATION_METHOD : ASCII_FILE DEFAULTVALUE : 0 REMAIN_CONSTANT : 1 FILENAME : ..\..\GeneralData\PorousMedia\AreaImpermeavel.dat <endimpermeablefraction>
Data File
Some keywords of the PorousMedia input file:
- Saturated water content
THETA_S : 0.55
- residual water content
THETA_R : 0.1
- N of Van Genuchten: 1.5(clay) to 4.5 (sandy)
N_FIT : 1.15
+Saturated hydraulic conductivity
SAT_K : 1.39e-8
- alpha of Van Genuchten: 0.005 (clay) - 0.035 (sandy)
ALPHA : 0.02
- L of Mualem - Van Genuchten (mostly 0.5)
L_FIT : 0.50