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Mohid Swan

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Revision as of 17:27, 7 June 2011 by Francisco (talk | contribs)
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In this wiki it would be commented how to implement the Swan model into the Mohid modelling software.

Software Needed

In addition to the Mohid model it will be needed the following software to achive the goal.


The bathymetry should be converted from the Mohid format to the Swan format using the software mohidbatim2swan.m. that would convert the file from the extension .dat to the extension .bty

The bathymetry resolution should be betwwen 1 km or 2 km while for the WaveWatch III software the resolution is around 5 km.

The bathymetry should be visualised using notepad or a software called sigma that needs to be localed in the root directory c:\

Sigma -> Task File -> Show so far -> Linha CGWID

Boundary Conditions

The Swan model would need of wind and tide as boundary conditions.


Wind vectors should also be provided from other model results (i.e. MM5 or WRF) and then converted to the SWAN format using ConvertToHDF5 using the option "ConvertHDF5ToSWANorMOHID" that will provide a hourly file with values for x and y directions, be aware of the file size.


The tide sould be obtained from other models (i.e. PCOMS), or calculated (i.e. Tideprev) and interpolated to the grid.

SWAN Model Input

Sect 3
CGRID is the origin, starting from the lower left corner
0   -> Rotation (0 no inclination)
1.3 -> Grid step x in degrees
2   -> Grid step y in degrees
130 -> cells -1 in X direction
200 -> cells -1 in Y direction
CIR -> Whole circle of directions
36  -> Number of directions
0.04 -> Minimum frequency
0.5 -> Maximum frequency
50 -> Number of frequencies -1 (in total then 51)
Sect 4
Equal to Sect 3 but dx = 0.01 = dy
Sect 5
Sect 6 Physics
Do not change
Sect 8 Time series
To obtain a window it should be edited 
NGRID Indicating the lower left cell for the new grid, the size of the grid in x and y and the number of cells
SUBG Indicates the subgrid and in should be provided the lower left corner of the father grid
Sect 10 
It makes the domain 4 times and when reach the 98% probability then stops.
Defines the initial and final date
It should be defined a day as the initial date