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New: MOHID Water Vectorial and Angle Properties

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This is a guide on configuring MOHID Water new way of defining vectorial properties. And a recall on angle properties computation.

Old Way of definig vectorial properties and angle propeties

MOHID treated until now (Dez 2015) vectorial properties as two scalar properties, defined separately.

This an example of wind velocity X and wind velocity Y in Atmosphere_X.dat file:

NAME                      : wind velocity X
UNITS                     : m/s
DESCRIPTION               : wind velocity X
DEFAULTVALUE              : 1.0
REMAIN_CONSTANT           : 1
OUTPUT_HDF                : 0

NAME                      : wind velocity Y
UNITS                     : m/s
DESCRIPTION               : wind velocity Y
DEFAULTVALUE              : 1.0
REMAIN_CONSTANT           : 1
OUTPUT_HDF                : 0

This approach is straightforward to implement as Module FillMatrix treats all properties the same, reads the options fills the matrix and returns to calling modules.

However it creates one problem: how to deal with vectorial transformation from user input referential to the MOHID cell referential (if grid rotation and distortion exists).

The solution used until now was that each module would do its own transformation what could lead to conversion errors or lack of convertions.

The same issue occurs with angle properties