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Journal Papers By Author


Almeida C, Ramos TB, Sobrinho J, Neves R, Proença de Oliveira R. An Integrated Modelling Approach to Study Future Water Demand Vulnerability in the Montargil Reservoir Basin, Portugal. Sustainability. 2019; 11(1), 206. Available at: [Download]

Alonso R, Jackson M, Santoro P, Fossati M, Solari S, Teixeira L. Wave and tidal energy resource assessment in Uruguayan shelf seas. Renewable Energy. 2017; 114(Part A): 18-31. Available at: [Link]

Angeletti S, Pierini JO, Cervellini PM. Suspended sediment contribution resulting from bioturbation in intertidal sites of a SW Atlantic mesotidal estuary: data analysis and numerical modelling. Scientia Marina. 2018; 82(4): 245-256. Available at: [Download]

Antiguedad I, Zabaleta A, Martinez-Santos M, Ruiz E, Uriarte J, Morales T, Comin FA, Carranza F, Español C, Navarro E, Bodoque JM, Ladera J, Brito D, Neves R, Bernard-Jannin L, Sun X, Teissier S, Sauvage S, Sanchez-Perez JM. A simple multi-criteria approach to delimitate nitrate attenuation zones in alluvial floodplains. Four cases in south-western Europe, Ecological Engineering. 2017; 103(B): 315-331. Available at: [Link]

Archetti G, Bernia S, Salvà-Catarineu M. Análisis de los vectores ambientales que afectan la calidad del medio en la bahía del Fangar mediante herramientas SIG. GeoFocus. 2010; 10: 252-279. Available at: [Download] (In Spanish).

Arifin T, Y Y, Ismail MFA. Kondisi arus pasang surut di perairan pesisir kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Tidal currents condition in Makassar waters, South Sulawesi. Depik. 2012; 1(3): 183-188. Available at: [Link] (In Indonesian).

Ascione Kenov I, Deus R, Alves CN, Neves, R. Modelling seagrass biomass and relative nutrient content. Journal of Coastal Research. 2013; 29(6): 1470–1476. Available at: [Link].

Ascione Kenov I, Garcia AC, Neves R. Residence time of water in the Mondego Estuary (Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2012; 106: 13–22. Available at: [Link].

Ascione Kenov I, Muttin F, Campbell R, Fernandes R, Campuzano F, Machado F, Franz G, Neves R. Water fluxes and renewal rates at Pertuis d'Antioche/Marennes-Oléron Bay, France. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2015; 167, Part A: 32–44. Available at: [Link].

Ballent A, Pando S, Purser A, Juliano MF, Thomsen L. Modelled transport of benthic marine microplastic pollution in the Nazaré Canyon. Biogeosciences. 2013; 10: 7957-7970. Available at: [Link].

Balseiro CF, Carracedo P, Gómez B, Leitão P, Montero P, Naranjo L, Penabad E, Pérez-Muñuzuri V. Tracking the Prestige oil spill: An operational experience in simulation at MeteoGalicia. Weather. 2003; 58: 452–458. Available at: [Link].

Barão L, Chambel-Leitão P, Braunschweig F, Neves RJ, Gonçalves MC, Ramos TB, Castanheira NL. Simulation of water dynamics in two irrigated soils. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 2010; 33(1): 346-357. Available at: [Download]

Bartolomeu S, Malhadas MS, Ribeiro J, Leitão PC, Dias JM. Influence of MeteOcean processes on MSYM sea level predictions in the Malacca Straits. Modern Management Forum. 2018; 2(2): 1-17. Available at: [Download]

Bastos L, Bio A, Iglesias I. The Importance of Marine Observatories and of RAIA in Particular. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2016; 3: 140. Available at: [Link].

Beckers PM, Neves RJ. A semi-implicit tidal model of the North European Continental Shelf. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 1985; 9(6): 395-402. Available at: [Link].

Bernard-Jannin L, Brito D, Sun X, Jauch E, Neves R, Sauvage S, Sánchez-Pérez JM. Spatially distributed modelling of surface water-groundwater exchanges during overbank flood events – a case study at the Garonne River. Advances in Water Resources. 2016; 94: 146-159. Available at: [Link].

Bodoque JM, Ladera J, Yela JL, Alonso-Azcárate J, Brito D, Antigüedad I, Duran R, Attard E, Lauga B, Sánchez-Pérez JM. Recovering hydromorphological functionality to improve natural purification capacity of a highly human-modified wetland. Ecological Engineering. 2017; 103(B): 332-343. Available at: [Link].

Brandimarte L, Popescu I, Neamaha NK. Analysis of fresh-saline water interface at the Shatt Al-Arab estuary. International Journal of River Basin Management. 2015; 13(1): 17-25. Available at: [Link].

Braunschweig F, Martins F, Chambel P, Neves R. A methodology to estimate renewal time scales in estuaries: the Tagus Estuary case. Ocean Dynamics. 2003; 53(3): 137-145. Available at: [Link].

Brito D, Campuzano FJ, Sobrinho J, Fernandes R, Neves R. Integrating operational watershed and coastal models for the Iberian Coast: Watershed model implementation – A first approach. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2015; 167, Part A: 138-146. Available at: [Link].

Brito D, Neves R, Branco MA, Gonçalves MC, Ramos TB. Modeling flood dynamics in a temporary river draining to an eutrophic reservoir in southeast Portugal. Environ Earth Sciences. 2017; 76:377 Available at: [Link].

Brito D, Ramos TB, Gonçalves MC, Morais M, Neves R. Integrated modelling for water quality management in a eutrophic reservoir in south-eastern Portugal.Environmental Earth Sciences. 2018; 77(2): 40. Available at: [Link]

Brock TD. Calculating solar radiation for ecological studies. Ecological Modelling. 1981; 14(1–2): 1-19. Available at: [Link].

Brown SL, Cox R, Feunteun E, Thorin S, Lefeuvre JC. Overview of the EUROSAM project and a Decision Support System. Continental Shelf Research. 2003; 23: 1617-1634. Available at: [Link].

Calero Quesada MC, García-Lafuente J, Garel E, Delgado Cabello J, Martins F, Moreno-Navas J. Effects of tidal and river discharge forcings on tidal propagation along the Guadiana Estuary. Journal of Sea Research. 2019; 146: 1-13. Available at: [Link]

Campuzano F, Brito D, Juliano M, Fernandes R, de Pablo H, Neves R. Coupling watersheds, estuaries and regional ocean through numerical modelling for Western Iberia: a novel methodology. Ocean Dynamics. 2016; 66(12): 1745–1756. Available at: [Link].

Campuzano FJ, Gutiérrez JM, Senabre T, Mateus MD, Perán A, Belmonte A, Aliaga V, Neves R. A modelling approach to estimate the environmental and productive carrying capacity for a Mediterranean coastal marine culture park. Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development. 2015; 6: 373. Available at: [Link].

Campuzano FJ, Mateus MD, Leitão PC, Leitão PC, Marín VH, Delgado LE, Tironi A, Pierini JO, Sampaio AFP, Almeida P, Neves RJ. Integrated coastal zone management in South America: A look at three contrasting systems. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2013; 72: 22-35. Available at: [Link].

Campuzano FJ, Pierini JO, Leitão PC, Gómez EA, Neves RJ. Characterization of the Bahia Blanca estuary by data analysis and numerical modelling. Journal of Marine Systems. 2014; 129: 415-424. Available at: [Link].

Campuzano F, Nunes S, Malhadas M, Neves R. Modelling hydrodynamics and water quality of Madeira Island (Portugal). GLOBEC International Newsletter. 2010; 16(1): 40-42. Available at: [Download].

Canas A, Santos A, Leitão P. Effect of large scale atmospheric pressure changes on water level in the Tagus Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 1627-1631. Available at: [Download].

Cancino L, Neves R. Hydrodynamic and sediment suspension modelling in estuarine systems Part I: Description of the numerical models. Journal of Marine Systems. 1999; 22(2-3): 105-116. Available at: [Link].

Cancino L, Neves R. Hydrodynamic and sediment suspension modelling in estuarine systems Part II: Application to the Western Scheldt and Gironde estuaries. Journal of Marine Systems. 1999; 22(2-3): 117-131. Available at: [Link].

Canuto N, Ramos TB, Oliveira AR, Simionesei L, Basso M, Ramiro Neves. Influence of reservoir management on Guadiana streamflow regime. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2019; 25: 100628. Available at: [Link]

Carracedo P, Torres-López S, Barreiro M, Montero P, Balseiro CF, Penabad E, Leitao PC, Pérez-Muñuzuri V. Improvement of pollutant drift forecast system applied to the Prestige oil spills in Galicia Coast (NW of Spain): development of an operational system. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2006; 53(5-7): 350-360. Available at: [Link].

Carvajalino-Fernandez MA, Lojek O, Fernandes L, Vivas-Aguas LJ. Desarrollo preliminar de un modelo hidrodinámico y de transporte de nutrientes para la ciénaga grande de Santa Marta. Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR. 2017; 46(1): 191-198. Available at: [Link].

Cerralbo P, Grifoll M, Espino M, López J. Predictability of currents on a mesotidal estuary (Ria de Vigo, NW Iberia). Ocean Dynamics. 2013; 63(2-3): 131-141. Available at: [Link].

Chacaltana J, Jesus L, Barreto F, Innocentini V. Tide assessment for the continental shelf situated in the southwestern Atlantic between the latitudes 19.8ºS and 21.2ºS. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 2016; 64(2): 113-126. Available at: [Download].

Chambel-Leitão P, Ramos TB, Domingos T, Neves R. Mohid Land - Porous Media, a Tool for Modeling Soil Hydrology at Plot Scale and Watershed Scale. The Open Hydrology Journal. 2015; 9: 1-12. Available at: [Link].

Cherif I, Alexandridis TK, Jauch E, Chambel-Leitao P, Almeida C. Improving remotely sensed actual evapotranspiration estimation with raster meteorological data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2015; 36(18): 4606-4620. Available at: [Link].

Cho K-H, Choi J-Y, Jeong S-H, Choi J-W, Kwon J-I, Park K-S. Development of a skill assessment tool for the Korea operational oceanographic system. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2013; 32(9): 74-81. Available at: [Link].

Cho K-H, Li Y, Wang H, Park K-S, Choi J-Y, Shin K-I, Kwon J-I. Development and validation of an operational search and rescue modeling system for the Yellow Sea and the East and South China Seas. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2014; 31: 197–215. Available at: [Link].

Choi J, Jun K, Choi Y, Cho K, Kwon J-I, Park J, Park K. High-resolution circulation forecasting of the Maenggol Channel, south coast of Korea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2015; 34(12): 11-18. Available at: [Link].

Choi J-Y, Park J-Y, Cho K-H, Hyun S-K, Yoo J, Lee D-Y, Jun K-C. Field observation and modeling of wave set-up on a macrotidal beach: the Malipo Experiment. Journal of Coastal Research. 2013; Special Issue No. 65. Available at:[Download].

Coelho HS, Neves RR, Leitão PC, Martins H, Santos AP. The slope current along the western European margin : A numerical investigation. Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 1999; 15(1-4): 61-72. Available at: [Download].

Coelho H, Neves R, White M, Leitao P, Santos A. A model for ocean circulation on the Iberian coast. Journal of Marine Systems. 2002; 32(1-3): 153-179. Available at: [Link].

Comin FA, Sánchez-Pérez JM, Español C, Carranza F, Sauvage S, Antiguedad I, Zabaleta A, Martinez-Santos M, Gerino M, Yao JM, Bodoque JM, Ladera J, Yela JL, Teissier S, Bernard-Jannin J, Sun X, Navarro E, Pinelli E, Chamsi O, Neves R, Brito D, Ruiz E, Uriarte J, Jiménez JJ, García M, Barcos A, Sorando R, Floodplain capacity to depollute water in relation to the structure of biological communities, Ecological Engineering, Volume 103, Part B, June 2017, Pages 301-314, ISSN 0925-8574 Available at: [Link]

Critchell K, Grech A, Schlaefer J, Andutta FP, Lambrechts J, Wolanski E, Hamann M. Modelling the fate of marine debris along a complex shoreline: Lessons from the Great Barrier Reef, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2015; 167(B): 414–426. Available at: [Link].

Deus R, Brito D, Kenov IA, Lima M, Costa V, Medeiros A, Neves R, Alves CN. Three-dimensional model for analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of phytoplankton in Tucuruí reservoir, Pará, Brazil. Ecological Modelling. 2013; 253: 28-43. Available at: [Link].

deCastro M, Gómez-Gesteira M, Alvarez I, Prego R. Negative estuarine circulation in the Ria of Pontevedra (NW Spain). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2004; 60(2): 301-312. Available at: [Link].

deCastro M, Gómez-Gesteira M, Prego R, Neves R. Wind influence on water exchange between the ria of Ferrol (NW Spain) and the shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2003; 56(5-6): 1055-1064. Available at: [Link].

de Pablo H, Sobrinho J, Garcia M, Campuzano F, Juliano M. Validation of the 3D-MOHID Hydrodynamic Model for the Tagus Coastal Area. Water. 2019; 11: 1–21. Available at: [Link]

Declerck D, Delpey M, Rubio A, Ferrer L, Basurko OC, Mader J, Louzao M. Transport of floating marine litter in the coastal area of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay: A Lagrangian approach using modelling and observations. Journal of Operational Oceanography. 2019. Available at: [Link]

Delpey MT, Ardhuin F, Otheguy P, Jouon A. Effects of waves on coastal water dispersion in a small estuarine bay. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2014; 119: 1–17. Available at: [Link].

Desmit X, Thieu V, Billen G, Campuzano F, Dulière V, Garnier J, Lassaletta L, Ménesguen A, Neves R, Pinto L, Silvestre M, Sobrinho JL, Lacroix G. Reducing marine eutrophication may require a paradigmatic change. Science of The Total Environment. 2018; 635: 1444-1466. Available at: [Link]

Díaz LO, Pierini JO, Leitao PC, Malhadas M, Ribeiro J, Leitao JC, Restrepo J. Three-dimensional oil spill transport and dispersion at sea by an event of blowout. DYNA. August 2014; 81 (186): 42-50. Available at: [Download]

Duarte B, Valentim JM, Dias JM, Marques JC, Silva H, Caçador I. Modelling sea level rise (SLR) impacts on salt marsh detrital outwelling C and N exports from an estuarine coastal lagoon to the ocean (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal). Ecological Modelling. 2014; 289: 36–44. Available at: [Link].

Epelde AM, Antiguedad I, Brito D, Jauch E, Neves R, Garneau C, Sauvage S, Sánchez-Pérez JM. Different modelling approaches to evaluate nitrogen transport and turnover at the watershed scale. Journal of Hydrology. 2016; 539: 478-494. Available at: [Link].


Fernandes R, Braunschweig F, Lourenço F, Neves R. Combining operational models and data into a dynamic vessel risk assessment tool for coastal regions. Ocean Science. 2016; 12: 285-317. Available at: [Link].

Figueiredo D, Dos Santos A, Mateus M, Pinto L. Hydrodynamic modelling of Port Foster, Deception Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 2018; 115-124. Available at: [Link].

Fossati M, Piedra-Cueva I. A 3D hydrodynamic numerical model of the Río de la Plata and Montevideo’s coastal zone. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2013; 37(3):1310-1332. Available at: [Link].

Franz G, Leitão P, Pinto L, Jauch E, Fernandes L, Neves R. Development and validation of a morphological model for multiple sediment classes. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2017. Available at: [Link]

Franz G, Delpey M, Brito D, Pinto L, Leitão P, Neves R. Modelling of sediment transport and morphological evolution under the combined action of waves and currents. Ocean Science Discussions. 2017; 3:1-26. Available at: [Link].

Franz G, Leitão P, Santos A, Juliano M, Neves R. From regional to local scale modelling on the south-eastern Brazilian shelf: case study of Paranaguá estuarine system. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 2016; 64(3): 277-294. Available at: [Download].

Franz G, Pinto L, Ascione I, Mateus M, Fernandes R, Leitão P, Neves R. Modelling of cohesive sediment dynamics in tidal estuarine systems: Case study of Tagus estuary, Portugal. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2014; 151: 34–44. Available at: [Link].

Gabriel S, Martins F. First results of a long term morphodynamic process based model. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 952-955. Available at: [Download].

Galesic M, Andricevic R, Gotovac H, Srzic V. Concentration statistics of solute transport for the near field zone of an estuary. Advances in Water Resources. 2016; 94: 424-440. Available at: [Link].

Gardi A, Valencia N, Guillande R, André C. Inventory of uncertainties associated with the process of tsunami damage assessment on buildings (SCHEMA FP6 EC co-funded project). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2011; 11: 883–893. Available at: [Download].

Garneau C, Duchesne S, St-Hilaire A. Comparison of modelling approaches to estimate trapping efficiency of sedimentation basins on peatlands used for peat extraction. Ecological Engineering. 2019; 133: 60-68. Available at: [Link]

Garneau C, Sauvage S, Sánchez-Pérez J-M, Lofts S, Brito D, Neves R, Probst A. Modelling trace metal transfer in large rivers under dynamic hydrology: A coupled hydrodynamic and chemical equilibrium model. Environmental Modelling & Software. 2017; 89: 77-96. Available at: [Link].

Gaspar R, Marques L, Pinto L, Baeta A, Pereira L, Martins I, Marques JC, Neto JM. Origin here, impact there — The need of integrated management for river basins and coastal areas. Ecological Indicators. 2017; 72: 794-802. Available at: [Link].

Genio L, Sousa A, Vaz N, Dias J, Barroso C. Effect of low salinity on the survival of recently hatched veliger of Nassarius reticulatus (L.) in estuarine habitats: A case study of Ria de Aveiro. Journal of Sea Research. 2008; 59(3): 133-143. Available at: [Link].

Gobbetti LEC. Design of the filling and emptying system of the new Panama Canal locks. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research. 2013; 1(1): 28-38. Available at: [Link].

Gomes N, Neves R, Ascione-Kenov I, Campuzano FJ, Pinto L. Tide and tidal currents in the Cape Verde archipelago. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada/Journal of Integrated Coastal Management. 2015; 15(3): 395-408. Available at: [Link].

Gomez-gesteira M, Montero P, Prego R, Taboada JJ, Leitão P, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Neves R, Pérez-Villar V. A two-dimensional particle tracking model for pollution dispersion in A Coruña and Vigo Rias (NW Spain). Oceanologica Acta. 1999; 22: 167-177. Available at: [Download].

Hamidi-Razi H, Mazaheri M, Carvajalino-Fernández M, Vali-Samani J. Investigating the restoration of Lake Urmia using a numerical modelling approach. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2019; 45(1): 87-97. Available at: [Link]

Henry L-A, Moreno Navas J, Roberts JM. Multi-scale interactions between local hydrography, seabed topography, and community assembly on cold-water coral reefs. Biogeosciences. 2013; 10:2737-2746. Available at: [Link].

Huhn F, von Kameke A, Allen-Perkins S, Montero P, Venancio A, Pérez-Muñuzuri V. Horizontal Lagrangian transport in a tidal-driven estuary—Transport barriers attached to prominent coastal boundaries. Continental Shelf Research. 2012; 39–40:1–13. Available at: [Link].

Huthnance JM, Coelho H, Griffiths CR, Knight PJ, Rees AP, Sinha B, Vangriesheim A, White M, Chatwin PG. Physical structures, advection and mixing in the region of Goban spur. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2001; 48(14-15): 2979-3021. Available at: [Link].

Janeiro J, Fernandes E, Martins F, Fernandes R. Wind and freshwater influence over hydrocarbon dispersal on Patos Lagoon, Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2008; 56(4): 650-665. Available at: [Link].

Janeiro J, Martins F, Relvas P. Towards the development of an operational tool for oil spills management in the Algarve coast. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 2012; 16(4): 449-460. Available at: [Link].

Janeiro J, Zacharioudaki A, Sarhadi E, Neves A, Martins F. Enhancing the management response to oil spills in the Tuscany Archipelago through operational modelling. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2014; 85(2): 574-589. Available at: [Link].

Janeiro J, Neves A, Martins F, Relvas P. Integrating technologies for oil spill response in the SW Iberian coast. Journal of Marine Systems. September 2017; 173: 31-42. Available at: [Link]


Lee J-H, Lim B-J, Kim D-Y, Park S-H, Chang Y-S. The Validation of MOHID Regional Ocean Circulation Model around the East Asian Seas in 2016. Journal of the Korean earth science society. 2018; 39(5): 436-457. Available at: [Download] (In Korean)

Leitão P, Coelho H, Santos A, Neves R. Modelling the main features of the Algarve coastal circulation during July 2004: A downscaling approach. Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science. 2005; 10(4): 421-462. Available at: [Link].

Leitão P, Galvão P, Aires E, Almeida L, Viegas C. Fecal contamination modeling in coastal waters using a web service approach. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2012; 11(5):899-906. Available at: [Download].

Li Y, Martins F, Wolanski E. Sensitivity analysis of the physical dynamics of the Fly River plume in Torres Strait. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2017; 194: 84-91. Available at: [Link].

Lillebø AI, Stålnacke P, Gooch GD, Krysanova V, Bielecka M. Pan-European management of coastal lagoons: a Science-Policy-Stakeholder interface perspective. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2017; 198(B): 648-656. Available at: [Link].

Lindo-Atichati D, Montero P, Rodil R, Benito Quintana J, Miró M. Modeling Dispersal of UV Filters in Estuaries. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019; 53(3): 1353-1363. Available at: [Link]

Loureiro S, Newton A, Icely J. Boundary conditions for the European Water Framework Directive in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal (physico-chemical and phytoplankton quality elements). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2006; 67: 382-398. Available at: [Link].

Lozoya JP, Teixeira de Mello F, Carrizo D, Weinstein F, Olivera Y, Cedrés F, Pereira M, Fossati M. Plastics and microplastics on recreational beaches in Punta del Este (Uruguay): Unseen critical residents? Environmental Pollution. 2016; 218: 931-941. Available at: [Link].

Lugon Jr J, Costa VTR, Rodrigues PPGW. Assessment of the impact of a small hydroelectric power plant over the water quality of the Itabapoana River through a computational model. Ciência e Natura. 2016; 38(1): 95-105. Available at: [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Madeira D, Narciso L, Cabral HN, Vinagre C. Thermal tolerance and potential impacts of climate change on coastal and estuarine organisms, Journal of Sea Research. 2012; 70: 32-41. Available at: [Link].

Malhadas MS, Leitão PC, Silva A, Neves R. Effect of coastal waves on sea level in Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal. Continental Shelf Research. 2009; 29(9): 1240-1250. Available at: [Link].

Malhadas MS, Mateus MD, Brito D, Neves R. Trophic state evaluation after urban loads diversion in a eutrophic coastal lagoon (Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal): a modeling approach. Hydrobiologia. 2014; 740(1): 231-251. Available at: [Link].

Malhadas MS, Neves RJ, Leitão PC, Silva A. Influence of tide and waves on water renewal in Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal. Ocean Dynamics. 2010; 60(1): 41-55. Available at: [Link].

Malhadas MS, Silva A, Leitão PC, Neves R. Effect of the bathymetric changes on the hydrodynamic and residence time in Óbidos Lagoon (Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 549-553. Available at: [Download].

Marín VH, Campuzano FJ. Un modelo hidrodinámico-barotrópico para los fiordos australes de Chile entre los 41° S y los 46° S. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar. 2008; 31(2): 125-136. Available at: [Download]. (In Spanish).

Marín VH, Tironi A, Paredes MA, Contreras M. Modeling suspended solids in a Northern Chilean Patagonia glacier-fed fjord: GLOF scenarios under climate change conditions. Ecological Modelling. 2013; 264:7-16. Available at: [Link].

Martin F, Hedger RD, Dodson JJ, Fernandes L, Hatin D, Caron F, Whoriskey FG. Behavioural transition during the estuarine migration of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 2009; 18: 406–417. Available at: [Link].

Martins F, Leitão P, Neves R. Simulating vertical water mixing in homogeneous estuaries: the SADO Estuary case. Hydrobiologia. 2002; 475/476: 221-227. Available at: [Link].

Martins F, Leitão P, Silva A, Neves R. 3D modelling in the Sado estuary using a new generic vertical discretization approach. Oceanologica Acta. 2001; 24(Supplement 1): 51-62. Available at: [Link].

Martins F, Pina P, Calado S, Delgado S, Neves R. A coupled hydrodynamic and ecological model to manage water quality in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon. Advances In Ecological Sciences. 2003; 18-19: 93-100. Available at: [Download].

Martins F, Reis MP, Neves R, Cravo AP, Brito A, Venâncio A. Molluscan shellfish bacterial contamination in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon: A modelling approach. 2004; SI(39): 1551-1555. Available at: [Link].

Martins I, Dias E, Ilarri MI, Campuzano FJ, Pinto L, Santos MM, Antunes C. Antagonistic effects of multiple stressors on macroinvertebrate biomass from a temperate estuary (Minho estuary, NW Iberian Peninsula). Ecological Indicators. 2019; 101: 792-803. Available at: [Link]

Mateus M. A process-oriented model of pelagic biogeochemistry for marine systems. Part I: Model description. Journal of Marine Systems. 2012; 94(Supplement): S78–S89. Available at: [Link].

Mateus M, da Silva Vieira R, Almeida C, Silva M, Reis F. ScoRE—A Simple Approach to Select a Water Quality Model. Water. 2018; 10(12): 1811. Available at: [Download]

Mateus MD, Franz G. Sensitivity Analysis in a Complex Marine Ecological Model. Water. 2015; 7(5): 2060-2081. Available at: [Link].

Mateus M, Leitão PC, de Pablo H, Neves R. Is it relevant to explicitly parameterize chlorophyll synthesis in marine ecological models?. Journal of Marine Systems. 2012; 94(Supplement): S23–S33. Available at: [Link].

Mateus M, Neves R. Evaluating light and nutrient limitation in the Tagus estuary using a process-oriented ecological model. Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology. 2008; 12A: 43-54. Available at: [Link]

Mateus M, Pinto L, Chambel-Leitão P. Evaluating the predictive skills of ocean circulation models in tracking the drift of a human body: a case study. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2014; 0: 1–10. Available at: [Link].

Mateus M, Riflet G, Chambel P, Fernandes L, Fernandes R, Juliano M, Campuzano F, de Pablo H, Neves R. An operational model for the West Iberian coast: products and services. Ocean Science. 2012; 8: 713-732. Available at: [Link]

Mateus M, Vaz N, Neves R. A process-oriented model of pelagic biogeochemistry for marine systems. Part II: Application to a mesotidal estuary. Journal of Marine Systems. 2012; 94(Supplement): S90–S101. Available at: [Link].

Mendes J, Leitão P, Chambel Leitão J, Bartolomeu S, Rodrigues J, Dias JM. Improvement of an Operational Forecasting System for Extreme Tidal Events in Santos Estuary (Brazil). Geosciences. 2019; 9(12): 511. Available at: [Link]

Mendes R, Sousa MC, deCastro M, Gómez-Gesteira M, Dias JM. New insights into the Western Iberian Buoyant Plume: Interaction between the Douro and Minho River plumes under winter conditions. Progress in Oceanography. 2016; 141: 30-43. Available at: [Link].

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Oliveira AP, Mateus MD, Cabeçadas G, Neves R. Water-air CO2 fluxes in the Tagus estuary plume (Portugal) during two distinct winter episodes. Carbon Balance and Management. 2015; 10:2. Available at: [Link].

Oliveira AP, Pilar-Fonseca T, Cabeçadas G, Mateus M. Local variability of CO2 partial pressure in a mid-latitude mesotidal estuarine system (Tagus Estuary, Portugal). Geosciences. 2018; 8(12): 460. Available at: [Download]

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Ospino S, Restrepo JC, Otero L, Pierini J, Alvarez-Silva O. Saltwater intrusion into a River with high fluvial discharge: a microtidal estuary of the Magdalena River, Colombia. Journal of Coastal Research. 2018; 34(6): 1273-1288. Available at: [Link]


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Pierini JO, Campuzano FJ, Leitão PC, Gómez EA, Neves RJ. Atmospheric influence over the residence time in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, Argentina. Thalassas. 2019; 35(1): 275–286. Available at: [Link]

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Ramos TB, Darouich H, Gonçalves MC, Brito D, Castelo Branco MA, Martins JC, Fernandes ML, Pires FP, Morais M, Neves R. An integrated analysis of the eutrophication process in the Enxoé Reservoir within the DPSIR framework. Water. 2018; 10(11):1576. Available at: [Download]

Ramos TB, Simionesei L, Jauch E, Almeida C, Neves R. Modelling soil water and maize growth dynamics influenced by shallow groundwater conditions in the Sorraia Valley region, Portugal. Agricultural Water Management. 2017; 185: 27-42. Available at: [Link].

Ramos TB, Simionesei L, Oliveira AR, Darouich H, Neves R. Assessing the Impact of LAI Data Assimilation on Simulations of the Soil Water Balance and Maize Development Using MOHID-Land. Water. 2018; 10(10): 1367. Available at: [Download]

Restrepo JC, Escobar J, Otero L, Franco D, Pierini J, Correa I. Factors Influencing the Distribution and Characteristics of Surface Sediment in the Bay of Cartagena, Colombia. Journal of Coastal Research. 2017; 33(1): 135–148. Available at: [Link].

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Rueda JG, Otero LJ, Pierini JO. Hydrodynamic characterization in a tropical estuary of South America with mixed microtidal regime (Cartagena Bay, Colombia). Boletín Científico CIOH. 2013; 31: 159-174. Available at: [Download] (In Spanish).

Ruiz-Villarreal M, Montero P, Taboada JJ, Prego R, Leitão PC, Pérez-Villar V. Hydrodynamic model study of the Ria de Pontevedra under estuarine conditions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2002; 54(1): 101-113. Available at: [Link].

Sagarduy M, Courtois S, Del Campo A, Garmendia JM, Petrau A. Differential decay and prediction of persistence of Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli culturable cells and molecular markers in freshwater and seawater environments. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2019; 222(4): 695-704. Available at: [Link]

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Saraiva S, Fernandes L, van der Meer J, Neves R, Kooijman SALM. The role of bivalves in the Balgzand: First steps on an integrated modelling approach. Ecological Modelling. 2017; 359(34-48). Available at: [Link].

Saraiva S, Pina P, Martins F, Santos M, Braunschweig F, Neves R. Modelling the influence of nutrient loads on Portuguese estuaries. Hydrobiologia. 2007; 587(1): 5-18. Available at: [Link].

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Segurado P, Branco P, Jauch E, Neves R, Ferreira MT. Sensitivity of river fishes to climate change: The role of hydrological stressors on habitat range shifts. Science of The Total Environment. 2016; 562: 435-445. Available at: [Link].

Seiler LMN, Fernandes EHL, Martins F, Abreu PC. Evaluation of hydrologic influence on water quality variation in a coastal lagoon through numerical modeling. Ecological Modelling. 2015; 314: 44-61. Available at: [Link].

Silva A, Pinto L, Rodrigues SM, de Pablo H, Santos M, Moita T, Mateus M. A HAB warning system for shellfish harvesting in Portugal. Harmful Algae. 2016; 53: 33-39. Available at: [Link].

Silva E, Garbossa LHP, Nuñer APO, Lapa KR. Hydrodynamic modelling of the dispersion and deposition of biodeposits from marine bivalve mollusc farming under neap and spring tides in Santa Catarina Island Bays. Aquaculture. 2019; 501: 507-514. Available at: [Link]

Silva P, Martins F, Boski T, Sampath R. Modeling basin infilling processes in estuaries using two different approaches: an aggregate diffusive type model and a processed based model. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada/Journal of Integrated Coastal Management. 2012; 12(2): 127-129. Available at: [Download].

Simionesei L, Ramos TB, Brito D, Jauch E, Chambel-Leitão P, Almeida C, Neves R. Numerical simulation of soil water dynamics under stationary sprinkler irrigation with Mohid‐Land. Irrigation and Drainage. 2016; 65(1): 98-111. Available at: [Download]

Simionesei L, Ramos TB, Oliveira AR, Jongen M, Darouich H, Weber K, Proença V, Domingos T, Neves R. Modeling soil water dynamics and pasture growth in the montado ecosystem using MOHID Land. Water. 2018; 10(4): 489. Available at: [Download]

Sousa MC, Vaz N, Alvarez I, Gomez-Gesteira M, Dias JM. Modeling the Minho River plume intrusion into the Rias Baixas (NW Iberian Peninsula). Continental Shelf Research. 2014; 85: 30-41. Available at: [Link].

Sousa MC, Vaz N, Alvarez I, Gomez-Gesteira M, Dias JM. Influence of the Minho River plume on the Rias Baixas (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Marine Systems. 2014; 139: 248–260. Available at: [Link].

Taboada JJ, Prego R, Ruiz-villarreal M, Gomez-gesteira M, Montero P, Santos AP, Pérez-Villar V. Evaluation of the seasonal variations in the residual circulation in the Ría of Vigo (NW Spain) by means of a 3D baroclinic model. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 1998; 47(5): 661-670. Available at: [Link].

Tavares LP, Lugon Jr J, da Silva JA, Wasserman JC, Rodrigues PP. Water management and urban flood mitigation: studies and proposals for the Macaé River basin in Brazil. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering. 2018; 12(2): 188-200. Available at: [Download]

Telles WR, Rodrigues PPGW, Silva Neto AJ. Calibração automática da plataforma MOHID empregando um método estocástico de otimização e dados reais de um evento climático extremo em Nova Friburgo‐RJ: parte 1 – preparação do modelo digital do terreno e aquisição dos dados experimentais de precipitação e nível. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería. 2017; 33(3-4): 164–170. Available at: [Link].

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Tosic M, Martins F, Lonin S, Izquierdo A, Restrepo JD. A practical method for setting coastal water quality targets: Harmonization of land-based discharge limits with marine ecosystem thresholds. Marine Policy. 2019; 108. Available at: [Link]

Tosic M, Martins F, Lonin S, Izquierdo A, Restrepo JD. Hydrodynamic modelling of a polluted tropical bay: Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on freshwater runoff and estuarine water renewal. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019; 236: 695-714. Available at: [Link].

Trancoso AR, Braunschweig F, Chambel Leitão P, Obermann M, Neves R. An advanced modelling tool for simulating complex river systems. The Science of the total environment. 2009; 407(8): 3004-3016. Available at: [Link].

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Tzoraki O, Nikolaidis NP, Trancoso R, Braunschweig F, Neves R. A reach-scale biogeochemical model for temporary rivers. Hydrological Processes. 2009; 23(2): 272-283. Available at: [Link].


Valle M, Chust G, Campo A, Wisz MS, Olsen SM, Garmendia JM, Borja A. Projecting future distribution of the seagrass Zostera noltii under global warming and sea level rise. Biological Conservation Biological Conservation. 2014; 170: 74–85. Available at: [Link].

Valentim JM, Vaz N, Silva H, Duarte B, Caçador I, Dias JM. Tagus Estuary and Ria de Aveiro salt marsh dynamics and the impact of sea level rise. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2013; 130:138-151. Available at: [Link].

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Won SI, Kim SY, Kim KO. Submesoscale surface tidal, vortical, and residual circulations in a semi‐enclosed bay. Journal Geophysical Research: Ocean. 2019; 124. Available at: [Link]

Yong-Wook N, Yong-Hyuk K. Prediction of Drifter Trajectory Using Evolutionary Computation. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2018; Article ID 6848745: 15 pages. Available at: [Link]

Journal Papers By Year


Almeida C, Ramos TB, Sobrinho J, Neves R, Proença de Oliveira R. An Integrated Modelling Approach to Study Future Water Demand Vulnerability in the Montargil Reservoir Basin, Portugal. Sustainability. 2019; 11(1), 206. Available at: [Download]

Calero Quesada MC, García-Lafuente J, Garel E, Delgado Cabello J, Martins F, Moreno-Navas J. Effects of tidal and river discharge forcings on tidal propagation along the Guadiana Estuary. Journal of Sea Research. 2019; 146: 1-13. Available at: [Link]

Canuto N, Ramos TB, Oliveira AR, Simionesei L, Basso M, Ramiro Neves. Influence of reservoir management on Guadiana streamflow regime. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2019; 25: 100628. Available at: [Link]

de Pablo H, Sobrinho J, Garcia M, Campuzano F, Juliano M. Validation of the 3D-MOHID Hydrodynamic Model for the Tagus Coastal Area. Water. 2019; 11: 1–21. Available at: [Link]

Declerck D, Delpey M, Rubio A, Ferrer L, Basurko OC, Mader J, Louzao M. Transport of floating marine litter in the coastal area of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay: A Lagrangian approach using modelling and observations. Journal of Operational Oceanography. 2019. Available at: [Link]

Garneau C, Duchesne S, St-Hilaire A. Comparison of modelling approaches to estimate trapping efficiency of sedimentation basins on peatlands used for peat extraction. Ecological Engineering. 2019; 133: 60-68. Available at: [Link]

Hamidi-Razi H, Mazaheri M, Carvajalino-Fernández M, Vali-Samani J. Investigating the restoration of Lake Urmia using a numerical modelling approach. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2019; 45(1): 87-97. Available at: [Link]

Lindo-Atichati D, Montero P, Rodil R, Benito Quintana J, Miró M. Modeling Dispersal of UV Filters in Estuaries. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019; 53(3): 1353-1363. Available at: [Link]

Lugon Junior J, Tavares LP, Kalas F, Rodrigues PP, Wasserman JC. Reservoir implantation for flood dampening in the Macaé River basin using the Mohid Land model. Ciência e Natura. 2019; 41: e29 Available at: [Link]

Martins I, Dias E, Ilarri MI, Campuzano FJ, Pinto L, Santos MM, Antunes C. Antagonistic effects of multiple stressors on macroinvertebrate biomass from a temperate estuary (Minho estuary, NW Iberian Peninsula). Ecological Indicators. 2019; 101: 792-803. Available at: [Link]

Mendes J, Leitão P, Chambel Leitão J, Bartolomeu S, Rodrigues J, Dias JM. Improvement of an Operational Forecasting System for Extreme Tidal Events in Santos Estuary (Brazil). Geosciences. 2019; 9(12): 511. Available at: [Link]

Pierini JO, Campuzano FJ, Leitão PC, Gómez EA, Neves RJ. Atmospheric influence over the residence time in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, Argentina. Thalassas. 2019; 35(1): 275–286. Available at: [Link]

Sagarduy M, Courtois S, Del Campo A, Garmendia JM, Petrau A. Differential decay and prediction of persistence of Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli culturable cells and molecular markers in freshwater and seawater environments. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2019; 222(4): 695-704. Available at: [Link]

Silva E, Garbossa LHP, Nuñer APO, Lapa KR. Hydrodynamic modelling of the dispersion and deposition of biodeposits from marine bivalve mollusc farming under neap and spring tides in Santa Catarina Island Bays. Aquaculture. 2019; 501: 507-514. Available at: [Link]

Tosic M, Martins F, Lonin S, Izquierdo A, Restrepo JD. A practical method for setting coastal water quality targets: Harmonization of land-based discharge limits with marine ecosystem thresholds. Marine Policy. 2019; 108. Available at: [Link]

Tosic M, Martins F, Lonin S, Izquierdo A, Restrepo JD. Hydrodynamic modelling of a polluted tropical bay: Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on freshwater runoff and estuarine water renewal. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019; 236: 695-714. Available at: [Link]

Vaz N, Vaz L, Serôdio J, Dias JM. A modeling study of light extinction due to cohesive sediments in a shallow coastal lagoon under well mixed conditions. Science of The Total Environment. 2019; 694. Available at: [Link]

Won SI, Kim SY, Kim KO. Submesoscale surface tidal, vortical, and residual circulations in a semi‐enclosed bay. Journal Geophysical Research: Ocean. 2019; 124. Available at: [Link]


Angeletti S, Pierini JO, Cervellini PM. Suspended sediment contribution resulting from bioturbation in intertidal sites of a SW Atlantic mesotidal estuary: data analysis and numerical modelling. Scientia Marina. 2018; 82(4): 245-256. Available at: [Download]

Bartolomeu S, Malhadas MS, Ribeiro J, Leitão PC, Dias JM. Influence of MeteOcean processes on MSYM sea level predictions in the Malacca Straits. Modern Management Forum. 2018; 2(2): 1-17. Available at: [Download]

Brito D, Ramos TB, Gonçalves MC, Morais M, Neves R. Integrated modelling for water quality management in a eutrophic reservoir in south-eastern Portugal.Environmental Earth Sciences. 2018; 77(2): 40. Available at: [Link]

Desmit X, Thieu V, Billen G, Campuzano F, Dulière V, Garnier J, Lassaletta L, Ménesguen A, Neves R, Pinto L, Silvestre M, Sobrinho JL, Lacroix G. Reducing marine eutrophication may require a paradigmatic change. Science of The Total Environment. 2018; 635: 1444-1466. Available at: [Link]

Figueiredo D, Dos Santos A, Mateus M, Pinto L. Hydrodynamic modelling of Port Foster, Deception Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 2018; 115-124. Available at: [Link].

Lee J-H, Lim B-J, Kim D-Y, Park S-H, Chang Y-S. The Validation of MOHID Regional Ocean Circulation Model around the East Asian Seas in 2016. Journal of the Korean earth science society. 2018; 39(5): 436-457. Available at: [Download]

Mateus M, da Silva Vieira R, Almeida C, Silva M, Reis F. ScoRE—A Simple Approach to Select a Water Quality Model. Water. 2018; 10(12): 1811. Available at: [Download]

Oliveira AP, Pilar-Fonseca T, Cabeçadas G, Mateus M. Local variability of CO2 partial pressure in a mid-latitude mesotidal estuarine system (Tagus Estuary, Portugal). Geosciences. 2018; 8(12): 460. Available at: [Download]

Ospino S, Restrepo JC, Otero L, Pierini J, Alvarez-Silva O. Saltwater intrusion into a River with high fluvial discharge: a microtidal estuary of the Magdalena River, Colombia. Journal of Coastal Research. 2018; 34(6): 1273-1288. Available at: [Link]

Ramos TB, Darouich H, Gonçalves MC, Brito D, Castelo Branco MA, Martins JC, Fernandes ML, Pires FP, Morais M, Neves R. An integrated analysis of the eutrophication process in the Enxoé Reservoir within the DPSIR framework. Water. 2018; 10(11):1576. Available at: [Download]

Ramos TB, Simionesei L, Oliveira AR, Darouich H, Neves R. Assessing the impact of LAI data assimilation on simulations of the soil water balance and maize development using MOHID-Land. Water. 2018; 10(10): 1367. Available at: [Download]

Simionesei L, Ramos TB, Oliveira AR, Jongen M, Darouich H, Weber K, Proença V, Domingos T, Neves R. Modeling soil water dynamics and pasture growth in the montado ecosystem using MOHID Land. Water. 2018; 10(4): 489. Available at: [Download]

Tavares LP, Lugon Jr J, da Silva JA, Wasserman JC, Rodrigues PP. Water management and urban flood mitigation: studies and proposals for the Macaé River basin in Brazil. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering. 2018; 12(2): 188-200. Available at: [Download]

Vaz N, Rodrigues JG, Mateus M, Franz G, Campuzano F, Neves R, Dias JM. Subtidal variability of the Tagus river plume in winter 2013. Science of the Total Environment. 2018; 627: 1353–1362. Available at: [Link]

Yong-Wook N, Yong-Hyuk K. Prediction of drifter trajectory using evolutionary computation. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2018; Article ID 6848745: 15 pages. Available at: [Link]


Alonso R, Jackson M, Santoro P, Fossati M, Solari S, Teixeira L. Wave and tidal energy resource assessment in Uruguayan shelf seas. Renewable Energy. 2017; 114(Part A): 18-31. Available at: [Link]

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Malhadas MS, Neves RJ, Leitão PC, Silva A. Influence of tide and waves on water renewal in Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal. Ocean Dynamics. 2010; 60(1): 41-55. Available at: [Link].

Morais P, Martins F, Chícharo MA, Lopes J, Chícharo L. Merging anchovy eggs abundance into a hydrodynamic model as an assessment tool for estuarine ecohydrological management. River Research and Applications. 2010. Available at: [Link]

Tironi A, Marin VH, Campuzano FJ. A management tool for assessing aquaculture environmental impacts in Chilean Patagonian Fjords: integrating hydrodynamic and pellets dispersion models. Environmental Management. 2010; 45(5): 953-62. Available at: [Link].


Canas A, Santos A, Leitão P. Effect of large scale atmospheric pressure changes on water level in the Tagus Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 1627-1631. Available at: [Download].

Gabriel S, Martins F. First results of a long term morphodynamic process based model. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 952-955. Available at: [Download].

Malhadas MS, Leitão PC, Silva A, Neves R. Effect of coastal waves on sea level in Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal. Continental Shelf Research. 2009; 29(9): 1240-1250. Available at: [Link].

Malhadas MS, Silva A, Leitão PC, Neves R. Effect of the bathymetric changes on the hydrodynamic and residence time in Óbidos Lagoon (Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 549-553. Available at: [Download].

Martin F, Hedger RD, Dodson JJ, Fernandes L, Hatin D, Caron F, Whoriskey FG. Behavioural transition during the estuarine migration of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 2009; 18: 406–417. Available at: [Link].

Trancoso AR, Braunschweig F, Chambel Leitão P, Obermann M, Neves R. An advanced modelling tool for simulating complex river systems. The Science of the total environment. 2009; 407(8): 3004-3016. Available at: [Link].

Tzoraki O, Nikolaidis NP, Trancoso R, Braunschweig F, Neves R. A reach-scale biogeochemical model for temporary rivers. Hydrological Processes. 2009; 23(2): 272-283. Available at: [Link].

Vaz N, Dias JM, Leitão PC. Three-dimensional modelling of a tidal channel: The Espinheiro Channel (Portugal). Continental Shelf Research. 2009; 29(1): 29-41. Available at: [Link].

Vaz N, Fernandes L, Leitão PC, Dias JM, Neves R. The Tagus estuarine plume induced by wind and river runoff: Winter 2007 case study. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 1090-1094. Available at: [Download].

Viegas CN, Nunes S. Streams contribution on bathing water quality after rainfall events in Costa do Estoril - a tool to implement an alert system for bathing water quality. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009; SI(56): 1691-1695. Available at: [Download].


Genio L, Sousa A, Vaz N, Dias J, Barroso C. Effect of low salinity on the survival of recently hatched veliger of Nassarius reticulatus (L.) in estuarine habitats: A case study of Ria de Aveiro. Journal of Sea Research. 2008; 59(3): 133-143. Available at: [Link].

Janeiro J, Fernandes E, Martins F, Fernandes R. Wind and freshwater influence over hydrocarbon dispersal on Patos Lagoon, Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2008; 56(4): 650-665. Available at: [Link].

Marín VH, Campuzano FJ. Un modelo hidrodinámico-barotrópico para los fiordos australes de Chile entre los 41° S y los 46° S. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar. 2008; 31(2): 125-136. Available at: [Download]. (In Spanish).

Mateus M, Neves R. Evaluating light and nutrient limitation in the Tagus estuary using a process-oriented ecological model. Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology. 2008; 12A: 43-54. Available at: [Link]

Palomar P, Losada I. Desalinización de agua marina en España: Aspectos a considerar en el diseño del sistema de vertido para protección del medio marino. Revista de Obras Públicas. 2008; 3486: 37-52. Available at: [Download]. (In Spanish).

Riflet G, Juliano M, Fernandes L, Leitão PC, Neves R. Operational ocean forecasting of the portuguese waters. Mercator-Ocean Quarterly Newsletter. 2008; 30: 20–32. Available at: [Download]


Saraiva S, Pina P, Martins F, Santos M, Braunschweig F, Neves R. Modelling the influence of nutrient loads on Portuguese estuaries. Hydrobiologia. 2007; 587(1): 5-18. Available at: [Link].

Vaz N, Dias JM, Leitão PC, Nolasco R. Application of the Mohid-2D model to a mesotidal temperate coastal lagoon. Computers & Geosciences. 2007; 33(9): 1204-1209. Available at: [Link].

Vaz N, Leitão PC, Dias JM. Channel-ocean exchange driven by tides and river flow: Espinheiro Channel (Portugal). Water. 2007; SI(50): 1000-1004. Available at: [Download].


Carracedo P, Torres-López S, Barreiro M, Montero P, Balseiro CF, Penabad E, Leitao PC, Pérez-Muñuzuri V. Improvement of pollutant drift forecast system applied to the Prestige oil spills in Galicia Coast (NW of Spain): development of an operational system. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2006; 53(5-7): 350-360. Available at: [Link].

Loureiro S, Newton A, Icely J. Boundary conditions for the European Water Framework Directive in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal (physico-chemical and phytoplankton quality elements). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2006; 67: 382-398. Available at: [Link].


Leitão P, Coelho H, Santos A, Neves R. Modelling the main features of the Algarve coastal circulation during July 2004: A downscaling approach. Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science. 2005; 10(4): 421-462. Available at: [Link].

Nobre A, Ferreira J, Newton A, Simas T, Icely J, Neves R. Management of coastal eutrophication: Integration of field data, ecosystem-scale simulations and screening models. Journal of Marine Systems. 2005; 56(3-4): 375-390. Available at: [Link].

Santos A, Nogueira J, Martins H. Survival of sardine larvae off the Atlantic Portuguese coast: a preliminary numerical study. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2005; 62(4): 634-644. Available at: [Link].

Trancoso AR, Saraiva S, Fernandes L, Pina P, Leitão P, Neves R. Modelling macroalgae using a 3D hydrodynamic-ecological model in a shallow, temperate estuary. Ecological Modelling. 2005; 187(2-3): 232-246. Available at: [Link].

Vaz N, Dias JM, Leitão P, Martins I. Horizontal patterns of water temperature and salinity in an estuarine tidal channel: Ria de Aveiro. Ocean Dynamics. 2005; 55(5-6): 416-429. Available at: [Link].

Conference Proceedings

Almeida C, Chambel-Leitão P, Jauch E, Neves R, Almas L. Serviço de apoio à produção agrícola com optimização dos usos de rega no Vale do Sorraia. Jornadas Técnicas da APRH A Engenharia dos Aproveitamentos Hidroagrícolas: actualidade e desafios futuros, 13–15 October 2011, Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Almeida C, Chambel-Leitão P, Jauch E, Silva A, Timóteo G, Neves R. The use of catchment models coupled with weather forecasts to support water management in Mozambique Umbeluzi watershed. Transboundary water management across borders and interfaces: present and future challenges (TWAM2013), 16-20 March 2013, Aveiro, Portugal. [Download].

Almeida C, Jauch E, Segurado P, Ferreira T, Neves R. Integrating modelling approach to study the relations between stressors and indicators. EDA-EMERGE PhD student conference "merging pollutants and multiple stressors in aquatic ecosystems", 29 June-01 July 2015, Leipzig, Germany. [Download Poster].

Almeida C, Sobrinho J, Jauch E, Neves R. Integrated modeling approach to study the impact of reservoirs in the watershed: the case study of the Sorraia River basin. EWRA 2015 - 9th World Congress of the European Water Resources Association, 10-13 June 2015, Istambul, Turkey.

Almeida C, Segurado P, Ferreira T, Neves R. Modelling as a tool to diagnose relations between stressors and indicators in a regulated and strongly modified catchment. Symposium on Tools for Assessing Status of European Aquatic Ecosystems, 6-7 May 2015, Malmö, Sweden. [Download Presentation].

Bartolomeu S, Leitão JC, Rodrigues J, Leitão PC, Silva A. Serviço de previsão para suporte a estabelecimentos de culturas marinhas. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 19-21 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 132-135. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Bartolomeu S, Malhadas M, Leitão P, Dias J. Influence of MeteOcean processes on MSYM sea level predictions in the Singapore and Malacca Straits. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 24-26 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 155-158. [Download].

Basos N, Martins F, Rodrigues J. Bathymetry interpolation for hydrodynamic modelling. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 24-26 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 327-330. [Download].

Basos N, Martins F, Rodrigues JI. GIS methods to improve numerical model grids and bathymetries. GeoMundus 2012 Conference on Geosciences, Geoinformation and Environment, 9-10 November 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts. [Download].

Basos N, Martins F, Rodrigues JI. Using MOHID GIS to aid hydrodynamic modeling in the Guadiana Estuary. 5as Jornadas de Software Aberto para Sistemas de Informação Geográfica – SASIG 5, 15-17 November 2012, Faro, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 15-27. [Download].

Bottelli DN. Methodology applied for the design of outfall systems for different types of effluents/Metodología para el diseño de emisarios para diferentes tipos de efluentes. International Symposium on Outfall Systems, 15-18 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina. [Download]. (In Spanish)

Bottelli DN, Santisi S, Martijena SH. A system of hydrodynamic, water quality and neural network models for predicting water quality in the Rio de la Plata estuary. 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June–3 July 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. [Download].

Braunschweig F, Leitao PC, Fernandes L, Pina P, Neves RJJ. The object oriented design of the integrated Water Modelling System. Developments in Water Science. 2004; 55: 1079-1090. Available at: [Link].

Brito D, Fernandes R, Braunschweig F, Braunschweig S,Campuzano F, Trancoso AR. An integrated framework for implementing operational coastal models. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 109-112. [Download].

Canas Â, dos Santos A, Leitão P. Implementation and validation of a SFEK data assimilation application for an hydrodynamic model of the Tagus Estuary. XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 2-4 April 2008, San Sebastian, Spain. Revista de Investigacion Marina, 3, 159-160. [Download].

Campuzano F, Brito D, Juliano M, Sobrinho J, Fernandes R, Pinto L, Neves R. Integração espacial e temporal por métodos numéricos dos processos associados às bacias hidrográficas, estuários e oceano regional para a costa ocidental da Península Ibérica. VIII Congresso sobre Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa. 14-16 October 2015, Aveiro, Portugal. Artigo 114. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Campuzano FJ, Fernandes R, Leitão PC, Viegas C, de Pablo H, Neves R. Implementing local operational models based on an offline downscaling technique: The Tagus estuary case. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 20-22 June 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 105-108. [Download].

Campuzano F, Juliano M, Angélico MM, Oliveira P, Neves R. Western Iberia sea surface salinity patterns due to land inputs. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 19-21 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 210-213. [Download].

Campuzano F, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Neves R. Marine Renewable Energy Resources Atlas for Western Iberia. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 105-108. [Download].

Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Pinto L, Neves R. Downscalling from the deep ocean to the estuarine intertidal areas: an operational framework for the Portuguese exclusive economic zone. 6th SCACR – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 4-7 June 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Simões A, Franz G, Pinto L, Caeiro N, Neves R. Operational modelling for supporting and characterising the Marine Renewable Energies in Western Iberia. 7th EuroGOOS conference, 28-30 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Campuzano FJ, Kenov I, Brito D, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Pinto L, Neves R. Numerical evaluation of the river nutrients influence for the Western Iberian coastal region. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 24-26 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 263-266. [Download].

Campuzano FJ, Kenov I, Brito D, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Pinto L, Neves R.Effect of the river discharge implementation in an operational model for the West Iberia coastal area.7th EuroGOOS conference, 28-30 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Campuzano F, Nunes S, Malhadas MS, Nunes D, Jardim M, Neves R. Modelação da hidrodinâmica da Ilha da Madeira. 6ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, JPECP, 8-9 October 2009, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Campuzano F, Nunes S, Malhadas MS, Nunes D, de Pablo H, Neves R. Efeito das descargas de águas residuais e emissários submarinos na produção primaria da costa sul da Ilha da Madeira. 10º Congresso da Água, 21-24 March 2010, Alvor, Algarve, Portugal. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Cho C-W, Song Y-S. A modeling study on residence time in the Youngsan River estuary, Korea. OCEANS 2015, 18-21 May 2015, Genova, Italy. Available at: [Link].

Choi J-Y, Park J-Y, Cho K-H, Hyun S-K, Yoo J, Lee D-Y, Jun K-C. Field observation and modeling of wave set-up on a macrotidal beach: the MALIPO Experiment. Journal of Coastal Research. 2013; SI 65: 183-188. ICS 2013 - 12th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 8-12 April 2013 Plymouth, UK. [Download].

Corral M, Vergara EP, Rubio N, Lacarra ME. Estudio de dispersión de hidrocarburos en medio marino. XVI Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos, 11-13 July 2012, Valencia, Spain. [Download]. (In Spanish)

Costa S, Picado A, Vaz N, Coelho C, Portela L, Dias J. Climate Change Effects on Suspended Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Lagoon: Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research. 2018; SI 85: 521-525. ICS 2018 - 15th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 13-18 May 2018 Haeundae, Busan, Korea. [Link].

Fernandes R. A new modelling tool for chemical spill modellers and responders. 7th EUROGOOS Conference Proceedings, 28-30 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Fernandes R, Brito D, Braunschweig F, Trancoso AR, Campuzano F. Assessing the impact of meteorological models in coastal and estuarine surface drift forecasting systems. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 117-120. [Download].

Fernandes R, Campuzano F, Brito D, Juliano M, Braunschweig F, Neves R. Automated system for near-real time prediction of oil spills from EU satellite-based detection service. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings. 15-18 May 2017, 2017(1): 1574-1593. [Download].

Fernandes RM, Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Braunschweig F, Neves RJ. Gestão de emergências em zonas costeiras. VIII Congresso sobre Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa. 14-16 October 2015, Aveiro, Portugal. Artigo 118. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Fernandes R, Neves R, Viegas C, Leitão P. Integration of an oil and inert spill model in a framework for risk management of spills at sea - A case study for the Atlantic area. 36th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response, 4-6 June 2013, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. pp. 326-353. [Download].

Franz G, Fernandes R, de Pablo H, Viegas C, Pinto L, Campuzano F, Ascione I, Leitão P, Neves R. Tagus Estuary hydro-biogeochemical model: Inter-annual validation and operational model update. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 24-26 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 103-106. [Download].

Franz G, Campuzano F, Fernandes R, Pinto L, de Pablo H, Kenov I, Neves R. An integrated forecasting system for hydro-biogeochemical and waves modelling in the Tagus estuary. 7th EuroGOOS conference, Lisbon 28-30 October 2014. [Download].

Garbossa LHP, Vanz A, Fernandes LDF, De Souza RV, Vianna LF, Rupp GS. Modelling and validation of the Santa Catarina Island Bays hydrodynamics based on astronomic tides and measured tides." (2014). 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics - Informatics and the Environment: Data and Model Integration in a Heterogeneous Hydro World, 17-21 August 2014, New York, USA. Paper 167. Available at: [Link].

Gomes N, Pinto L, Neves R, Campuzano FJ. Modelação da circulação oceânica na região do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. VIII Congresso sobre Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa. 14-16 October 2015, Aveiro, Portugal. Artigo 117. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Gutiérrez JM, Campuzano FJ, Perán A, Senabre T, Mateus M, Belmonte A, Aliaga V, Neves R. Multiscale approach for numerical modeling of aquaculture. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Marine Technology, Martech 2015 15-17 September 2015, Cartagena, Spain. Extended abstracts: 63-66. Available at: [Download].

Ha T, Choi J-Y, Yoo J, Chun I, Shim J.Transformation of small-scale meteorological tsunami due to terrain complexity on the western coast of Korea. Proceedings of the 13th International Coastal Symposium, 13-17 April 2014, Durban, South Africa. Journal of Coastal Research: Special Issue 70: 284–289. Available at: [Link].

Leitão PC, Silva A, Rodrigues J, Bartolomeu S, Leitão J. Downscalling CMEMS IBI 3D hourly solution. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 19-21 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 121-124. [Download].

Leitão P, Moreno L, Pérez C, Espejo J, Malhadas M, Ribeiro J, Nogueira J, Neves R, Fernández M. Analysis of superficial anomalies observed in Iberia Southwest coast - Numerical model approach. International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering MARINE 2011. 28-30 September 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Lim H, Kim C, Park K, Shim J. Operational Oceanographic System for the Southern Coastal Waters of Korea. Conference on Coastal Engineering Practice 2011: 351-358. Conference on Coastal Engineering Practice Proceedings, 21-24 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States. Available at: [Link].

Longo RS, Picado A, Vaz N, Dias JM. Biological response of a coastal plain estuary to torrential episodes: a modelling study. ICS 2016 - 14th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 6-11 March 2016, Sydney, Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 75: 78-82. Available at: [Download].

Lugon Jr J, Juliano M, Jeveaux JL, Neto H, Kalas F, Rodrigues PP. Simulação computacional da dispersão de objetos sólidos lançados em um acidente na região costeira do Estado de São Paulo. Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2018; 6(2): 10320. Available at: [Download].

Malhadas MS, Leitão PC, Ribeiro J, Silva A, Leitão P, Cota T. Sistema integrado de simulação de cheias no Estuário do Espírito Santo (Baía de Maputo, Moçambique). Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 20-22 June 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 135-138. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Martins F, Janeiro J. The role of high-resolution oil spill response models in emergency scenarios, The ATLANTIC POLEX.PT 2017 example. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 19-21 June 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 117-120. [Download].

Martins F, Reis MP, Neves R, Cravo AP, Brito A, Venâncio A. Molluscan shellfish bacterial contamination in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon: A modelling approach. ICS 2004 - 8th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 14-19 March 2004, Itajai/Itapema, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 39, Vol. III (Winter 2006): 1551-1555. Available at: [Link].

Mendes R, Vaz N, Dias JM. Numerical modeling changes induced by the low lying areas adjacent to Ria de Aveiro. Journal of Coastal Research. 2011; SI 64: 1125-1129. ICS 2011 - 11th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 9-14 May 2011, Szczecin, Poland. Available at: [Download].

Mendes R, Vaz N, Dias JM. Potential impacts of the mean sea level rise on the hydrodynamics of the Douro river estuary. Journal of Coastal Research. 2013; SI 65: 1951-1956. ICS 2013 - 12th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 8-12 April 2013, Plymouth, UK. Available at: [Download].

Montero P, Blanco J, Cabanas JM, Maneiro J, Pazos Y, Moroño A, Balseiro CF, Carracedo P, Gómez B, Penabad E, Pérez-Muñuzuri V, Braunschweig F, Fernades R, Leitão PC, Neves R. Oil Spill Monitoring and Forecasting on the Prestige-Nassau accident. 26th Artic and Marine Oil spill Program (AMOP) proceedings. Technical Seminar, Vol 2: 1013-1029, 2003. Enviroment Canada, Otawa, Canada. Available at: [Download].

Montero P, Prego R, Gómez-Gesteira M, Neves R, Taboada JJ, Pérez-Villar V. Aplicación de un modelo 2D al transporte de partículas en la Bahía de A Coruña. VIII Seminario Ibérico de Quimica Marina, 10-12 April 1996, Vigo, Spain. Available at: [Download].

Muttin F, Campbell R, Ouansafi A, Benelmostafa Y. Numerical modelling and experimentation of oil-spill curtain booms: Application to a harbor. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017; 1798:1. Available at: [Link].

Nunes S, Alves MH, Soares C, Nunes M, Caramujo MJ, Pereira L. Perfis de águas balneares no contexto da directiva 2006/7/CE sobre gestão da qualidade das águas balneares. VI Congresso Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa, 4-8 April 2011, Ilha da Boavista, Cabo Verde. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Oliveira PB, Santos M, Moita T, Amorim A. Circulação costeira no barlavento Algarvio no verão e outono de 2015. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 199-202. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Pedro A, Morais M, Rosado J, Silva H, Serafim A, Neves R, Brito D, Potes M, Salgado R, Lillebø AI, Chambel A. Hydrological Modeling in temporary streams: A case study in Pardiela basin, Southern Portugal. 12nd International Specialized Conference on Watershed & River Basin Management, 13-16 September 2011, Pernambuco, Brasil. [Download].

Picado A, Lopes CL, Mendes R, Vaz N, Dias JM. Storm surge impact in the hydrodynamics of a tidal lagoon: the case of Ria de Aveiro. Journal of Coastal Research. 2013; SI 65: 796-801. ICS 2013 - 12th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 8-12 April 2013 Plymouth, UK. [Download].

Pina RD, Braunschweig F, Silva A, Ochoa-Rodriguez S, Simões NE, Mijic A, Marques AS, Maksimović Č. Urban stormwater modelling with MOHID. UDM 2015 - 10th International Urban Drainage Modelling Conference 20-23 September 2015 Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada. [Download].

Pinto L, Campuzano FJ, Fernandes R, Fernandes L,Neves R. An operational model for the Portuguese coast. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 20-22 June 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 85-88. [Download].

Pinto L, Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Neves R. Implementation and validation of an operational model for the Portuguese exclusive economic zone. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 24-26 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 107-110. [Download].

Pinto L, Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Neves R. Downscaling from the ocean to the regional level: an approach to the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone. 7th EuroGOOS conference, 28-30 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Ribeiro RB, Leitao JC, Leitao, PC, Puia HL, Sampaio AF. Integration of high-resolution metocean forecast and observing systems at Port of Santos. In: IX PIANC-COPEDEC, 2016, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of IX PIANC-COPEDEC, 2016 [Download].

Ribeiro RB, Sampaio AF, Leitao PC, Leitao JC, Puia HL. Modelagem numérica operacional do nível do mar e correntes para o Estuário de Santos. In: XI Simpósio sobre Ondas, Marés, Engenharia Oceânica e Oceanografia por Satélite, 2015, Arraial do Cabo [Download].

Riflet G, Leitão PC, Fernandes R, Neves RJJ. A simple pre-operational model for the portuguese coast. In: CMNE/XXVIII CILAMCE, 13-15 June 2007, Porto, Portugal. [Download].

Riflet G, Reffray G, Fernandes R, Chambel P, Nogueira J, Neves R. Downscaling a large-scale ocean-basin model: An intercomparison exercise in the Bay of Biscay. V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2010, 14-17 June 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. [Download].

Ruiz-Villarreal M, Coelho H, Díaz G, Nogueira J. Slope current in the Cantabrian: Observations and modeling of seasonal variability and interaction with Aviles Canyon. ICES CM 2004/N:12. In: ICES CM.Vol 12. Nice (France) 2004. [Download].

Silva A, Leitão P. A Contribution to the Understanding of the Óbidos Lagoon Dynamics. Fifth International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, 4-8 April 2005 Barcelona, Spain. Available at: [Link].

Silva A, Leitão PC, Carvalho S, Alves P. Abordagens integradas de monitorização da descarga de efluentes urbanos em águas costeiras: o exemplo de S. Martinho do Porto. 9º Congresso da Água. 2-4 April 2008, Estoril, Portugal. [Download].

Silva A, Leitão PC, Galvão P, Leitão PC, Malhadas MS, Santos H, Ribeiro J, Aires E, Bartolomeu S, Rodrigues J. Projecto AMOS - serviço de previsão para suporte à navegação e atividade portuária. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 67-70. [Download]. (In Portuguese)

Silva E, Wojcikiewicz CA, Bonetti CVDHC, Lapa KR, Garbossa LHP. Modelagem hidrodinâmica em viveiros de carcinicultura: influência da despesca sobre o arraste de sólidos. XI Simpósio Internacional de Carcinicultura; VIII Simpósio Internacional de Aqüicultura, 10-13 November 2014, Fortaleza, Brasil. Available at: [Link].

Silva JC, Pires Silva AA, Leitão PC, Silva AJ. Modelling tsunamis with a non-hydrostatic version of the MOHID model. Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-23 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 147-150. [Download].

Sousa MC, Vaz N, Alvarez I, Dias JM. Effect of Minho estuarine plume on Rias Baixas: numerical modeling approach. Journal of Coastal Research. 2013; SI 65: 2059-2064. ICS 2013 - 12th International Coastal Symposium Proceedings, 8-12 April 2013 Plymouth, UK. Available at: [Download].

Strzodka M, Claus R, Preuß V, Thürmer K. Advanced treatment of pit lakes using limestone and carbon dioxide. IMWA 2016 – Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions, 11-15 July 2016, Freiberg, Germany. Extended abstracts: 209-215. Available at: [Download].

Telles WR, Neto AJ, Rodrigues PPGW. Modeling the flow of a river using the MOHID platform. 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013), 3-7 November 2013, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. [Download].

Telles WR, Neto AJ, Rodrigues PPGW, Lugon Jr J. Flood estimation using inverse problem techniques coupled to Mohid platform. ICFM6 - 6th International Conference on Flood Management, 16-18 September 2014, São Paulo, Brazil. [Download].

Venâncio A, Montero P, Costa P, Regueiro S, Brands S, Taboada J. An integrated perspective of the operational forecasting system in Rías Baixas (Galicia, Spain) with observational data and end-users. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2019), 12-14 June 2019, Faro, Portugal. Extended abstracts: 229-239. [Link].

Viegas C N, Fernandes R, Jauch E, Aires E, Chambel P, Lopes C, Neves R. Sistema de alerta e previsão para a qualidade das águas balneares - Perfis da água balnear de Carcavelos, Torre e Santo Amaro de Oeiras. 11º Congresso da Água, 6-8 February 2012, Porto, Portugal. [Download]. (In Portuguese)


Ocean modelling for coastal management - Case studies with MOHID. Eds. M. Mateus & R. Neves (2013) IST Press; 265 p. [Download Complete Book]

Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America. Eds. R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (2008), IST Press; 620 p. [Download Complete Book]

Book Chapters

Ascione Kenov I, Campuzano F, Franz G, Fernandes R, Viegas C, Sobrinho J, de Pablo H, Amaral A, Pinto L, Mateus M, Neves R (2014). Advances in Modeling of Water Quality in Estuaries, In: Remote Sensing and Modeling, C.W. Finkl & C. Makowski (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, pp. 237-276. [Link]

Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Sobrinho J, de Pablo H, Brito D, Fernandes R, Neves R (2018). Coupling Watersheds, Estuaries and Regional Oceanography through Numerical Modelling in the Western Iberia: Thermohaline Flux Variability at the Ocean-Estuary Interface. In: Estuary. W. Froneman (Ed), InTech, pp. 1-17. Available at: [Download Chapter].

Campuzano FJ, Leitão PC, Gonçalves MI, Marín VH, Tironi A (2008). Hydrodynamical vertical 2D model for the Aysén Fjord, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 555-566. [Download Chapter]

Campuzano FJ, Marín VH, Tironi A, Leitão PC (2008). Ecological conceptual model for a southern Chilean fjord: The Aysén Fjord case study, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 567-579. [Download Chapter]

Campuzano FJ, Pierini JO, Leitão PC (2008). Hydrodynamics and sediments in Bahía Blanca estuary: Data analysis and modelling, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 483-503. [Download Chapter]

Cancino L, Neves R. (1995). Three-dimensional model system for baroclinic estuarine dynamics and suspended sediment transport in a mesotidal estuary. In: Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions II, C.A. Brebbia, L. Traversoni & L.C. Wobel (eds.), WIT Press. pp 353-360. Available at: [Download Chapter].

De Pablo H, Brito D, Mateus M, Trancoso AR, Campuzano FJ, Pinto L, Neves R (2013). An integration methodology to estimate water fluxes and constituents budgets in coastal areas: application to the Tagus coastal area. In: Ocean modelling for coastal management. Case studies with MOHID, M. Mateus & R. Neves (eds.), IST Press. pp 213-224. [Download Chapter]

Leitão PC, Mateus M, Braunschweig F, Fernandes L, Neves R (2008). Modelling coastal systems: the MOHID Water numerical lab, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 77-88. [Download Chapter]

Mateus M, Campuzano FJ (2008). The DPSIR framework applied to the Integrated Management of Coastal Areas, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 29-42. [Download Chapter]

Mateus M, Fernandes R (2008). Modelling Pollution: Oil Spills and Faecal Contamination, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 89-96. [Download Chapter]

Mateus M, Sampaio A, Mateus S (2008). An ecological Model application to the Santos Estuary, Brazil: testing and validation, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 401-424. [Download Chapter]

Marín VH, Tironi A, Paredes MA, Campuzano F (2008). The estuarine system of the Aysén Fjord, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 333-339. [Download Chapter]

Muttin F, Priour D, Fernandes R (2014). Structures, materials and the environment, In: Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions - Oil Spill Studies, Muttin F (ed.), ISTE Ltd. pp 1-18. [Link]

Neves R (2013). The Mohid concept. Case studies with MOHID, M. Mateus & R. Neves (eds.), IST Press. pp 1-11. [Download Chapter]

Neves R (2007). Numerical models as decision support tools in coastal areas, In: Assessment of the Fate and Effects of Toxic Agents on Water Resources, I.E. Gönenç, V.G. Koutitonsky, B. Rashleigh, R.B. Ambrose Jr., J.P. Wolfin (eds) Nato Security through Science Series - C: Environmental Security, Springer pp 171-195. Available at: [Download Chapter]

Neves R, Brito D, Braunschweig F, Leitão PC, Jauch E, Campuzano F (2015). Managing interfaces in catchment modelling, In: Sustainable Watershed Management, I.E. Gönenç, J.P. Wolfin & R. C. Russo (eds) CRC Press/Balkema pp 19-24. Available at: [Google Books]

Neves R, Coelho H, Taborda R, Pina P (2002). Physical processes and modelling at ocean margins, In: Ocean Margin Systems, Wefer, G., Billett, D., Hebbeln, D., Jørgensen, B.B., Schlüter, M., van Weering, T. (eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg pp 99-124. Available at: [Google Books] [Download Chapter]

Neves R, Matos JS, Fernandes L, Ferreira FS (2007) Integrated Water Management, In: A Portrait of State-of-the-Art Research at the Technical University of Lisbon, Pereira, M.S. (ed.) Springer Netherlands pp 421-446. Available at: [Link]

Nogueira J, Campuzano FJ, Neves R (2013). Sardine larvae vertical migration and horizontal dispersion patterns related to light intensity in the dynamic western Portuguese coast: a numerical study. In: Ocean modelling for coastal management. Case studies with MOHID, M. Mateus & R. Neves (eds.), IST Press. pp 161-173. [Download Chapter]

Perán AI, Campuzano FJ, Senabre T, Mateus M, Gutiérrez JM, Belmonte A, Aliaga V, Neves R (2013). Modelling the environmental and productive carrying capacity of a great scale aquaculture park in the Mediterranean coast and its implications. In: Ocean modelling for coastal management. Case studies with MOHID, M. Mateus & R. Neves (eds.), IST Press. pp 249-265. [Download Chapter]

Pierini JO, Campuzano F, Marcovecchio J, Perillo GME (2008). The application of MOHID to assess the potential effect of sewage discharge system at Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina), In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 515-522. [Download Chapter]

Pierini JO, Marcovecchio J, Campuzano F, Perillo GME (2008). Evolution of salinity and temperature in Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 505-513. [Download Chapter]

Pierini JO, Marcovecchio J, Campuzano F, Perillo GME (2008). MOHID oil spill in coastal zones: A case study in Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina), In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 523-528. [Download Chapter]

Portela L, Cancino L, Neves R (1992). Modelling of Tidal Flow and Transport Processes: A Case Study in the Tejo Estuary, In: Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions, P. W. Partridge (ed.), Springer Netherlands. pp 449-461. [Link]

Re M, Lecertúa E, García P, Menéndez A (2009). Zoning for Hydraulic Impact Studies on the Coastal Zone of the Plata River. Vionnet, C. (Ed.), García, M. (Ed.), Latrubesse, E. (Ed.), Perillo, G. (Ed.). (2009). River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. RCEM 2009, Two Volume Set. London: CRC Press [Download Chapter].

Ribeiro RB, Sampaio AFP, Ruiz MS, Leitão JC, Leitão PC (2019). First Approach of a Storm Surge Early Warning System for Santos Region. In: Climate Change in Santos Brazil: Projections, Impacts and Adaptation Options, L. Nunes, R. Greco, J. Marengo (eds.), Springer, Cham. Available at: [Link]

Ruiz-Villareal M, Bolding K, Burchard H, Demirov E (2005). Coupling of the GOTM turbulence module to some three-dimensional ocean models, In: Marine Turbulence: Theories, Observations, and Models. Results of the CARTUM Project, H.Z. Baumert, J.H. Simpson & J. Sundermann (eds.), Cambridge University Press. pp 225-237. Available at: [Google Books][Download Chapter]

Sampaio AF, Mateus M, Ribeiro RB, Berzin G (2008). A modelling approach to the study of faecal pollution in the Santos Estuary, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 425-434. [Download Chapter]

Sampaio AF, Mateus M, Ribeiro RB (2008). Assessing the impact of several development scenarios on the water quality in Santos Estuary, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 435-444.[Download Chapter]

Strzodka M, Preuß V (2015). Results of In-lake Liming with a Underwater Nozzle Pipeline (UNP), In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining - Aachen 2014, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Niemann-Delius, C (ed.), Springer International Publishing. pp 309-317. Available at: [Link]

Telles WR, Brandão DN, Lugon J, Rodrigues PPGW, Neto AJS (2019). Computational Modeling and Simulation of Surface Waterflood in Mountainous Urban Watersheds with the MOHID Platform: Case Study Nova Friburgo, Brazil, In: Towards Mathematics, Computers and Environment: A Disasters Perspective, L. Lima Santos, R. Galante Negri, T de Carvalho (eds.), Springer International Publishing. pp 125-143. Available at: [Link]

Tironi A, Marin VH, Campuzano F (2008). A management tool for salmon aquaculture: Integrating MOHID and GIS applications for local waste management, In: Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America, R. Neves, J. Baretta & M. Mateus (eds.), IST Press. pp 585-595. [Download Chapter]

Zhang N, Li M, Li W (2014). Research on sediment transport and deposition in the intake open channel under the typhoon, In: Modeling and Computation in Engineering III, L. Zhang and L. Xie (eds.), Taylor & Francis group. pp 143-148. Available at: [Google Books]


PhD Thesis

Almeida C (2019). A modeling approach to estimate the impact of climate and societal scenarios on water resources quantity and quality. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Ascione-Kenov I (2014). Development and application of a process-oriented model for benthic marine systems. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Bernard-Jannin L (2016). Modélisation du processus de dénitrification dans les eaux souterraines des plaines alluviales. PhD Thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INP Toulouse), Université de Toulouse, France. (In French) [Download]

Brito D (2017). Integrated modelling for water Management in reservoirs and watersheds. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Canas A (2009). Modelling and data assimilation techniques for operational hydrodynamic forecast in Tagus Estuary. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Campuzano F (2018). Coupling watersheds, estuaries and regional seas through numerical modelling for Western Iberia. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Coelho H (2002). Modelação de processos físicos relacionados com a circulação oceânica na margem continental Ibérica. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Delpey M (2012). Etude de la dispersion horizontale en zone littorale sous l'effet de la circulation tridimensionnelle forcée par les vagues. PhD thesis. Université européenne de Bretagne, France. [Download]

Epelde AM (2015). Modelización de procesos hidrológicos y de contaminación por nitratos mediante dos códigos numéricos (SWAT y MOHID). Cuenca agrícola del río Alegría (País Vasco). PhD thesis. Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Spain. (In Spanish and English) [Download]

Evaristo A (2017). Modelação da hidrodinâmica e qualidade da água na Baía do Lobito. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Fernandes R (2018). Risk management of coastal pollution from oil spills supported by operational numerical modelling. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Franz G (2017). Numerical modelling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport in coastal systems. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Garcia AC (2008). Fine sediments resuspension processes and transport in Nazaré submarine canyon. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Leitão PC (2003). Integração de escalas e de processos na modelação no ambiente marinho. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Malhadas MS (2015). Water quality assessment and modelling in a eutrophic coastal lagoon: A case study in the Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Martins FA (1999). Modelação matemática tridimensional de escoamentos costeiros e estuarinos usando uma abordagem de coordenada vertical genérica. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Mateus M (2006). A process-oriented biogeochemical model for marine ecosystems: Development, numerical study and application. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Mendes R (2016). The Douro estuarine plume: detection, processes and dynamics. PhD thesis. University of Aveiro, Portugal. [Download]

Montero P (1999). Estudio de la hidrodinámica de la Ría de vigo mediante un modelo de volúmenes finitos. PhD thesis. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (In Spanish) [Download]

Obermann M (2007). Nutrient dynamics in temporary waters of Mediterranean catchments. PhD thesis. University of Hannover, Germany [Download]

Oliveira AP (2011). Fluxos de CO2 na interface ar-água num sistema estuarino português e zona costeira adjacente. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Pando S (2013). Modelling hydrodynamic and particle transport processes in the Nazaré submarine canyon off Portugal. PhD thesis. Jacobs University, Germany. [Download]

Portela LI (1996). Modelação matemática de processos hidrodinâmicos e da qualidade da água no estuário do Tejo. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Riflet G (2010). Downscaling large-scale ocean basin solutions in regional three-dimensional hydrodynamic models. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Ruiz-Villareal M (2000). Parameterization of turbulence in the ocean and application of a 3D model to the ria de Pontevedra. PhD thesis. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. [Download]

Santos AJ (1995). Modelo hidrodinâmico tridimensional de circulação oceânica e estuarina. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Saraiva S (2014). Modelling Bivalves in estuaries and coastal areas. PhD thesis. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit and Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. [Download]

Silva A (1991). Modelação matemática não linear de ondas de superfície e de correntes litorais. PhD thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Valle M (2014). Seagrass meadows under a changing climate: habitat modelling, restoration and monitoring. PhD thesis. Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Spain. [Download]

MSc Thesis

Abreu AL (2010). Avaliação do potencial energético das marés no estuário do Rio Douro. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade do Porto, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Antunes I (2000). Modelação matemática da qualidade da água no estuário do Tejo. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Bassels Ó. (2017). Implementation of the effect of turbines on water currents in MOHID Modelling System. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Basos N (2013). GIS as a tool to aid pre- and post-processing of hydrodynamic models. Application to the Guadiana Estuary. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade do Algarve, Portugal. [Download]

Barão L (2007). Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus soil cycle modeling. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Bernardes B (2007). Hydrodynamical and ecological modelling of the North Sea. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Braunschweig F (2001). Generalização de um modelo de circulação costeira para albufeiras. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Ceregeiro JM (2019). Tidal Farm Electric Energy Production in the Tagus River. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Coelho H (1996). Modelação numérica da turbulência oceânica. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Costa J (2002). Influência de uma piscicultura de gaiolas na qualidade da água da zona envolvente. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade do Algarve, Portugal. [Download]

de Clippele J (1998). Cohesive sediment transport in the Tagus Estuary. MSc dissertation thesis. Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies Européen en Modélisation de l’Environnement Marin. [Download]

de Souza G (2011). Modelagem matemática aplicada ao estudo da intrusão salina no baixo curso do rio São João. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense, Brasil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Duarte S (2001). Bactérias marinhas, sua importância e efeitos no ciclo dos nutrientes - Modelo ecológico. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Fernandes L (2005). Modelling of arsenic dynamics in the Tagus Estuary. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Fernandes R (2005). Modelação operacional no estuário do Tejo. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Fontes CL (2000). Modelação matemática de processos diagenéticos. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Godoy FB (2009). Modelagem hidrológico-hidrodinámica da Lagoa da conceição - SC. MSc dissertation thesis. Université de Liège. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Gomes N (2014). Modelação da circulação oceânica no Arquipélago de Cabo Verde. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Laran S (2000). A theoretical model of pelagic ecosystem and nitrogen waste in a aquaculturing pound. Application to the rearing of sparus aurata L. and dicentrarchus labrax L. in the Sado Estuary (Portugal). MSc dissertation thesis. Université de Liège, Belgium. [Download]

Leitão PC (1996). Modelo de dispersão lagrangeano tridimensional. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Li S (2017). Evaluation of new weathering algorithms for oil spill modeling. MSc dissertation thesis. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada). [Download]

Longo ARS (2015). Biogeochemical response of Tagus Estuary to climate change: a modelling study. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. [Download]

Malhadas M (2008). Modelação do impacte de emissários submarinos em zonas costeiras - caso da Foz do Arelho. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Mateus M (1999). Modelação do ciclo biogeoquímico do azoto na zona do Cabo de S. Vicente. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Mendes J (2018). Optimization of an operational forecast system for extreme tidal events in Santos estuary (Brazil). MSc dissertation thesis. Aveiro University, Portugal. [Download]

Miranda R (1997). Nitrogen biogeochemical cycle modeling in the North Atlantic Ocean. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Monteiro R (2001). Fish Growth Modelling - Growth of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Tagus Estuary, Portugal. MSc dissertation thesis. Diplome D'Etudes Approfondies Europeen en Modelisation de L'Environment Marin. [Download]

Nogueira J (2005). Estudo numérico do recrutamento de pequenos peixes pelágicos na Costa Ibérica. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Parreira CN (2012). Avaliação da hidrodinâmica e da poluição no Canal de Piaçaguera, no Estuário de Santos-São Vicente (SP), a partir de informações ambientais e modelagem numérica. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Pessanha C (2012). Modelagem computacional aplicada à gestão sanitário-ambiental da lagoa Imboassica-RJ. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense, Brasil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Pina P (2001). An integrated approach to study the Tagus estuary water quality. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Pires PC (2005). Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de valiação de riscos ambientais para apoiar a elaboração de planos de emergência. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Ramos P (2002). Modelação matemática da qualidade da água no estuário do Tejo. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Rodrigues J (2015). The Tagus estuarine plume variability: impact in coastal circulation and hydrography. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. [Download]

Rodrigues V (1997). Modelação do transporte e dispersão de constituintes em zonas costeiras. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Salgueiro D (2014). Modelação do efeito da pluma térmica da central termoelétrica de Sines no ambiente marinho. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Sampaio A (2010). Avaliação da correlação entre parâmetros de qualidade da água e socioeconômicos no complexo estuarino de Santos – São Vicente, através de modelagem numérica ambiental. MSc dissertation thesis. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Saraiva S (2005). Modelação ecológica da Ria de Aveiro: o papel das macroalgas. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Seiles LMN (2015). Modelagem numérica da Lagoa dos Patos: variação espacial e temporal da qualidade da água. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Silva JP (2016). Comparative study of the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic versions of the MOHID model in performance benchmarking for Tsunami events. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. [Download]

Sobrinho JL (2012). Balanço de nutrientes na plataforma continental ao largo da Região de Aveiro. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Rosa MSS (2010). Hydrodynamical and biogeochemical modeling study of Sado estuary. MSc dissertation thesis. University of Aveiro, Portugal. [Download]

Tavares JH (2011). Estudo de disponibilidade hídrica do baixo curso dorio Macaé utilizando modelagem computacional. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense, Brasil. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Theias H (2005). Numerical modeling of non-hydrostatic processes in estuarine and coastal regions. MSc dissertation thesis. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Verelst N (2008). Variability of water fluxes off Portugal derived from an operational model. MSc dissertation thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal; Université de Liège, Belgium. [Download]

Final Course Dissertations

Brito D (2005). Integração de detecção remota, dados in-situ e modelos numéricos no estudo do transporte de sedimentos coesivos no estuário do Tejo. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Carmo M (2005). Modelação do transporte de sedimentos em ambientes costeiros. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Galvão P (2002). Solute Dynamics in Unsaturated Soil. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Muñoz BF (2016). Planteamientos y análisis de diferentes sistemas de conexión río Cauca-Laguna de Sonso para el mejoramiento de la circulación de las corrientes en la laguna. Universidad del Valle, Colombia. (In Spanish) [Download]

Salgueiro PB (2002). Modelação matemática de dragagem do canal da barra e da baia de rotação do terminal de contentores do estuário do Sado. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Trancoso AR (2002). Modelling macroalgae in estuaries. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. [Download]

Fernandes L (2001). Transporte de poluentes em estuários. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Fernandes R (2001). Modelação de derrames de hidrocarbonetos. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Saraiva AS (2001). Produção primária de biomassa no estuário do Tejo: estudo da variabilidade das descargas. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Cunha MM (1998). Impacte resultante da variação do regime de caudais sobre o estuário do Guadiana. Final Course Dissertation. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]

Pina P (1998). O impacte das dragagens no transporte de sedimentos coesivos no estuário do Tejo. Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. (In Portuguese) [Download]


Barreto I, Ezzatti P, Fossati M. (2009). Estudio inicial del modelo MOHID - Reporte Técnico RT 09-10. PEDECIBA Informática, Instituto de Computación – Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. [Download] (In Spanish)

Barreto I, Ezzatti P, Fossati M. (2010). Instalación de MOHID en Linux - Reporte Técnico RT 10-03. PEDECIBA Informática, Instituto de Computación – Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. [Download] (In Spanish)

Barreto I, Ezzatti P, Fossati M. (2011). Inclusión de estrategias de paralelismo en MOHID - Reporte Técnico RT 11-03. PEDECIBA Informática, Instituto de Computación – Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. [Download] (In Spanish)

Campuzano-Guillén FJ, Allen JH, Scott T. (2004). The numerical modelling of ecosystem response to nutrients: Application to the Scheldt estuary and plume. IECS (Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies) report, University of Hull, for the European Commission, contract nº EVK3-CT-2000-00040 “EUROTROPH” (report 2 of 4). [Download]

Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, McIlvenny J, Goddijn-Murphy L, Fernandes R, Neves R. (2015) The WaveGlider Mission in Portugal. Assessment of the WaveGlider technology for sea conditions long term monitoring applied to energy resource evaluation. Report for the Turnkey Project (Atlantic area Interreg project Contract Number: 2013-1/279). [Download]

Campuzano FJ, Juliano M, Fernandes R, Neves R. (2015) Marine Renewable Energy Resources - Atlas for Continental Portugal. Report for the EnergyMare Project (Atlantic area Interreg project Contract Number: 2011-1/157). [Download]

Fernández M, Santero P, Fossati M, Dufrechou E, Ezzatti P (2011). Estudio de un modelo hidrodinámico sobre arquitecturas multi-core - Reporte Técnico RT 11-16. PEDECIBA Informática, Instituto de Computación – Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. [Download] (In Spanish)

ISDAMP+ (2015). Improvements of Shorelines Defences Against Marine Pollution. Final Technical Report.(DG ECHO - Civil Protection Financial Instrument Project Ref: 638516/2012/ECHO/A5/SUB). [Download]

Leitão P (2014). MOHID implementation in parallel mode following a domain decomposition approach to the Rias Baixas area. [Download]

Leitão P (2014). MOHID parallelization upgrade following a domain decomposition approach. Report for the EnergyMare Project (Atlantic area Interreg project Contract Number: 2011-1/157). [Download]

Martins F, Wolanski E (2015). The pattern and intrusion of the Fly River flood plume to the Gulf of Papua and the Torres Strait - Preliminary numerical modelling results. Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWATER), James Cook University. [Download]

USAID (2010). Informe técnico 2: resultados de la simulación hidrodinámica y análisis para la RSV el salado (Ecuador). CIIFEN - Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño. [Download] (In Spanish)


User Manual of MOHID Graphical User Interfaces - User Manual for MOHID GUI, GIS, Postprocessor & Time Series Editor

User Manual of MOHID Studio [Link]

Coupling Water-Atmosphere User Manual [Link]

Water Quality Model: Equations & Keywords (2002) [Download]

MOHID Description: Description of the 3D water modeling system Mohid (2003) [Download]

Technical Manual of the MOHIDJET (2003) [Download]

MOHID WaterQuality Module Manual (2006) [Download]

Light parameterization in MOHID (2011) [Download]

MOHID Fish larvae manual (2012) [Download]

MOHID parallelization following a domain decomposition approach (2014) [Download]

MOHID Module Bivalve Manual (2019) [Download]

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