Data file
From MohidWiki
Revision as of 15:45, 5 June 2006 by (talk)
This file contains the relevant information to run the MohidReservoirOptimization program. Like most of Mohid system's files, it is uses keywords, which are:
- START - initial time [AAAA MM DD HH MM SS];
- END - final time [AAAA MM DD HH MM SS];
- DT - time step in seconds;
- W2_BATH_FORMAT - determines if the bathymetry file is in free form or CQUAL-W2's format;
- W2_DATA_FORMAT - determines if the control file is in free form or CQUAL-W2's format;
- IMX - number of segments - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- KMX - number of layers - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- NWB - number of bathymetry files (must be 1) - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- NBR - number of branches - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- BE - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- JBDN - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- SLOPE - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- ELBOT - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- DHS - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- UHS - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- US - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- DS - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- BS - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- UQB - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- DQB - only if W2_DATA_FORMAT is set to free;
- RESERVOIR_ERROR - allowed error in %, between the final reservoir volume and the acomulated volumes file.
Sample data file:
START : 2006 01 01 00 00 00
END : 2006 01 01 00 01 00
DT : 60
!Either "fixed" or "free"
!Either "fixed" or "free"
W2_DATA_FORMAT : fixed
IMX : 25
KMX : 30
NWB : 1
NBR : 1
BE : 1
JBDN : 1
SLOPE : 0.0
ELBOT : 0.0
DHS : 0
UHS : 0
US : 2
DS : 24
BS : 1
UQB : 1
DQB : 1
!allowed error %