How to create a Virtual Machine from a copy
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Revision as of 00:58, 26 May 2009 by Davidbrito (talk | contribs)
- Copy .vmx (1 config) file and .vmdk (2 disk files) from the origin path to the VirtualMachines datastore.
- In VMWare Server, on Virtual Machines Menu click "Add Virtual Machine To Inventory" choosing the .vmx file copied.(a)
- Power on the virtual machine
- Will ask if machine was copied. Accept this option.
- Change machine name (and ip) inside the console in VMWARE. Restart the machine in the console so that changes take effect.
- Machine is available for remote connections.
(a) How to Use VMWare:
- To install VMWare server go to \\kepler\Software\VMWare\Server.
- If the program does not run (happened in one machine) try to go to AdministrativeTools->Services and start VMWare Host Agent
- Initiate the program (it goes to internet browser) and sellect proceed and accept the certificates.
- Give administrator credentials.