Makefile CCCP
From MohidWiki
This section describes a Cross-Compiler, Cross-Platform (CCCP) makefile development methodology using the make tool from GNU, also known as gmake. The syntax to use would be:
make platform.action
(ex: make Win, make Unix.clean, etc...).
A CCCP makefile project a bunch of library, modules and program folders within a single root folder.
Tree description
Regular folders
Every folder must contain the following files:
- encapsulates a list of all the folder's source-files and meta-files.
- Makefile
- contains includes to all the actions that can be perfomed on the folder.
- encapsulates the dependencies of the files within the lists defined in
Special folders and special files
There are two special folders, mandatory, and each containing special files, beyond the mandatory regular files listed above:
- the root folder
- is similar to Makefile, but defines PHONY targets that executes the different actions defined in the Makefiles special folder.
- contains all the necessary configuration global variables specific to the CCCP solution. Configured by the Solution administrator.
- Each user must edit this configuration file before building the solution.
- the Makefiles folder (NOTE: it is extensible, one file per action or rule)
- contains the makefile rules to compile and build programs.
- contains the makefile rules to compile and build libraries.
- contains the makefile rules to erase every .obj, .mod, .lib and .exe file that was created by the CCCP solution.
- contains the makefile rule to install the programs.
Files description
Regular Files INCS = -I$(HDF5) LIBS = SRCDIR = $(SRCBASE1) FILES = \ ModuleGlobalData.$(S) \ ModuleTime.$(S) \ ModuleEnterData.$(S) \ ModuleFunctions.$(S) \ ModuleBenthos.$(S) \ ModuleCEQUALW2.$(S) \ ModuleMacroAlgae.$(S) \ ModuleTimeSerie.$(S) \ ModuleDischarges.$(S) \ ModuleDrawing.$(S) \ ModuleLUD.$(S) \ ModuleWaterQuality.$(S) \ ModuleSedimentQuality.$(S) \ ModuleLife.$(S) \ ModuleInterface.$(S) \ ModuleHydroIntegration.$(S) \ ModuleLightExtinction.$(S) \ ModuleStopWatch.$(S) \ ModuleTriangulation.$(S) \ ModuleHDF5.$(S) \ ModuleDrainageNetwork.$(S) \ ModuleProfile.$(S) METAFILES = \ Files.smk \ Dependencies.smk TARGET = $(BASE1)
The project filetree
The project makefiles distribution
The root folder must contain:
- The Makefile (Makefile)
- One specific makefile per platform and per compiler (ex:,, etc...)
- An auxiliary file included in the latter (
And each module must contain:
- The module standard Makefile (module/Makefile)
- The dependencies file included in the latter (module/
- The local environment variables file included in the former (module/
The makefile's global variables
The idea is to use global variables to pass arguments to the different modules makefiles. Thus, each specific platform makefile in the root folder defines these global variables. Then, it calls the modules makefiles who will use the global variables in their syntax. If a systematic approach of using global variables is implemented, then it is fairly easy to have a cross-platform makefile project implemented; and easily extended.
The Mohid Makefile Project
A sample project for Mohid2D (DEPRECATED)
Here we apply the methodology described above.
SHELL = /bin/sh export MAKE = make PLATCLEAN = win.clean nix.clean PLAT = $(PLATCLEAN:.clean=) .PHONY: default $(PLATCLEAN) $(PLAT) default: @echo Please choose your platform from: @echo $(PLAT). @echo Type "make win(.clean)" or "make nix(.clean)". $(PLAT): $(MAKE) -f $ all $(PLATCLEAN) : $(MAKE) -f $(@:.clean=).mk clean
SHELL = /bin/sh ###### WIN Exported variables ######### export DEL = del /Q export O = obj export F = f90 export MOD = mod export CC= ifort export CCFLAGS = -c -fpp -nologo # Debug: -g Profiling: -p export LFLAGS = -fpp -nologo # Profiling: -p export AR = ar rc export HDF5 = D:/Projectos/Mohid_v4/IntelLibs export LIBS = \ ../Library/Library.lib \ ../Modulos/Modulos.lib \ ../Boxdif_hidrodin/Boxdif_hidrodin.lib \ ../Mohid_Base/Mohid_Base.lib \ $(HDF5)/hdf5.lib \ $(HDF5)/hdf5_hl.lib \ $(HDF5)/hdf5c.lib \ $(HDF5)/hdf5f90.lib \ $(HDF5)/szlib.lib \ $(HDF5)/zlib.lib #### End of exported variables #### include
SHELL = /bin/sh ###### NIX Exported variables ######### export DEL = rm export O = o export F = f90 export MOD = mod export CC= ifort export CCFLAGS = -c -fpp -nologo # Debug: -g Profiling: -p export LFLAGS = -fpp -nologo # Profiling: -p export AR = ar rc export HDF5 = /opt/hdf5/hdf5/lib export LIBS = \ ../Boxdif_hidrodin/Boxdif_hidrodin.lib \ ../Mohid_Base/Mohid_Base.lib \ ../Modulos/Modulos.lib \ ../Library/Library.lib \ $(HDF5)/libhdf5_fortran.a \ $(HDF5)/libhdf5.a \ $(HDF5)/libhdf5_hl.a #### End of exported variables #### include
MODCLEAN = Modulos.clean Boxdif_hidrodin.clean Library.clean Mohid_Base.clean Mohid2D.clean MODULES = $(MODCLEAN:.clean=.all) .PHONY: all clean $(MODULES) $(MODCLEAN) all: $(MODULES) clean: $(MODCLEAN) $(MODULES): $(MAKE) -C $(@:.all=) all $(MODCLEAN): $(MAKE) -C $(@:.clean=) clean #Modules dependencies Mohid2D.all: Mohid_Base Library.all Mohid_Base.all: Boxdif_hidrodin.all Library.all: Modulos.all
SHELL = /bin/sh INCS = -I../ -I$(HDF5) SRCS = \ ModuleGlobalData.$(F) \ ModuleHDF5.$(F) \ ModuleTime.$(F) \ Module_EnterData.$(F) \ ModuleOilSpill.$(F) \ ModuleAppPART3D.$(F) \ ModuleEuler.$(F) \ ModuleOxygenSaturation.$(F) TARGET = Modulos.lib
include OBJS = $(SRCS:.$(F)=.$(O)) .PHONY: all clean all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET) : $(OBJS) @$(AR) $@ $^ @echo Finished building $@. clean: @-$(DEL) *.$(O) *.$(MOD) $(TARGET) @echo Erased $(TARGET) files. %.$(O) : %.$(F) @$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCS) $< @echo $* .............. [OK] include
#Dependencies ModuleHDF5.$(O) : ModuleGlobalData.$(O) Module_EnterData.$(O) : ModuleTime.$(O) ModuleOilSpill.$(O) : Module_EnterData.$(O) ModuleAppPART3D.$(O) : ModuleOilSpill.$(O) ModuleEuler.$(O) : ../param.cmb