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Eutrofização Albufeiras

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It is intended to produce a step-by-step procedure to run reservoir model CE-QUAL-W2

Where to Start?

  1. If you need to have first insights on CEQUAL-W2 model, applications already done see \\datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\0.Bibliografia
  2. If you already feel ready to start, initiate with collecting all the data available for your reservoir and watershed in snirh ( First use the shapes in \\datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\Produtos\ProjectosGIS\ShapesBase to check which flow and quality stations are in the reservoir and watershed. Then, go to snirh to download the desired data from that stations.
  3. Follow the steps in \\datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer

Input Data

How to prepare input data see \\datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\1.PreparaInputs

Note It is important to check input data for a) outliers b) detection limit values c) understanding the dynamic. As so, always perform time serie graphs for each property. Also ploting several related properties (e.g. nutrients and chlorofila) will help in understanding the dynamic.

Running the model

In order to see some project examples check \\datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\2.CorreProjecto\ExemplosHenrique

Evaluating Results