Module Discharges
From MohidWiki
Module Discharges handles all the point discharges in Mohid Water Modelling System. These discharges can be simple water discharges but can also have properties such as substances concentration (temperature, salinity, nutrients, contaminants, etc) and/or momentum.
Main features
Database file
User manual
Sample discharge
Here's what a configuration file of the Module Discharges should look like for a single river run-off. Note that you are previously required to build a time serie .srw with the flow, the temperature and the salinity in order to correctly implement the discharge.
<begindischarge> NAME : Loire DESCRIPTION : Daily timeserie for the year 2004 I_CELL : 144 J_CELL : 220 DEPTHBYGRID : 1 K_CELL : 38 DEFAULT_FLOW_VALUE : 300 DATA_BASE_FILE : M:\Biscay\GeneralData\Level2\rivers\Loire.srw FLOW_COLUMN : 2 TIME_SERIE_COLUMN : 1 DISCHARGE_UNIFORM : 1 <<beginproperty>> NAME : temperature UNITS : celcius DESCRIPTION : temperature in the tagus river CONSTANT_CONC : 0 DEFAULTVALUE : 19.9 TIME_SERIE_COLUMN : 3 <<endproperty>> <<beginproperty>> NAME : salinity UNITS : psu DESCRIPTION : salinity in the tagus river CONSTANT_CONC : 1 DEFAULTVALUE : 0.01 <<endproperty>> <enddischarge>