SWAT - Add Point Sources Loads
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Revision as of 12:28, 2 November 2011 by Davidbrito (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Compute point sources loads== #Adapt this excel file if needed (\\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\1.PreparaInputs\5.FontesPontuais\2_CalculoCarga\ETARRoxo.xls) #Us...")
Compute point sources loads
- Adapt this excel file if needed (\\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\1.PreparaInputs\5.FontesPontuais\2_CalculoCarga\ETARRoxo.xls)
- Use equivalent inhabitants (HE) to estimate average WWTP flow (100L/HE.day - Metcalf gives a maximum of 90 L/HE.day for data from 1992; presently for Lisbon the average is around 120L/HE.day. Services, food and hotel areas have bigger values but in average it should be around 100 L/HE.day). Compute daily volume in m3/day for each WWTP.
- Use D.L. 236/98 (anex XVIII in \\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\0.Bibliografia\DL236_98.pdf) to use concentrations limits for discharge: SST - 60 mg/l; Ammonia 8 mgN/l; Nitrato 11 mgN/l; PO4 3 mgP/l (same as Total, assuming all is in dissolved form; WWTP reduces particulate material in deposition and organic in secondary treatment). Compute daily loads for SST in tons/day and other in Kg/day.
- If your reservoir is in a sensitive area (http://www.inag.pt/inag2004/port/r_externas/ue/ag_res_urb/aguas_res_urb_zonas.html#lista) then it has the WWTP directive that lowers the P discharge limit to 2mgP/l for WWTP with more than 10 000 HE (quadro 2 in \\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\0.Bibliografia\DL_152_97_DirectivaAguasResiduais.pdf). So if your watershed is in a sensitive area and there are WWTP in your watershed that have around 10 000 HE or more then the P discharge will be 2mgP/l instead of 3 mgP/l; nitrogen species maintains.
Add the point sources loads to the SWAT project
- When you have the info about subbasins, write down in the excel file with the WWTP computed loads a column with the subbasin where the point source was added
- Select menu >Edit Input > Point Sources Discharges
- In the window appear all the subbasins with point sources. Click in every each one of them and define the discharge loads.