From MohidWiki
Bookmarklets are little javascript one-liners that aim to compose a more or less complex url often using the html DOM structure.
- These javascripts bookmarklets are intended to be condensed into one-liners.
- Failing to do so, will most probably result in a mal-functioning of the bookmarklet.
- The "
" notation is used to annotate code wrapping. Please remeber to remove it along with the linefeed when writing the script.
Wikipedia search
This script will pop-up a textbox prompting the user for a keyword and, upon submission, will return the corresponding wikipedia article (or the results listing).
javascript:( function(){ q=document.getSelection(); if(!q) q=prompt('Wikipedia:'); if(q) location.href='' + escape(q); } )()
Google Local Domain Search
This script will pop-up a textbox prompting the user to enter a keyword and, upon submission, will google a sitesearch within the current domain.
javascript: void( str = prompt("Search for:#,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ... source=ig ... &hl=en ... &as_sitesearch='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+' ... &q='+escape(str).split(" ").join("+")+' ... &btnG=Google+Search'; }
Google MP3 music search
This script will pop-up a textbox prompting the user to enter a keyword and, upon submission, will google applying filters that will probably return only indexes of mp3 files.
javascript: void( str=prompt("Search for:#,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ... &q=-inurl:(html|htm|php|asp|pl|cgi)+"index+of/" ... +mp3+'+escape(str).split(" ").join("+")+'&btnG=Search'; } MP3 player button
This script will look throughout the DOM structure of the current document and add an audio player button in front of every mp3 filetype link.
javascript:( function(){ var o = document.createElement("script"); o.type = "text/javascript"; o.src = ""; o.onload = function(){ Delicious.Mp3.go(); }; document.body.appendChild(o); } )() Tagger
This script will pop-up a textbox prompting the user to enter tags and, upon submission, will post the current url and respective tags to
javascript: void( str=prompt("Tag this page:#,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ... url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+' ... &title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+ ... '&v=3' ... &tags='+escape(str).split(" "); }
NOTE: would be cool if only somebody found out a way to automatically save the results to search
This script will pop-up a textbox prompting the user to enter tags and, upon submission, will the user's bookmarks.
javascript: void( str=prompt("Search for in,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ... fr=del_icio_us ... &p='+escape(str).split(" ")+' ... &type=user'; }
This script will pop-up a textbox prompting for a message body that will be sent via email to a pre-scripted email address with a predefined subject.
javascript: void( str=prompt("Write message:#,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ... subject=twitter ... &body=well this is my message!'; }
Here's the html version:
<a href=" this is my message!">MailTwit</a>
javascript: void( str = prompt("Seeqpod playlist id:#,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ?xslfile= &xmlfile='+escape(str).split(" ").join("+")+'.... &transform=Submit'; }
javascript: void( str = prompt("Playlist url:#,#") ); if(str){ location.href=' ?xslfile= &xmlfile='+escape(str).split(" ").join("+"); }