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Convert2netcdf is a tool to convert MOHID results files written in HDF5 format into netcdf. This tool makes use of ModuleNETCDF (under development and to be included in MOHID Base 1). Optionally, you can extract only specified datasets.

Input data file

The input data file must be placed in the working folder and must be named Convert2netcdf.dat.

HDF_FILE             : [char]    !Path to the HDF5 file to be converted
HDF_SIZE_GROUP       : [char]    !HDF group containing the HDF dataset from where 
                                 !the dimensions will be read
HDF_SIZE_DATASET     : [char]    !Name of the HDF dataset from where the dimensions
                                 !will be read
HDF_TIME_VAR         : [char]    !Name of the HDF group containing the 
                                 !time values
HDF_READ_LATLON      : int       !Type of projection (0 - metric, 1 - lat/lon)
HDF_READ_SIGMA       : int       !Type of vertical coordinate (0 - cartesian, 1 - sigma)

IMPOSE_MASK          : bool      !In case we want to specify the mask variable.
HDF_MASK             : [char]    !If we chose to specify a mask variable, then we define here
                                 !the variable name
HDF_MASK_IS_3D       : bool      !Is the mask variable 3D? yes or no.
RESULTS_ARE_2D       : bool      !Sometimes the mask variable is 3D, but the results

CONVERT_EVERYTHING   : int       !0 - Don't convert everything, 1 - Convert everything
VGROUP_TO_CONVERT    : [char]    !Path to dataset(s) to converto. (e.g. /Results/water level)

NETCDF_FILE          : [char]    !netcdf file to be created
NETCDF_TITLE         : [char]    !netcdf file title 
NETCDF_CONVENTION    : [char]    !netcdf naming convention   
NETCDF_VERSION       : [char]    !netcdf library version
NETCDF_HISTORY       : [char]    !netcdf file history
NETCDF_SOURCE        : [char]    !netcdf file source 
NETCDF_INSTITUTION   : [char]    !netcdf institution
NETCDF_REFERENCES    : [char]    !netcdf references
NETCDF_DATE          : int       !current year


HDF_FILE             : WaterProperties_1.hdf5
HDF_SIZE_GROUP       : /Grid
HDF_SIZE_DATASET     : WaterPoints3D
HDF_TIME_VAR         : Time
VGROUP_TO_CONVERT    : /Results/salinity

NETCDF_FILE          :
NETCDF_TITLE         : WaterProperties file converted to netcdf 
NETCDF_VERSION       : 3.6.1
NETCDF_HISTORY       : Converted from hdf5
NETCDF_SOURCE        : File created by MOHID-Convert2ncdf
NETCDF_INSTITUTION   : Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
NETCDF_DATE          : 2006