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The ConvertToHDF5 is an application which allows the making of several operations, called actions, involving HDF5 files: conversion of data in other formats (e.g. NETCDF) to HDF5, grid interpolation, concatenation of several files.

Running options for this application are specified by the user in a input file named ConvertToHDF5Action.dat. Several actions can be specified in the same input file, being processed sequentially by the ConvertToHDF5 application.


The operations involving HDF5 files performed by ConvertToHDF5, specified individually by an action, can be organized in file management, grid interpolation and format conversion. These types and the respective actions are detailed in the next sections.

The input file specification for each action can be found bellow in the Input file (ConvertToHDF5Action.dat) section.

File management

Glue files

This action consists in joining or glue in a single HDF5 file two or more HDF5 files having the same HDF5 data groups and referring to time periods which come in sequence. Both sets of 2D and 3D HDF5 files can be glued.

Typical use:

Glue MOHID Water results files from several runs produced in continuous running of the model, for storage space economy reasons. Can be used to join data from other origins (e.g. results of meteorological models) as long as the HDF5 format is the one supported by MOHID Water.

Data input requirements:

HDF5 files to be glued. "Grid" and "Results" data groups should be equal in all these files.


HDF5 file with glued "Results" data. "Residual" and "Statistics" HDF5 data groups are not copied to the output file since they are time period specific (different values potentially occour in each file). General statistics can be calculated for the glued HDF5 file data using tool HDF5Statistics.

ConvertToHDF5 action: GLUES HDF5 FILES.

Grid interpolation

Interpolate files

This action performs the conversion of one HDF5 file data existing in one 2D or 3D spatial grid to another 2D or 3D spatial grid, creating a new HDF5 file. The interpolation is performed only for the data located a time window specified by the user.

The HDF5 file containing data to be interpolated is called the father file.

In case of 3D interpolation the application conducts first the horizontal grid interpolation (keeping father geometry) and only after it conducts the vertical interpolation (from father geometry to new geometry).

Several types of 2D interpolation are available for use: bilinear, spline 2D and triangulation. For vertical interpolation (used in 3D interpolation) can be supplied several polinomial degrees for interpolation.

Typical use:

Obtain an HDF5 file with data for forcing or providing initial conditions for a MOHID Water model, e.g. a meteorological forcing file.

Data input requirements:

For 2D/3D interpolation:

- father HDF5 file;

- father horizontal data grid, in a grid data file in the format supported by MOHID;

- new horizontal data grid, in a grid data file in the format supported by MOHID;

For 3D interpolation also needed:

- father vertical geometry, in a geometry file in the format supported by MOHID;

- new vertical geometry, in a geometry file in the format supported by MOHID;

- auxiliary horizontal data grid, in a grid data file in the format supported by MOHID; this file is used for horizontal grid interpolation in 3D interpolation operations.


HDF5 file with interpolated data. In case of 3D interpolation also produced an auxiliary HDF5 file with the result of the horizontal grid interpolation, which can be inspected to check if this operation is well performed.


Patch files

This action consists in performing an interpolation of HDF5 data between grids, as in action Interpolate files, but considering more than one HDF5 file as containing data to be interpolated to the new grid and a priority scale. The interpolation is performed only for the data located in the time window specified by the user. The present version of this action operates only on 2D data.

Each HDF5 file containing data to be interpolated is called a father file and has an user-attributed priority level to be respected in the interpolation process: for each new grid cell the ConvertToHDF5 application will look for data first on the Level 1 father file and only in the case this data is inexistent will it look for data in Level 2 file, proceeding in looking for higher level files if no data is found subsequentely.

Typical use:

To obtain an HDF5 file with data from several HDF5 files each containing data with different spatial resolution and only for a specific part of the new grid. This is, for instance, the case when one is preparing a best resolution meteorological HDF5 file for forcing MOHID Water from several meteorological model domains, having different spatial resolution and span, since the best resolution data is not available for all new grid cells.

Data input requirements:

The new horizontal data grid, in a grid data file in the format supported by MOHID, and for each father file:

- level of priority: 1 = maximum priority, priority decreases with increasing level value;

- data grid, in the form of a grid data file in the format supported by MOHID.


HDF5 file with patched data.

ConvertToHDF5 action: PATCH HDF5 FILES.

Format conversion

Meteorological model data

Mohid does not simulate explicitly the atmosphere, but needs information about atmospheric properties in time and space. This requires that atmospheric properties are supplied to MOHID Water in supported formats. These formats can be derived from meteorological data in HDF5 format. Because the results of meteorological models are accessed in different formats conversion is required.

The formats currently convertible to HDF5 in ConvertToHDF5 include the MM5 and the ERA40. These are succintly detailed in the next sections.


This format refers to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40 years re-analysises results, acessed by site This data is available for several meteorological variables with maximum 6 hour periodicity for days in the period from 1957-09-01 to 2002-08-31.

ERA40 data files are supplied by ECMWF in a NetCDF format and with an user-costumized time window, periodicity (time step range from 6 hours to a day) and meteorological properties set. The ERA40 meteorological properties which are recognized by MOHID are presented bellow together with the correspondent MOHID name:

---ERA40 NAME---         ---MOHID NAME---
  sshf                     sensible heat                
  slhf                     latent heat                  
  msl                      atmospheric pressure 
  tcc                      cloud cover 
  p10u                     wind velocity X
  p10v                     wind velocity Y
  p2t                      air temperature
  ewss                     wind stress X
  nsss                     wind stress Y

The standard ConvertToHDF5 action is to convert to HDF5 the data referring to all MOHID Water recognized property available in the ERA40 file, producing an individual HDF5 file for each property. The name of each HDF5 file generated includes the ERA40 meteorological property identificator correspondent to the data contained.

Alternatively, ConvertToHDF5 can copy to a single ASCII file the heading information concerning each meteorological variable considered in the original ERA40 file.

Typical use:

Obtain an HDF5 file with data suitable for being used for forcing MOHID Water models.

Data input requirements:

ERA40 NetCDF file.


One HDF5 file for each meteorological property contained in the original NetCDF file.

ConvertToHDF5 action: CONVERT ERA40 FORMAT.


This format relates to the Fifth-Generation NCAR / Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) output files format. Almost every atmospheric property needed by MOHID Water is present in MM5 output files, enabling to run prediction simulations with MOHID Water when access to MM5 prevision files is available.

The ConvertToHDF5 action converts MM5 results files from the original format to HDF5 format, allowing the easy use of these results in the MOHID framework. Conversion is only performed for the MM5 properties and the time window specified by the user.

Besides the conversion, the application can calculate some properties not contained in the MM5 files using the available information: these are windstress, relative humidity and precipitation.

For conversion to be completed it is required the horizontal grid information of MM5 results which is available in special TERRAIN files.

Typical use:

Produce HDF5 meteorological data usable for forcing MOHID Water models.

Data input requirements:

MM5 results file to convert and MM5 TERRAIN file. The TERRAIN file supplies the MM5 results grid information.


An HDF5 file with MM5 results and a grid data file in MOHID format with the MM5 grid information. This last file can be used to interpolate the MM5 data from the original grid to a new grid (see Interpolate files), for instance to produce an HDF5 file suitable for forcing MOHID Water models.


Caution! The ConvertToHDF5 executable must be compiled with the Big-Endian option set (see compatibility in the project's settings).

ConvertToHDF5 action: CONVERT MM5 FORMAT.


This format relates to Aladin meteorological model results. Some of the atmospheric property needed by MOHID Water is present in Aladin output files, enabling to run prediction simulations with MOHID Water when access to Aladin prevision files is available.

The ConvertToHDF5 action converts Aladin results files from the original format to HDF5 format, allowing the easy use of these results in the MOHID framework. Conversion is only performed for the MM5 properties and the time window specified by the user.

Typical use:

Produce HDF5 meteorological data usable for forcing MOHID Water models.

Data input requirements:

Aladin netcdf results file to convert.


An HDF5 file with Aladin results and a grid data file in MOHID format with the Aladin grid pseudo-information: a fake orography is created of 100 m depth. This last file can be used to interpolate the Aladin data from the original grid to a new grid (see Interpolate files), for instance to produce an HDF5 file suitable for forcing MOHID Water models.


Caution! The ConvertToHDF5 executable must be compiled with the Big-Endian option set (see compatibility in the project's settings).


Ocean model data

Ocean model data, available in diverse formats, can be used by MOHID Water to specify boundary (open ocean boundary and surface), initial conditions or for validation. These uses require that the model data is in HDF5 format and conversion is therefore needed.

Currently the large scale ocean models formats convertible into HDF5 by ConvertToHDF5 includes MERCATOR.


MERCATOR data files are supplied in a NetCDF format and with an user-costumized spatial window and periodicity. Water level and water properties (temperature and salinity) data is available in type T files, velocity component u data is available in type U files and velocity component v data is available in type V files. The type of data of a specific MERCATOR file is generally indicated in the file name.

The standard ConvertToHDF5 action is to convert to HDF5 the data referring to temperature, salinity, water level, component u of velocity and component v of velocity.

Typical use:

Obtain HDF5 MERCATOR data usable for forcing or validation of MOHID Water models.

Data input requirements:

NetCDF MERCATOR results data files and NetCDF MERCATOR grid data files. It should be provided one grid data file of each type: T, U and V. These are generally provided by the MERCATOR services together with the results files.


One HDF5 file containing all properties contained in the recognized set of properties (temperature, salinity, water level, velocity u and velocity v) and the correspondent grid data and geometry files, containing respectively the horizontal grid and the vertical discretization of the HDF5 file. The grid data and geometry files can be used afterwards to interpolate the MERCATOR data to another grid and geometry (see Interpolate files).


Climatological data

Climatological data can be used in MOHID Water to specify boundary (open ocean boundary and surface), initial conditions or for validation, in case more realistic data (measurements or model) data is unavailable. This data is generally supplied by producers in formats not readly usable by MOHID Water which justifies the existence of a conversion tool.

Two climatological data format conversions are implemented in ConvertToHDF5: Levitus ocean data and Hellerman Rosenstein meteorological data.


The Levitus climatology provides results for water temperature and salinity. The ConvertToHDF5 action converts the climatological data for the properties and spatial window requested by the user. Typically, it requires 3 steps to complete the task:

- convert levitus format

- extrapolate the data to the whole levitus domain(required to avoid uncoincidental coastlines)

- interpolate with the model grid(bathymetry)

Typical use:

Obtain climatological data in HDF5 format to use as boundary forcing and/or initial condition specification in MOHID Water models.

Data input requirements:

Levitus climatological data files, one per property and per time period (e.g a month).


HDF5 file with Levitus climatological data, grid data file with the horizontal grid of the data and a geometry file with vertical discretization of the data (MOHID formats). The grid data and the geometry files can be used to interpolate the climatological data from the original grid to a new grid (see Interpolate files).


Hellerman Rosenstein

This is a meteorological climatology providing wind stress. There is a file per wind stress component. Since the data refer to surface values it is a 2D field.

The ConvertToHDF5 action converts the climatological data for the properties and spatial window provided by the user.

Typical use:

Obtain climatological data in HDF5 format to use as meteorological forcing in MOHID Water models.

Data input requirements:

Hellerman Rosenstein climatological data ASCII files, one per wind stress component.


HDF5 file with Hellerman Rosenstein climatological data and grid data file with the horizontal grid of the climatological data. This grid data file can be used to interpolate the climatological data from the original horizontal grid to a new grid (see Interpolate files).


World Ocean Atlas 2005

The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) 2005 climatology provides results for water temperature, salinity and several water quality and biology properties.

Description, Action and Input Files are described in a separate page: ConvertToHDF5 WOA2005.

Input file (ConvertToHDF5Action.dat)

General structure

<begin_file> (block containing instructions for running a specific action) 
ACTION                    : ... (intended action)
... (action specific instructions)

ACTION                    : ...


ACTION                    : GLUES HDF5 FILES

3D_FILE                   : 0/1 (0 = 2D file, 1 = 3D file)

TIME_GROUP                : ... (Default="Time". Other option: "SurfaceTime".)

BASE_GROUP                : ... (Default="Results". Other options: "Residual", "SurfaceResults".)

OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of HDF5 file to be created)

(block of HDF5 data files)
... (path/name of HDF5 file with data to be included in glue, one per line, at least two files)


ACTION                    : INTERPOLATE GRIDS

TYPE_OF_INTERPOLATION     : ... (type of horizontal interpolation: 1 = Bilinear, 2 = Spline2D,
                                 3 = Triangulation)

INTERPOLATION_WINDOW      : ... ... ... ... (2D spatial window to consider for interpolation: 
                                             Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax; default = all domain)

START                     : ... (start date for output file: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)
END                       : ... (end date for output file: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)

INTERPOLATION3D           : 0/1 (0 = 2D interpolation, 1 = 3D interpolation)

FATHER_FILENAME           : ... (path/name of input HDF5 file with data to be interpolated)
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of input grid data file with horizontal
                                 discretization of input HDF5 file)

OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of output HDF5 file to be created)
NEW_GRID_FILENAME         : ... (path/name of input grid data file with horizontal
                                 discretization intended for output HDF5 file)

EXTRAPOLATE_2D            : 0/1/2/3/4/5 (2D extrapolation: 0=no extrapolation, 1=medium
                                     triangulation, 2=high triangulation, 
                                     3=nearest neighbour, 4=nearest cell, 
                                     5=constant value)

EXTRAPOLATE_VALUE         : ... (name of the value to extrapolate to when EXTRAPOLATE_2D is
                                 set to constant value (5))

DO_NOT_BELIEVE_MAP        : 0/1 (0=consider input HDF5 file map, 1=do not consider input HDF5
                                 file map)

BASE_GROUP                : ... (name of base group of HDF5 variables containing data to be 
                                 interpolated; default is "/Results")

(if INTERPOLATION3D : 1 also required:)
FATHER_GEOMETRY           : ... (path/name of file (MOHID format) with vertical discretization
                                 of input HDF5 file)
NEW_GEOMETRY              : ... (path/name of file (MOHID format) with vertical discretization
                                 intended for output HDF5 file)
POLI_DEGREE               : 1/... (degree of vertical interpolation: 1=linear, ...)

AUX_GRID_FILENAME         : ... (path/name of input grid data file with horizontal
                                 discretization intended for auxiliar output HDF5 file;
                                 default is file provided in NEW_GRID_FILENAME)

AUX_OUTPUTFILENAME        : ... (path/name of auxiliar output HDF5 file to contain result
                                 of horizontal grid interpolation)   

- the file indicated in AUX_GRID_FILENAME can be different from the one indicated in
  NEW_GRID_FILENAME in terms of bathymetry, while the horizontal grid should be, commonly, the
  same: this altered bathymetry can be used to extend the water column in the original data so
  that the process of vertical interpolation is done easily;

- in case of INTERPOLATION3D : 1, ConvertToHDF5 can generate new versions of bathymetry which 
  are consistent with the geometry definition (extension is '.new'); there are possibly three
  bathymetry changes referring to father grid, new grid and aux grid (the same bathymetry is
  not altered twice); although initially new and aux grid are the same they can result 
  different because of bathymetry changes;

- in case the new geometry is 2D and father geometry is 3D then POLI_DEGREE : 1 
  (linear interpolation) should be used;

- EXTRAPOLATE_2D : 1/2/3/4/5 should be considered if it is expected that the coast line is not
  coincidental in the father and new grids, to avoid lack of data in the interpolation
  process; extrapolation is performed for all cells even the land cells; 

- in case of DO_NOT_BELIEVE_MAP : 1 the application generates a map based on cells where
  interpolation results are available; this causes that if EXTRAPOLATE_2D : 1/2/3/4/5 is used
  the AUX_GRID_FILENAME should not have land cells in order for the new map to be concurrent
  with the result of extrapolation and avoid errors generation, specially if INTERPOLATION3D :
  1 is considered.


ACTION                    : PATCH HDF5 FILES

TYPE_OF_INTERPOLATION     : ... (type of interpolation: 3 = Triangulation, default and only
                                 one implemented)

START                     : ... (start date for output file: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)
END                       : ... (end date for output file: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)

(block for each father HDF5 file, should be at least two)
LEVEL                     : ... (integer priority level: 1 = highest, increase for lower
FATHER_FILENAME           : ... (path/name of input HDF5 file with data to be interpolated)
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of input grid data file with horizontal
                                 discretization of input HDF5 file)
N_REMOVE_FRAME            : 0   (width, in number of cells, of frame to remove)

OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of output HDF5 file to be created)
NEW_GRID_FILENAME         : ... (path/name of input grid data file with horizontal
                                 discretization intended for output HDF5 file)


ACTION                    : CONVERT ERA40 FORMAT

FILENAME                  : ... (path/name of ERA40 NetCDF file)
OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of HDF5 file to be created)
                                (root of name for all files produced)

CONVERT_TO_ASCII          : 0/1 (1 = convert variable heading info for ASCII file; 0 = default)
CONVERT_TO_HDF5           : 0/1 (1 = convert to HDF5 file; 0 = default)
GRIDTO180                 : 0/1 (1 = convert grid from [0 360] to [-180 180], 0 = default)

XX_VARIABLE               : ... (name of longitude variable in the input file: usual name 
                                 is "longitude")
YY_VARIABLE               : ... (name of longitude variable in the input file: usual name 
                                 is "latitude")
TIME_VARIABLE             : ... (name of time variable in the input file: usual name is

- either CONVERT_TO_ASCII : 1 or CONVERT_TO_HDF5 : 1 must be chosen for any action to be
performed by ConvertToHDF5;

- when CONVERT_TO_HDF5 : 1 an HDF5 file is produced for every variable contained in the
original ERA40 file; the name of each file is composed of the name indicated on FILENAME
concatenated with the ERA40 variable identifier;

- to the XX_VARIABLE, YY_VARIABLE and TIME_VARIABLE keywords should generally be  
specified "longitude", "latitude" and "time", respectively; the option to
include as keywords was made only to make the application robust to future variable name


ACTION                    : CONVERT MM5 FORMAT

FILENAME                  : ... (path/name of MM5 file)
TERRAIN_FILENAME          : ... (path/name of MM5 TERRAIN file)

OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of HDF5 file to be created)
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of grid data file with horizontal grid of MM5 data
                                 to be created)

COMPUTE_WINDSTRESS        : 0/1 (1 = compute and write wind stress field; 0 = default)
COMPUTE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY : 0/1 (1 = compute and write relative humidity field; 0 = default)
COMPUTE_PRECIPITATION     : 0/1 (1 = compute and write precipitation field; 0 = default)
COMPUTE_WINDMODULUS       : 0/1 (1 = compute wind modulus; 0 = default)

WRITE_XYZ                 : 0/1 (1 = write xyz center grid cells; 0 = default)
WRITE_TERRAIN             : 0/1 (1 = write MM5 TERRAIN fields; 0 = default)

START                     : ... (start date for output file: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)
END                       : ... (end date for output file: yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)
(block of MM5 properties to convert)
... (name of MM5 property to convert do HDF5 format, one per line)


- the name of each MM5 property to convert in <<BeginFields>>...<<EndFields>> block must
conform to the MOHID designation specified in code of ModuleGlobalData; the correspondence is 
the following (see Module_InterfaceWaterAir for a more detailed explanation).

          ---MM5 NAME---    ---MOHID NAME---
            T2             air temperature
            PSTARCRS       atmospheric pressure
            U10            wind velocity X
            V10            wind velocity Y
            UST            wind shear velocity
            LHFLUX         latent heat
            SWDOWN         sensible heat
            SWDOWN         solar radiation
            LWDOWN         infrared radiation
            SWOUT          top outgoing shortwave radiation
            LWOUT          top outgoing longwave radiation
            SOIL T 1       soil temperature layer 1
            SOIL T 1       soil temperature layer 2
            SOIL T 1       soil temperature layer 3
            SOIL T 1       soil temperature layer 4
            SOIL T 1       soil temperature layer 5
            SOIL T 1       soil temperature layer 6
            Q2             2-meter mixing ratio
            TSEASFC        sea water temperature
            PBL HGT        PBL height
            PBL REGIME     PBL regime
            RAIN CON       accumulated convective precipitation        (cm)
            RAIN NON       accumulated non-convective precipitation    (cm)
            GROUND T       ground temperature
            RES TEMP       infinite reservoir slab temperature
            U              wind velocity X_3D
            V              wind velocity Y_3D
            W              wind velocity Z_3D
            T              air temperature_3D
            PP             atmospheric pressure_3D
            Q              mixing ratio_3D
            CLW            cloud water mixing ratio_3D
            RNW            rain water mixing ratio_3D
            ICE            cloud ice mixing ratio_3D
            SNOW           snow mixing ratio_3D
            RAD TEND       atmospheric radiation tendency_3D



OUTPUTFILENAME            : aladin.hdf5
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME      : aladin_griddata.dat

!Put here the name of any netcdf file for grid-data generation's sake.

(path to aladin netcdf file)\


- the name of each Aladin property to convert in <<begin_input_files>>...<<end_input_files>> block must conform to the following variables

          ---ALADIN NAME---    ---MOHID NAME---
            soclotot            CloudCover_
            sohumrel            RelativeHumidity_
            sofluxir            NonSolarFlux_
            sosspres            AtmosphericPressure_
            sosolarf            SolarRadiation_
            sotemair            AirTemperature_
            sowinmod            WindModulus_
            sowaprec            Precipitation_
            sozotaux            WindStressX_
            sometauy            WindStressY_
            sowindu10           WindVelocityX_
            sowindv10           WindVelocityY_



READ_OPTION               : 1/2/3/4 (version of MERCATOR files)

OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of HDF5 file to be created)
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of grid data with horizontal discretization to be
OUTPUT_GEOMETRY_FILENAME  : ... (path/name of geometry file with vertical discretization to be

(if READ_OPTION : 1:)
BASE_BULLETIN             : ...
DATES_FILE                : ...
NUM_DATES                 : ... 

(if READ_OPTION : 2/3:)
INPUT_GRID_FILENAME       : ... (path/name of file with horizontal discretization of water
                                 properties and water level data)
(if READ_OPTION : 2:)
INPUT_GRID_FILENAME_U     : ... (path/name of file with horizontal discretization of velocity
                                 component U data)
INPUT_GRID_FILENAME_V     : ... (path/name of file with horizontal discretization of velocity
                                 component V data)

(if READ_OPTION : 3:)
INPUT_BATHY_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of file with bathymetry)
(if READ_OPTION : 3/4:)
CALC_BAROTROPIC_VEL       : 0/1 (1 = calculate barotropic velocity, 0 = not calculate; 
                                 default = 0)

INPUT_MESH_ZGRID_FILENAME : ... (path/name of file with information about layers ticknesses)

(block of MERCATOR data files)
... (path/name of MERCATOR NetCDF data file, one per line, can be several)



OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of HDF5 file to be created)
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of grid data with horizontal discretization to be
OUTPUT_GEOMETRY_FILENAME  : ... (path/name of geometry file with vertical discretization to be

PERIODICITY               : ... (periodicity of Levitus data: "monthly"/"annual"; default is

SPATIAL_RESOLUTION        : ... (spatial resolution (degrees) of horizontal Levitus grid)

FILL_VALUE                : ... (real value identificator for missing data; default is 

(definition of spatial window to be present in output HDF5 file)
LOWER_LEFT_CORNER         : ... ... (longitude and latitude (degrees) of south west corner)
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER        : ... ... (longitude and latitude (degrees) of north east corner)

(block for each water property to be present in output HDF5 file, can be several)
NAME                      : ... (name of property)
ANNUAL_FILE               : ... (path/name of Levitus annual file)

(block of Levitus data files)
... (path/name of Levitus data file (e.g. a monthly data file), one per line, can be several)





OUTPUTFILENAME            : ... (path/name of HDF5 file to be created)
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME      : ... (path/name of grid data with horizontal discretization to be
PERIODICITY               : ... (periodicity of Hellerman Rosenstein data: "monthly")

SPATIAL_RESOLUTION        : ... (spatial resolution (degrees) of horizontal Hellerman
                                 Rosenstein grid: default and only allowed value is "2.")

FILL_VALUE                : ... (real value identificator for missing data; default is 

(definition of spatial window to be present in output HDF5 file)
LOWER_LEFT_CORNER         : ... ... (longitude and latitude (degrees) of south west corner)
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER        : ... ... (longitude and latitude (degrees) of north east corner)
(block for each Hellerman Rosenstein data file)
NAME                      : ... (name of property: "wind stress X"/"wind stress Y")
FILE                      : ... (path/name Hellerman Rosenstein file)



All sample files are named ConvertToHDF5Action.dat.

Glue several MOHID(.hdf5) files

ACTION                   : GLUES HDF5 FILES

OUTPUTFILENAME           : SurfaceHydro_OP.hdf5

Interpolate 2D MOHID(.hdf5) files to a new grid


FATHER_FILENAME          : D:\Projectos\MohidRun\test\res\Lagrangian_1.hdf5 
OUTPUTFILENAME           : OilSpillThickness_GridRegular.hdf5
START                    : 2006 6 21 17 22 30
END                      : 2006 6 22 17 22 0
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME     : D:\Projectos\MohidRun\GeneralData\batim\Tagus.dat_A
NEW_GRID_FILENAME        : TagusConstSpacing.dat
BASE_GROUP               : /Results/Oil/Data_2D

Interpolate 3D MOHID(.hdf5) files to a new grid


FATHER_FILENAME         : D:\Projectos\MohidRun\test\res\Lagrangian_1.hdf5 
OUTPUTFILENAME          : OilSpillThickness_GridRegular.hdf5

START                   : 2006 6 21 17 22 30
END                     : 2006 6 22 17 22 0

FATHER_GRID_FILENAME    : D:\Projectos\MohidRun\GeneralData\batim\Tagus.dat_A
NEW_GRID_FILENAME       : TagusConstSpacing.dat

BASE_GROUP              : /Results/Oil/Data_2D

FATHER_GEOMETRY         : D:\Projectos\MohidRun\test\data\Geometry_1.dat
NEW_GEOMETRY            : TagusGeometry.dat
AUX_GRID_FILENAME       : TagusConstSpacing.dat
AUX_OUTPUTFILENAME      : Aux_GridRegular.hdf5

Patch several MOHID(.hdf5) files to a new grid



START                   : 2005 2 28 13 0 0
END                     : 2005 3 1 13 0 0

LEVEL                   : 3
FATHER_FILENAME         : K:\MM5output\2005022812_2005030712\MM5OUT_D1.hdf5
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME    : K:\MM5output\2005022812_2005030712\grid1.dat

LEVEL                   : 2
FATHER_FILENAME         : K:\MM5output\2005022812_2005030712\MM5OUT_D2.hdf5
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME    : K:\MM5output\2005022812_2005030712\grid2.dat

LEVEL                   : 1
FATHER_FILENAME         : K:\MM5output\2005022812_2005030712\MM5OUT_D3.hdf5
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME    : K:\MM5output\2005022812_2005030712\grid3.dat

OUTPUTFILENAME          : MM5Forcing.hdf5
NEW_GRID_FILENAME       : K:\Simula\GeneralData\Batim\CostaPortuguesa.dat

Convert an ERA40 file to MOHID(.hdf5)

ACTION                  : CONVERT ERA40 FORMAT

FILENAME                : D:\Aplica\ERA40\
OUTPUTFILENAME          : D:\Aplica\ERA40\1971ERA1973T2

CONVERT_TO_HDF5         : 1

XX_VARIABLE             : longitude
YY_VARIABLE             : latitude
TIME_VARIABLE           : time

Convert a MM5 file to MOHID(.hdf5)

ACTION                  : CONVERT MM5 FORMAT

FILENAME                : K:\MM5output\DataCenter\Modelos\Meteo_IST\Fev2005\MMOUT_D3
TERRAIN_FILENAME        : K:\MM5output\DataCenter\Modelos\Meteo_IST\Fev2005\TERRAIN_D3
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME    : K:\MM5output\DataCenter\Modelos\Meteo_IST\Fev2005\grid3.dat
OUTPUTFILENAME          : K:\MM5output\DataCenter\Modelos\Meteo_IST\Fev2005\MM5_D3.hdf5

WRITE_XYZ                 : 0

solar radiation
air temperature
wind velocity X
wind velocity Y
sensible heat
latent heat
atmospheric pressure
sea water temperature

Convert Mercator-Ocean(.nc) to MOHID(.hdf5)


OUTPUTFILENAME           : Psy2v2r1v_R20060628/MercatorR20060628.hdf5
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME     : Psy2v2r1v_R20060628/MercatorGridR20060628.dat
OUTPUT_GEOMETRY_FILENAME : Psy2v2r1v_R20060628/MercatorGeometryR20060628.dat



Convert Levitus format to MOHID(.hdf5) and interpolate grid


First convert the Levitus ASCII format to a raw HDF5 format:


OUTPUTFILENAME           : Levitus.hdf5
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME     : LevitusGrid.dat

PERIODICITY              : monthly
FILL_VALUE               : -99.9999

LOWER_LEFT_CORNER        : -16.0  31
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER       :   1.   40

NAME                     : salinity
ANNUAL_FILE              : DataCenter\DadosBase\Ocean\Levitus\Data\Salinity\s000hr.obj


NAME                     : temperature
ANNUAL_FILE              : DataCenter\DadosBase\Ocean\Levitus\Data\Temp\t000hr.obj



Then extrapolate the data (still in the raw HDF5 format):

ACTION                   : INTERPOLATE GRIDS


FATHER_FILENAME          : Levitus.hdf5
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME     : LevitusGrid.dat

OUTPUTFILENAME           : LeviTusAllPointsWithData.hdf5
NEW_GRID_FILENAME        : LevitusGrid.dat

START                    : -9999 1  1 0 0 0
END                      : -9999 12 1 0 0 0

INTERPOLATION3D          : 1
FATHER_GEOMETRY          : LevitusGeometry.dat
NEW_GEOMETRY             : LevitusGeometry.dat
AUX_GRID_FILENAME        : LevitusGrid.dat
AUX_OUTPUTFILENAME       : AuxLeviTusAllPointsWithData.hdf5

POLI_DEGREE              : 3
EXTRAPOLATE_2D           : 2


Finally, interpolate to the final grid and geometry (same as the Interpolate 3D sample):

ACTION                   : INTERPOLATE GRIDS

FATHER_FILENAME          : LeviTusAllPointsWithData.hdf5
OUTPUTFILENAME           : CadizMonthlyLevitus.hdf5
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME     : LevitusGrid.dat
NEW_GRID_FILENAME        : Algarve0.02SigmaSmooth_V3_CartMoreLayers.dat

START                    : -9999 1  1 0 0 0
END                      : -9999 12 1 0 0 0

INTERPOLATION3D          : 1
FATHER_GEOMETRY          : LevitusGeometry.dat
NEW_GEOMETRY             : Geometry_1.dat
AUX_OUTPUTFILENAME       : AuxCadizMonthlyLevitus.hdf5
AUX_GRID_FILENAME        : Aux12km.dat

POLI_DEGREE              : 3

Note that the programme may construct a new bathymetry twice. Use this bathymetry only on the AUX_GRID_FILENAME keyword.

Convert Hellerman Rosenstein ASCII format to MOHID(.hdf5)


OUTPUTFILENAME           : ClimatologicWindStress.hdf5
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME     : ClimatologicWindStressGrid.dat

PERIODICITY              : monthly
FILL_VALUE               : -99.9999

LOWER_LEFT_CORNER        : -180  -90
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER       : 180  90

NAME                     : wind stress X
FILE                     : D:\Aplica\Dados\Hellerman_Rosenstein\TAUXX.DAT

NAME                     : wind stress Y
FILE                     : D:\Aplica\Dados\Hellerman_Rosenstein\TAUYY.DAT

Convert ALADIN(.nc) format to MOHID(.hdf5)


OUTPUTFILENAME            : aladin.hdf5
OUTPUT_GRID_FILENAME      : aladin_griddata.dat

!Put here the name of any netcdf file for grid-data generation's sake.



OceanColor modules compilation

Compiling the ConvertToHDF5 tool with the OceanColor modules is more complicated than one might expect. A solution is proposed here for a release version using the Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6c. The difficulties rise because C code is embedded with a fortran interface and also, extra libraries such as hdf4 are required.


This is a list of prerequisites to successfully compile the tool:

  • Compaq Visual Fortran 6.5 with patch 6.6c,
  • VS .NET 2003 (Vc7 in particular),
  • Hdf5 libraries (hdf5.lib hdf5_fortran.lib hdf5_hl.lib),
  • Netcdf libraries (netcdf.lib netcdf_.lib),
  • Hdf4 libraries (hd421.lib, hm421.lib),
  • szlib, zlib and jpeg libraries (szlib.lib, zlib.lib and libjpeg.lib),
  • the fortran source files (ModuleConvertModisL2.F90 ModuleConvertModisL3.F90 ModuleConvertOceanColorL2.F90),
  • the C source files and their fortran interface files (readL2scan.c readL2Seadas.c and cdata.f crossp.f fgeonav.f).

CVF IDE configuration

  1. Configure everything as specified in Compiling with CVF.
  2. Add the source files listed in the prerequisites above to the source files listing.
  3. Go to Tools-->Options...-->Directories. There, add the $DOTNET2K3/Vc7/bin to the Executable files'; the $DOTNET2K3/Vc7/include and $DOTNET2K3/Vc7/PlatformSDK/include to the Include files; and finally, the $DOTNET2K3/Vc7/lib, $DOTNET2K3/Vc7/PlatformSDK/lib and $DOTNET2K3/Vc7/PlatformSDK/bin to the Library files.
  4. Go to Projects-->Settings-->Release-->Link-->Input. There, add the following libraries: netcdf.lib netcdf_.lib hd421.lib hm421.lib libjpeg.lib. (Make sure the hdf5 libraries as well as the szlib and zlib libraries are already mentioned).


Q: I get unresolved external references during linkage, but I have all the libraries mentioned above included. What should I do?

A: Unresolved external references can come out for two reasons:

  1. you didn't specified all the libraries required or all the paths for the default libraries or,
  2. name mangling problems. Use the dumpbin utility to the libraries to checkout which language convention they are using. If that's the problem then you need to try to get new libraries with the correct naming convention.

That's it, you should now be able to build the ConvertToHdf5 project successfully.

Q: I got a message saying the entry point _NF_PUT_ATT_REAL@28 could not be located in netcdf.dll

A: copy the file netcdf.dll to the exe folder

