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FES2012 is the last version of the FES (Finite Element Solution) tide model developed in 2012. A new database was developed based on this model containing 32 tidal constituents distributed on 1/16° grids (amplitude and phase). More information can be found at: [1]. This database was rearranged in a HDF5 file ready to use in MOHID. Fes2012 tidal components can be used in MOHID by using a method described in the next sub sections.

Quick start

You need to have two input files: a HDF5 file with the Fes2012 tidal components database, and a input text file for tides.

  • Get the HDF5 input file with tidal components here: [2]. (Warning: the filesize is about 3GB and the download can take some time)
  • prepare the input file for tides:
    • If you use MOHID GUI, you have to prepare a text file which content is described in the section below. The path of the file has to be defined in the interface as explained here: [3].
    • If you use MOHID Studio, you have to prepare a file Tide_*.dat (where * is the simulation number), which content is described in the section below.
  • Finally, in the Hydrodynamic_*.dat input file, you should set TIDE : 1; You should do this either if you use MOHID Studio or MOHID GUI.

Input File

Here's what the input text file should look like :

  • Sample input:
TRIANGULATION             : 0
FILE_TIDAL_COMPONENTS     : ..\General data\Boundary Conditions\TidalComponents.hdf5

EXTRAPOLATE               : 1
HARMONICS                 : 1
HARMONICS_FIELD_DIM       : M2/amplitude
NAME                      : water level
UNITS                     : m

LONGITUDE                 : -10.000 24.0000 12.0000
LATITUDE                  : 38.0000 4.00000 43.000
METRIC_X                  : -10.4036
METRIC_Y                  : 38.0788
REF_LEVEL                 : 2.08
TIME_REF                  : 0.000000

<<beginharmonics>> 2N2 E2 J1 K1 K2 L2 LDA2 M2 M3 M4 M6 M8 MF MKS2 MM MN4 MS4 MSF MTM MU2 N2 N4 NU2 O1 P1 Q1 R2 S1 S2 S4 SSA T2 <<endharmonics>> <endHDFgauges>

the keyword FILE_TIDAL_COMPONENTS defines the HDF file that you downloaded at the Quick start section [4]

MOHID assumes that must generate levels from harmonic component in all points of the open boundary. However, the user can define in the input file the following keyword:


The file defined by the keyword FILE_GAUGES_LOCATION contains tidal gauge locations in a xyz file format. The steps to generate the tidal gauge location file are here: [5] (Step 1 only). If the tidal gauge location file is given, the water level is generated from the harmonic components at the points defined in the tidal gauge location file. Then levels at the point of open border are imposed by interpolation.

Compilation options

If you get an error saying "Forrtl: severe (170): Program exception - stack overflow", This means that before to compile the MOHID code you should increase the stack size in the MOHID water properties pages under the Visual Studio MohidNumerics Project.


Aviso Website : [6]