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Fortran95 is the language of choice to program in MOHID. Although a primitive form of language it proves to be the most efficient and performant in the area of scientific computing. Still widely used in numerical computation. Here's a crash course. Here's a free manual. Check out the DoLoops performance in Fortran.


Hello World program

program helloworld

implicit none

write (*,*) "Hello world!"

end program helloworld

Hello world in a module

module modulehelloworld

implicit none


public :: showhelloworld


subroutine showhelloworld()
        write(*,*) "Hello world!"

end subroutine showhelloworld

end module modulehelloworld

program helloworld

use modulehelloworld, only: showhelloworld

implicit none

call showhelloworld

end program helloworld

Subroutines & functions


program subfunc

implicit none

real :: a,b,c,root1,root2
logical :: realroots
write (*,*) "Hello world!"

write (*,10)
read (*,*) a,b,c

call solvit(a,b,c,root1,root2,realroots)
write (*,20) root1,root2

if (realroots) then
        write(*,*) 'Sorry, there are no real roots'
end if        

10 format('Enter 3 coefficients')
20 format('The roots are ', 2f12.6)
end program subfunc

subroutine solvit(a,b,c,root1,root2,realroots)

real ::a,b,c,root1,root2
logical :: realroots

real :: test

test = b**2-4*a*c

if(test>=0.0) then
        root1 = (-b + sqrt(test))/(2.0*a)
        root2 = (-b - sqrt(test))/(2.0*a)
        realroots = .true.
        realroots = .false.        
end if

end subroutine solvit


program subfunc

implicit none

real :: a,b,c,root1,root2,bigroot
logical :: realroots
write (*,*) "Hello world!"

write (*,10)
read (*,*) a,b,c

!call solvit(a,b,c,root1,root2,realroots)
!write (*,20) root1,root2
write(*,20) bigroot(a,b,c)

if (realroots) then
        write(*,*) 'Sorry, there are no real roots'
end if        

10 format('Enter 3 coefficients')
!20 format('The roots are ', 2f12.6)
20 format('The biggest root is ', f12.6)
end program subfunc

function bigroot(a,b,c)

real :: a,b,c,bigroot

real :: root1, root2, test

if(test>=0.0) then
        root1 = (-b + sqrt(test))/(2.0*a)
        root2 = (-b - sqrt(test))/(2.0*a)
        if (root1 .gt. root2) then
                bigroot = root1
                bigroot = root2
        end if
        bigroot = -9.0e35
end if

end function bigroot

Interface procedure

Type variables & arrays


The variable declaration is as such

real            :: x, y
real, parameter :: z
integer         :: m, n
real(8)         :: w
character(len=30) :: frase


real, dimension(3) :: vector
real, dimension(3,2) :: matriz3x2
integer, dimension(:)   :: vector-n
integer, dimension(:,:) :: matriz-mxn

!alocação do espaço em memória
!Limpar a casa no final do programa


public :: T_Pais
type T_Pais
    character(len=128) :: nome
    character(len=128) :: capital
    integer            :: pop
end type T_Pais

Flow control


if (.not. associated(pais)) then
    write(*,*) 'The country ', pais%nome, 'is already allocated.'
end if


Loop that increments the counter.

do i=1,10
   write(*,*) 'Couting ',i
end do

Loop that increments the counter by two.

do i=1,21,2
   write(*,*) 'Counting pair ',i-1
end do

Loop that decrements the counter.

do i=20,1,-1
   write(*,*) 'Reverse counting of even ',i*2-1
end do


Write I/O

Here's sample that writes formatted output to the console.

program WriteIOTest

implicit none

character(len=30)               :: myformat
character(len=128)              :: ModuleName
integer                         :: iter
real                            :: DT
integer                         :: i, j, k

ModuleName = "Hello world"
iter = 25
DT = 13.2
i = 113
j = 77
k =43

write (*, 211) trim(ModuleName), iter, DT, i, j, k

211 format(a, i8, f10.3, i5, i5, i5)

end program


Average program

program average
  ! Read in some numbers and take the average
  ! As written, if there are no data points, an average of zero is returned
  ! While this may not be desired behavior, it keeps this example simple
  implicit none
  real, dimension(:), allocatable :: points
  integer                         :: number_of_points
  real                            :: average_points=0., positive_average=0., negative_average=0.
  write (*,*) "Input number of points to average:"
  read  (*,*) number_of_points
  allocate (points(number_of_points))
  write (*,*) "Enter the points to average:"
  read  (*,*) points
  ! Take the average by summing points and dividing by number_of_points
  if (number_of_points > 0) average_points = sum(points) / number_of_points
  ! Now form average over positive and negative points only
  if (count(points > 0.) > 0) then
     positive_average = sum(points, points > 0.) / count(points > 0.)
  end if
  if (count(points < 0.) > 0) then
     negative_average = sum(points, points < 0.) / count(points < 0.)
  end if
  deallocate (points)
  ! Print result to terminal
  write (*,'(a,g12.4)') 'Average = ', average_points
  write (*,'(a,g12.4)') 'Average of positive points = ', positive_average
  write (*,'(a,g12.4)') 'Average of negative points = ', negative_average
end program average

Countries program (simple)

    program Console8

    use modulePais

    implicit none

    type(T_Pais), pointer :: portugal, espanha, france

    integer :: i
    call lerPais(portugal)
    call lerPais(espanha)
    call lerPais(france)
    write(*,*) ''
    call escrevePais(portugal)
    call escrevePais(espanha)
    call escrevePais(france)
    !call ordenaPaisesPorGolos(portugal, espanha, france)
    !Já não dá porque fizemos deallocate dentro da sub escrevePais
    end program Console8

 module modulePais
 implicit none
 !Todas as variáveis, os tipos, as funções e as subrotinas
 !ficam privadas por defeito.
 !Listagem das funções e subrotinas públicas e privadas
 public :: lerPais
 public :: escrevePais
 !Declaração de tipos, variáveis e funções/subrotinas publicas e privadas
 !Um novo tipo de variável estruturada
 !public :: StringLength
 integer, parameter  :: StringLength = 128
 public :: T_Pais
 type T_Pais    
    character(len=StringLength) :: Nome
    character(len=StringLength) :: Capital
    integer            :: Pop    
 end type T_Pais
 !Daqui para a frente só subrotinas e funções
 subroutine lerPais(pais)
    type(T_Pais), pointer :: pais
    !subroutine lerPais
    write(*,*) 'Por favor insira o nome do País'
    read(*,*) pais%Nome
    write(*,*) 'Por favor insira a capital'
    read(*,*) pais%Capital
    write(*,*) 'Por favor insira a população'
    read(*,*) pais%pop

 end subroutine lerPais
 subroutine escrevePais(um_pais_qq)

    type(T_Pais), pointer :: um_pais_qq

    write(*,*) 'O pais de nome ', trim(um_pais_qq%Nome), ','
    write(*,*) 'cuja capital eh ', trim(um_pais_qq%Capital), ','
    write(*,*) 'tem uma população de ', um_pais_qq%Pop, ' habitantes.'

 end subroutine escrevePais
 end module modulePais

Countries program (linked lists)

        program progtypes

        use modulePais

        implicit none

        type(T_Pais), pointer :: portugal

        !1a aula de tipos
        call lerPais(portugal)
        call escrevePais(portugal)
        write(*,*) ''

        !2a aula de tipos
        call novoPais
        write(*,*) ''

        call novoPais
        write(*,*) ''

        call listarPaises


        call removeAtlas

        end program progtypes

        module modulePais

        implicit none


        !Declaração do alcance das subrotinas
        !Rotinas que mexem com o tipo "T_Pais"
        public :: lerPais
        public :: escrevePais

        !Rotinas que mexem com o tipo "T_Atlas"
        public :: novoPais
        public :: listarPaises
        private :: novoAtlas
        public :: removeAtlas

        !Declaração de tipos e variáveis globais do módulo
        public :: StringLength
        integer, parameter  :: StringLength = 128
        public :: T_Pais
        type T_Pais
                character(len=StringLength) :: nome
                character(len=StringLength) :: capital
                integer                     :: pop
                real                        :: pib
        end type T_Pais

        public :: T_Atlas
        type T_Atlas
                type(T_Pais), pointer   :: pais
                type(T_Atlas), pointer   :: prim
                type(T_Atlas), pointer   :: prox
        end type T_Atlas

        type(T_Atlas), pointer          :: Me


        subroutine lerPais(pais)

                type(T_Pais), pointer :: pais


                write(*,*) 'Insira o nome do pais'
                read(*,*) pais%nome

                write(*,*) 'Insira a sua capital'
                read(*,*) pais%capital

                write(*,*) 'Insira a população'
                read(*,*) pais%pop

                write(*,*) 'Insira o PIB em milhões de euros'
                read(*,*) pais%pib

        end subroutine lerPais

        subroutine escrevePais(pais)

                type(T_Pais), pointer :: pais

                write(*,*) 'O pais ', trim(pais%nome),','
                write(*,*) 'cuja capital eh ', trim(pais%capital),','
                write(*,*) 'tem uma populacao de', pais%pop,'habitantes'
                write(*,*) 'e um pib de ', pais%pib, 'milhoes de euros.'

        end subroutine escrevePais

        subroutine novoPais(neoPais)

                !Variável pais
                type(T_Pais), pointer, optional   :: neoPais
                type(T_Pais), pointer		  :: novPais
                type(T_Atlas), pointer            :: novAtlas

                !Um novo país é criado
                if (.not. present(neoPais)) then
                        call lerPais(novPais)
			novPais => neoPais
                end if

                !Se o Atlas ainda não existe, então é criado
                if (.not. associated(Me)) then
                        call novoAtlas(Me, novPais, Me)
                !Senão o Atlas é incrementado
                        call novoAtlas(novAtlas, novPais, Me%prim)
                        Me%prox => novAtlas
                        Me => Me%prox
                end if

        end subroutine novoPais

        subroutine novoAtlas(atlas, pais, prim)

                type(T_Atlas), pointer :: atlas, prim
                type(T_Pais), pointer :: pais

                atlas%pais => pais
                atlas%prim => prim

        end subroutine novoAtlas

        subroutine removeAtlas
                type(T_Atlas), pointer :: oldAtlas               
                !Rewind the Me global variable
                Me => Me%prim

                !Loop through the Atlas items
                do while(associated(Me))
                        oldAtlas => Me
                        Me => Me%prox
                end do

        end subroutine removeAtlas

        subroutine listarPaises

                type(T_Atlas), pointer :: atlas

                atlas => Me%prim

                do while(associated(atlas))
                        write(*,*) atlas%pais%nome
                        atlas => atlas%prox
                end do

        end subroutine listarPaises

        end module modulePais

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