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Fortran implementation of the Actor Model using MPI

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A very simple ping-pong program is shown here. There are 2 programs, ping and pong, that shoot messages among them, starting each with a random number of plays. The first program reaching 0 will send a message for the other program to stop and stops itself. File moduleMPImanagement is necessary to compile both programs.

If you examine the code there is no single MPI_BARRIER or any other explicit synchronization point. The main routine is:

   subroutine main()
       type(T_pingPong), pointer :: pingPong
       integer :: STAT_CALL
       pingPong => constructPingPong()
       STAT_CALL = startGame(pingPong)
       if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then
           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "subroutine main, error calling startGame, ERR01"
       end if 
       call loop(pingPong)
       call EXIT(SUCCESS)
   end subroutine main