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Ifort is the intel fortran compiler. Intel bought and continued the former compaq Fortran, which in turn was originally known as DEC Fortran and used in VAX machines.




In order to install Ifort für *nix, you need to do the following steps:

  1. get the correct Ifort sources from [1] (registration required)
  2. make sure, the required libraries are installed: g++ libstdc++5 zlib1g-bin zlib1g-dev libc6 (Note: the names may differ depending on your distribution. The names above apply to Debian Sid)
  3. compile the Ifort sources: un-tar the sources and execute the installation script. With Debian, you need to manually convert the rpms (see below).
  4. integrate the compiler into your working environment:
    1. Symlink the installation version, to avoid having to edit all the config files again, once you install a new compiler version.
    2. Add the source lines to your bashrc (see below).

Debian specific installation notes: With Debian (Sid), the shipped script from the Ifort sources does not work [2],[3]. You need to execute the following commands as root (VERSION is the version number):

aptitude install alien
tar xzvf l_fc_p_VERSION.tar.gz
cd l_fc_VERSION/data/
alien intel-ifortVERSION-VERSION-1.i386.rpm
alien intel-iidbVERSION-VERSION-1.i386.rpm
dpkg -i --force-overwrite *.deb

Note: The resources below mention the additional command ./ -finalize-only, executed in the source folder. This parameter belongs to versions < 10 and is not supported by the script any more.

Now, replace every occurance of <INSTALLDIR> in the newly created files with the path to the Ifort installation. The files to edit are:


You can check if there are other files with the following command:

grep -r INSTALLDIR /opt/intel/

Links and source lines: The path to the compiler executables includes the version. Hard coding it has the disadvantage that you need to edit every file, once you install a new version. Therefore, link the current compiler version to current and add the virtual link in all of your path lines:

cd /opt/intel/fc/
ln -s ./VERSION current
cd ../idb/
ln -s ./VERSION current

Add the following lines to your .bashrc, or use the global /etc/bashrc (Debian: /etc/bash.bashrc):

source /opt/intel/fc/current/bin/
source /opt/intel/idb/current/bin/ 

Resources: [| 1] [| 2] [| 3]

Tools for linking


For example, here's an extract of the external references of ftest.obj after compiling with ifort:

ifort /c /nologo /Zi /Od ftest.for
dumpbin /SYMBOLS ftest.obj
094 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCDREN@20
095 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVID@16
096 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVREN@20
097 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCAREN@28
098 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVDEF@28
099 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVGT@24
09A 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVGTC@32
09B 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVGT1@20
09C 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVG1C@24
09D 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVPT@24
09E 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVPTC@32
09F 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVPT1@20
0A0 00000000 UNDEF  notype ()    External     | _NCVP1C@24



  • Q: I get this error. What should I do?
Fatal error cannot open "ifconsol"
ifort: error: problem during multi-file optimization compilation (code 1)

A: This error happens because some environment variables need to be declared. To solve this simply open from the intel fortran folder in your Start->Programs the Build Environment for applications and run make from there.


Help screen

Here's the help screen for windows:

ifort /?
                     Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Help

usage: ifort [options] file1 [file2 ...] [/link linker_options] 

  where options represents zero or more compiler options

        fileN is a Fortran source (.f .for .ftn .f90 .fpp .i .i90), 
            assembly (.asm), object (.obj), static library (.lib), or 
            other linkable file

        linker_options represents zero or more linker options

1. Many FL32 options are supported; a warning is printed for unsupported

2. Intel Fortran compiler options may be placed in your ifort.cfg file. 

                       Compiler Option List
 /O1    optimize for maximum speed, but disable some optimizations which
       increase code size for a small speed benefit: /Ob1gysi-
/O2    optimize for maximum speed (same as /Ox)
/O3    enable /O2 plus more aggressive optimizations that may not improve
       performance for all programs
/Ox    enable maximum optimizations (DEFAULT):       /Ob1gyti
/Od    disable optimizations; useful for selective optimizations (i.e. /Od /Og)
       0 - disable optimization (same as /Od)
       1 - optimize for maximum speed, but disable some optimizations
           which increase code size for a small speed benefit (same as /O1)
       2 - same as 1, or /O1
       3 - optimize for maximum speed (default) (same as /O2)
       4 - same as 3, or /O2
       5 - enable /optimize:3 plus more aggressive optimizations that
           may not improve performance for all programs (same as /O3) 

/fast  enable /QxP /O3 /Qipo /Qprec-div-
/Ob<n> control inline expansion:
       n=0  disable inlining (same as /inline:none)
       n=1  no inlining (unless /Qip specified)
       n=2  inline any function, at the compiler's discretion 
            (same as /Qip or /inline:all)
/Og    enable global optimizations
/Op[-] enable/disable better floating-point precision
       specify that improved floating-point consistency should be used
/Os    enable speed optimizations, but disable some optimizations which
       increase code size for small speed benefit (overrides /Ot)
/Ot    enable speed optimizations (overrides /Os)
/Oy[-] enable/disable using EBP as general purpose register (no frame pointer) 

/Qax<codes> generate code specialized for processors specified by <codes>
            while also generating generic IA-32 code.  <codes> includes
            one or more of the following characters:
    K  Intel Pentium III and compatible Intel processors
    W  Intel Pentium 4 and compatible Intel processors
    N  Intel Pentium 4 and compatible Intel processors.  Enables new
       optimizations in addition to Intel processor-specific optimizations
    P  Intel Pentium 4 processors with SSE3 extensions
    B  Intel Pentium M and compatible Intel processors
/Qx<codes>  generate specialized code to run exclusively on processors
            indicated by <codes> as described above.
     pn1 - optimize for Pentium(R) processor
     pn2 - optimize for Pentium(R) Pro, Pentium(R) II, and 
           Pentium(R) III processors
     pn3 - same as pn2
     pn4 - optimize for Pentium(R) 4 processor (DEFAULT)
     pn1 - optimize for Pentium(R) processor
     pn2 - optimize for Pentium(R) Pro, Pentium(R) II, and 
           Pentium(R) III processors
     pn3 - same as pn2
     pn4 - optimize for Pentium(R) 4 processor (DEFAULT)
     SSE - same as QxK
     SSE2  same as QxW      

Advanced Performance
Enable and specify the scope of Interprocedural (IP) Optimizations:
/Qip     enable single-file IP optimizations (within files, same as /Ob2)
/Qipo[n] enable multi-file IP optimizations (between files)
/Qipo-c  generate a multi-file object file (ipo_out.obj)
/Qipo-S  generate a multi-file assembly file (ipo_out.asm)  

Modify the behavior of IP:
/Qip-no-inlining    disable full and partial inlining (requires /Qip or /Qipo)
/Qip-no-pinlining   disable partial inlining (requires /Qip or /Qipo)
/Qipo-separate      create one object file for every source file 
                    (overrides /Qipo[n])  

Other Advanced Performance Options:
                 specify whether the threaded, reentrant run-time support
                 should be used
                 Keywords:  none (same as /noreentrancy), threaded
/noreentrancy    don't use reentrant run-time support
/Qpad[-]         enable/disable(DEFAULT) changing variable and array memory
/Qunroll[n]      set maximum number of times to unroll loops.  Omit n to use
                 default heuristics.  Use n=0 to disable loop unroller.
/unroll[:n]      set maximum number of times to unroll loops.  Omit n to use
                 default heuristics.  Use n=0 to disable loop unroller.  

/Qprof-dir <d>   specify directory for profiling output files (*.dyn and *.dpi)
/Qprof-file <f>  specify file name for profiling summary file
/Qprof-gen       instrument program for profiling
/Qprof-use       enable use of profiling information during optimization
                 prepare code for use with profrun sample gathering tool
/Qfnsplit[-]     enable/disable function splitting (enabled with /Qprof-use) 

/Qpc32           set internal FPU precision to 24 bit significand
/Qpc64           set internal FPU precision to 53 bit significand (DEFAULT)
/Qpc80           set internal FPU precision to 64 bit significand
/QIfist[-]       enable/disable(DEFAULT) fast float-to-int conversions
/Qrcd            same as /QIfist
/Qrct            set internal FPU rounding control to truncate
                 set internal FPU rounding control to truncate
/Qprec           improve floating-point precision (speed impact less than /Op)
/Qfp-port        round fp results at assignments & casts (some speed impact)
/Qfpstkchk       enable fp stack checking after every function/procedure call
/Qprec-div[-]    improve precision of FP divides (some speed impact)
                 determine if certain square root optimizations are enabled  

/Qscalar-rep[-]  enable(DEFAULT)/disable scalar replacement (requires /O3)
/Qvec-report[n]  control amount of vectorizer diagnostic information:
            n=0    no diagnostic information
            n=1    indicate vectorized loops (DEFAULT)
            n=2    indicate vectorized/non-vectorized loops
            n=3    indicate vectorized/non-vectorized loops and prohibiting
                   data dependence information
            n=4    indicate non-vectorized loops
            n=5    indicate non-vectorized loops and prohibiting data
                   dependence information  

/Qprefetch[-]              enable(DEFAULT)/disable prefetch insertion
/Qsafe-cray-ptr            Cray pointers do not alias with other variables
/Qopt-report               generate an optimization report to stderr
/Qopt-report-file<file>    specify the filename for the generated report
/Qopt-report-level[level]  specify the level of report verbosity (min|med|max)
/Qopt-report-phase<name>   specify the phase that reports are generated against
/Qopt-report-routine<name> reports on routines containing the given name
/Qopt-report-help          display the optimization phases available for 

/Qtcheck               generate instrumentation to detect multi-threading bugs
                       (requires Intel(R) Threading Tools; cannot be used with
                       compiler alone)
/Qopenmp               enable the compiler to generate multi-threaded code
                       based on the OpenMP directives
/Qopenmp-profile       link with instrumented OpenMP runtime library to
                       generate OpenMP profiling information for use with the
                       OpenMP component of the VTune(TM) Performance Analyzer
/Qopenmp-stubs         enables the user to compile OpenMP programs in
                       sequential mode.  The openmp directives are ignored and
                       a stub OpenMP library is linked (sequential)
/Qopenmp-report{0|1|2} control the OpenMP parallelizer diagnostic level
/fpe:{0|1|3}           specifies behavior on floating point exceptions  

/Qparallel             enable the auto-parallelizer to generate multi-threaded
                       code for loops that can be safely executed in parallel
/Qpar-report{0|1|2|3}  control the auto-parallelizer diagnostic level
/Qpar-threshold[n]     set threshold for the auto-parallelization of loops
                       where n is an integer from 0 to 100
/Qansi-alias[-]        enable(DEFAULT)/disable use of ANSI aliasing rules in
                       optimizations; user asserts that the program adheres to
                       these rules
                       enable/disable(DEFAULT) the use of the basic
                       algebraic expansions of some complex arithmetic
                       operations.  This can allow for some performance
                       improvement in programs which use a lot of complex
                       arithmetic at the loss of some exponent range.
/Qftz[-]               enable/disable flush denormal results to zero
/[no]recursive         compile all procedures for possible recursive execution
/Qssp                  enable software-based speculative pre-computation  

Output, Debug
/c, /nolink, /compile-only
                  compile to object (.obj) only, do not link
/S                compile to assembly (.asm) only, do not link
/FA[cs]           produce assembly file with optional code or source 
                  specify the information to generate in the assembleable 
                  listing file
                  keywords:  [no]source, [no]machine
/noasmattr        generate default information in the assembleable listing
/Fa[file]         name assembly file (or directory for multiple files; i.e. 
                  specifies that an assembleable listing file should be 
/Fo[file]         name object file (or directory for multiple files; i.e. 
                  specify the name of the object file
/Fe<file>         name executable file or directory
/exe:<filename>   specifies the name to be used for the built program (.EXE)
                  or dynamic-link (.DLL) library
/map:<filename>   specify that a link map file should be generated
                  specify that debug related information should be generated
                  to a program database file
/nopdbfile        do not generate debug related information to a program
                  database file
/RTCu             report use of variable that was not initialized
/Zi, /Z7          produce symbolic debug information in object file
                  enable debug information and control output of enhanced
                  debug information.
                  keywords:  all, full, minimal, none (same as /nodebug)
                             inline-debug-info, variable-locations,
                             semantic-stepping, extended
/nodebug          do not enable debug information
                  control output of debug information for PARAMETERS
                  keywords: all, used, none (same as /nodebug-parameters)
                  do not output debug information for PARAMETERS
/Quse-vcdebug     emit debug information compatible with Visual C++ debugger;
                  this disables emission of extended information used by 
                  Fortran debuggers
                  preserve the source position of inlined code instead of
                  assigning the call-site source position to inlined code
/Qtrapuv          trap uninitialized variables
/Qmap-opts        enable option mapping tool 
Fortran Preprocessor
/D<name>[{=|#}<text>], /define:symbol[=value]
           Defines the symbol specified for use with conditional
           compilation metacommands.  Optionally, the symbol can
           be defined to be an integer or string value
/nodefines specifies that any /D macros go to the preprocessor only, and not 
           to the compiler too
           If a Fortran end-of-line comment is seen within a #define,
           treat it as part of the definition.  Default is nofpp-comments
/E         preprocess to stdout
/EP        preprocess to stdout, omitting #line directives
/EP /P     preprocess to file, omitting #line directives
/P, /preprocess-only
           preprocess to file
/Qfpp[n], /[no]fpp
           run Fortran preprocessor on source files prior to compilation
     n=0   disable running the preprocessor, equivalent to nofpp
     n=1,2,3 run preprocessor
/Qcpp[n]   same as /Qfpp[n]
/I<dir>, /[no]include:<dir>
           define the directories in which the compiler searches for INCLUDE
           and mod files
           specify path where mod files should be placed and 
           first location to look for mod files
/U<name>, /undefine:<name>
           remove predefined macro
/u         remove all predefined macros
/X         remove standard directories from include file search path 

/4I{2|4|8}       set default KIND of integer and logical variables to 2, 4,
                 or 8
                 specifies the default size of integer and logical variables
                 size:  16, 32, 64
/4R{8|16}        set default size of REAL to 8 or 16 bytes
                 specify the size of REAL and COMPLEX declarations, constants,
                 functions, and intrinsics
                size: 32, 64, 128
/Qautodouble     same as /4R8
                 defines the size of DOUBLE PRECISION and DOUBLE COMPLEX 
                 declarations, constants, functions, and intrinsics
                 size:  64, 128
/[no]fpconstant  extends the precision of single precision constants assigned
                 to double precision variables to double precision
/[no]intconstant use Compaq Fortran 77 semantics, rather than Compaq Fortran
                 90, to determine kind of integer constants 

/Qd-lines, /[no]d-lines
                 compile debug statements (indicated by D in column 1)

/4{Y|N}f         enable/disable free format source
/[no]fixed, /FI  specifies source files are in fixed format
/[no]free , /FR  specifies source files are in free format
/4L{72|80|132}   specify 72, 80, or 132 column lines for fixed form sources
/Qextend-source  same as /4L132
                 determines the column that ends the statement field of each
                 source line in a fixed-format file.  /extend-source default
                 size is 132
                 size:  72 (same as /noextend-source), 80, 132
/noextend-source source lines are expected to be 72 characters
                 specify default carriage control for units 6 and *
                 keywords:  default, fortran, list, or none
/stand:<keyword> specifies level of conformance with ANSI standard to check
                 keywords:  f90, f95, none
/Qpad-source, /[no]pad-source 
                 make compiler acknowledge blanks at the end of a line
/Qdps[-], /[no]altparam 
                 specify if alternate form of parameter constant declarations
                 (without parenthesis) is recognized 

/1, /Qonetrip execute any DO loop at least once
/f66          allow extensions that enhance FORTRAN-66 compatibility
/[no]f77rtl   specify that the Fortran 77 specific run-time support should 
              be used
/4{Y|N}a      enable/disable putting local variables on the run-time stack
/Qauto        same as /4Ya or /automatic
/Qauto-scalar make scalar local variables AUTOMATIC
/Qsave        save all variables (static allocation) 
               (same as /noautomatic or /4Na, opposite of /Qauto)
/4{Y|N}d      enable/disable default IMPLICIT NONE
/Qcommon-args assume "by reference" subprogram arguments may alias one another
              (same as /assume:dummy_aliases)
/[Q]vms       enable VMS I/O statement extensions
              specify assumptions made by the optimizer and code generator
              keywords: none, [no]accuracy_sensitive, [no]byterecl,
                        [no]buffered_io, [no]dummy_aliases, [no]minus0,
                        [no]protect_constants, [no]source_include, 
/Qzero[-]     enable/disable(DEFAULT) implicitly initialize all data to zero  

/Qdyncom"blk1,blk2,..."  make given common blocks dynamically-allocated 

/4{Y|N}b enable/disable extensive runtime error checking
/CB      runtime checks for out-of-bounds array subscript/substring refs
         Same as /check:bounds
/CU      runtime check for uninitialized variables
         same as /check:uninit
         check run-time conditions
         keywords: all (same as /4Yb), none (same as /nocheck, /4Nb), 
                   [no]arg_temp_created, [no]bounds,[no]format, [no]overflow,
                   [no]output_conversion, [no]power, [no]uninit, [no]args
/nocheck perform no extra run-time checks

/nbs          treat backslash as a normal character, not an escape character
/us           append an underscore to external subroutine names
/Qlowercase   change routine names to all lowercase (same as /names:lowercase)
/Quppercase   change routine names to all uppercase (DEFAULT) 
              (same as /names:uppercase)
              specify how source code identifiers and external names are
              keywords:  as_is, lowercase, uppercase
/Gm           enable CVF and Powerstation calling convention compatibility
              (same as /iface:cvf)
/Gz           make STDCALL the default calling convention 
              (same as /iface:stdcall)
              specify the calling conventions to be used
              keywords: [no]mixed_str_len_arg, cref, cvf, 
                        default, stdcall, stdref
/align[-]     analyze and reorder memory layout for variables and arrays
/Zp[n]        specify alignment constraint for structures (n=1,2,4,8,16)
              specify how data items are aligned
              keywords: [no]commons, dcommons, [no]records, rec1byte, 
                        rec2byte, rec4byte, rec8byte, rec16byte, sequence
/Zs, /syntax-only
              perform syntax check only  

Compiler Diagnostics
/cm        same as /warn:nousage 
/w         disable all warnings
/Wn        disable warnings (n=0) or show warnings 
           (n=1, DEFAULT, same as /warn:general)
/w90, /w95 suppress messages about use of non-standard Fortran-90/95
/4{Y|N}s   enable/disable issuing of errors for non-standard Fortran-90
            specifies the level of warning messages issued.
           keywords: all, none (same as /nowarn), 
                     [no]alignments, [no]argument_checking, [no]declarations,
                     [no]errors, [no]general, [no]ignore_loc, 
                     [no]interfaces, [no]stderrors, [no]truncated_source, 
                     [no]uncalled, [no]uninitialized, [no]unused, [no]usage
/nowarn    suppress all warning messages
/WB        turn a compile-time bounds check into a warning
           create interface blocks for all routines in the file.  Can then be
           checked with warn:interfaces
           specify whether the compiler generates PC correlation data used
           to display a symbolic traceback rather than a hexidecimal traceback
           at runtime failure
           specify the maximum number of error-level or fatal-level compiler
           errors allowed
            set no maximum number on error-level or fatal-level error messages  

/?, /help     print this help message
/[no]logo     [do not] display compiler version information
              show driver tool commands but do not execute tools
/Tf<file>     compile file as Fortran source
              specify that the file indicated should be processed as a Fortran
              source file
/extfor:<ext> specify extension of file to be recognized as a Fortran file
/extfpp:<ext> specify extension of file to be recognized as a preprocessor
              specify the format of unformatted files containing numeric data
              keywords: big_endian, cray, ibm, little_endian, native, vaxd, 
              specify the level of compatibility to adhere to with Fortran
              keywords: all, none (same as /nofpscomp), 
                        [no]filesfromcmd, [no]general, [no]ioformat,
                        [no]ldio_spacing, [no]libs, [no]logicals
/nofpscomp    no specific level of compatibility with Fortran Powerstation
              control the library names that should be emitted into the object
              Keywords:  all, none (same as /nolibdir), [no]automatic, [no]user
/nolibdir     no library names should be emitted into the object file
              Specifies the level of inline function expansion.
              keywords: all (same as /Ob2 /Ot), size (same as /Ob2 /Os)
                        speed (same as /Ob2 /Ot), none or manual (same as /Ob0)
              pass options <opts> to tool specified by <str>
              set <dir> as the location of tool specified by <str>
              place the string specified into the object file and executable
/Qsox[-]      enable/disable(DEFAULT) saving of compiler options and version
              in the executable
/Qnobss-init  disable placement of zero-initialized vars in BSS (use DATA)  

/link           specify that all following options are for the linker
/extlnk:<ext>   specify extension of file to be passed directly to linker
/F<n>           set the stack reserve amount specified to the linker
/Qvc6           use Visual C++ 6.0 linker and debug format (DEFAULT)
/Qvc7           enable Visual Studio .NET 2002 linker and debug format
/Qvc7.1         enable Visual Studio .NET 2003 linker and debug format
/LD[d], /dll    produce a DLL instead of an EXE ('LDd' = debug version)
/dbglibs        use the debug version of runtime libraries, when appropriate
/MD             use dynamically-loaded, multithread runtime
/MDs            use dynamically-loaded, single thread runtime
/MG, /winapp    use Windows API runtime libraries
/ML             use statically-loaded, single thread runtime (/ML is DEFAULT)
/MT             use statically-loaded, multithread runtime
/MW             use statically-loaded, multidocument QuickWin runtime
/MWs            use statically-loaded, single document QuickWin runtime
/libs:<keyword> determine the default libraries to be linked against
                dll    - use dynamically-loaded, multithread runtime
                qwin   - use statically-loaded, multidocument QuickWin runtime
                qwins  - use statically-loaded, single document QuickWin runtime
                static - use statically-loaded, single thread runtime (DEFAULT)
/static         synonym to /libs:static
/4{Y|N}portlib  enable/disable linking with portability library
/Zl             omit library names from object file (same as /nolibdir)
/[no]threads    specify whether or not multi-threaded libraries should be
                 linked against

Copyright (C) 1985-2005, Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

* Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.