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Keyword list
Project Module Keyword Keyword description Options Option description
Mohid Base 1 ModuleBenthos PELAGIC_MODEL Pelagic model name to which ModuleBenthos will be coupled WaterQuality
Mohid Base 1 ModuleBenthos PELAGIC_MODEL Pelagic model name to which ModuleBenthos will be coupled LifeModel
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork ADVECTION_SCHEME Numerical Discretization of Advection. 5 CentralDif (Central differences scheme)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork ADVECTION_SCHEME Numerical Discretization of Advection. 1 UpwindOrder1 (Upwind scheme of 1st order)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork DIFFUSION_SCHEME Numerical Discretization of Difusion. 5 CentralDif (Central Differences discretization)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork DOWNSTREAM_BOUNDARY Choose downstream boundary condition 2 ImposedWaterDepth
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork DOWNSTREAM_BOUNDARY Choose downstream boundary condition 1 Normal (solves KynematicWave at the outlet)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork DOWNSTREAM_BOUNDARY Choose downstream boundary condition 0 Dam (flow at the outlet = 0.0)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork FILE_IN_TIME Downstream boundary condition evolution NONE Constant evolution of downstream boundary condition (constant water depth)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork FILE_IN_TIME Downstream boundary condition evolution TIMESERIE Reads a time serie with water depth for downstream boundary condition
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork HYDRODYNAMIC_APROX Chooses the hydrodynamic approximation to be solved in the momentum equation 2 DiffusionWave (full St Venant equation except for advection)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork HYDRODYNAMIC_APROX Chooses the hydrodynamic approximation to be solved in the momentum equation 3 DynamicWave (full St Venant equation)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork HYDRODYNAMIC_APROX Chooses the hydrodynamic approximation to be solved in the momentum equation 1 KinematicWave (friction = slope gradient)
Mohid Base 1 ModuleDrainageNetwork INITIALIZATION_METHOD Choose initialization method for this property. CONSTANT Constant initialization of property
Mohid Base 2 ModuleAtmosphere RADIATION_METHOD Method to compute solar radiation 1 Climatologic solar radiation algorithm
Mohid Base 2 ModuleAtmosphere RADIATION_METHOD Method to compute solar radiation 2 CEQUALW2 solar radiation algorithm
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix FILE_IN_TIME Defines the kind of reading operation performed in time to modify the field PROFILE_TIME_SERIE Read solution from various profiles in time
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix FILE_IN_TIME Defines the kind of reading operation performed in time to modify the field TIMESERIE The data is given at a certain location with a time serie. See time series to know about time series file format. File path is given in FILENAME. The number of the column containing needed data of the timeserie file must be indicated in DATA_COLUMN.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix FILE_IN_TIME Defines the kind of reading operation performed in time to modify the field NONE Matrix is not modified from reading values from file
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix FILE_IN_TIME Defines the kind of reading operation performed in time to modify the field HDF Reads data from an HDF5 file. There are restrictions regarding file format:

1) The fields stored in the file must correspond to the modeled domain, that is, they must correspond to the same horizontal and vertical grid. 2) In the Grid folder it is required to have the data sets: "Bathimetry", "ConnectionX", "ConnectionY", "Latitude", "Longitude" and "WaterPoints". 3) The name of the fields must be recognised by Mohid (see list of supported names) 4) Time data set must contain as many instants as the field data sets 5) Time data set must also contain dates for a period of the same or greater duration of the simulation.

Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. PROFILE_TIMESERIE Read initial field from various profiles.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. BOXES Initialization by boxes (polygonal sub-domains) for which a constant value is specified. Boxes are specified in separate file (path given by FILENAME keyword) blocks that have specific format.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. LAYERS Initialization by horizontal layers. alues are specified with LAYERS_VALUES keyword.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. TIMESERIE Reads initial values from a time serie file. If necessary the initial value is interpolated in time.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. CONSTANT Constant value for all domain.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. HDF Reads initial field from a HDF file. Field is interpolated in time if necessary.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. PROFILE Initialization made by vertical profile. Horizontal distribution is considered uniform. Profile must be specified with NDEPTH, DEPTH_PROFILE and PROFILE_VALUES keywords. Layers must no correspond to vertical discretization. The program interpolates the data on the vertical as needed.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. ANALYTIC PROFILE Initialization made by an analitical vertical profile.
Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix INITIALIZATION_METHOD Initial condition data input method. ASCII_FILE Initialization with text file. File path given at FILENAME. File format is a griddata file (2D or 3D). In points of the domain where no values are given the DEFAULTVALUE is assumed.

If griddata file is 2D and the domain is 3D, a unique value is assumed for the whole water column.

Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix PROFILE_TYPE Type of analitical profile LINEAR Profile has a linear format, given by the following expression:

Value = DefaultValue + CoefA * CellDepth / CoefB

Mohid Base 2 ModuleFillMatrix PROFILE_TYPE Type of analitical profile EXPONENTIAL Profile has an exponential format, given by the following expression:
Value = DefaultValue - CoefA * exp(- CellDepth / CoefB)
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry FACES_OPTION Methodology to compute areas between cells 3 Minimum thickness of the adjacent water columns (advanced user option)
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry FACES_OPTION Methodology to compute areas between cells 2 Average thickness of the adjacent water columns (advised option)
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry INITIALIZATION_METHOD Type of initialization used in the case of a lagrangian coordinate. This is also the reference coordinate in relation to which the lagrangian coordinate suffers distortion function of the vertical velocity CARTESIAN Cartesian type coordinates
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry INITIALIZATION_METHOD Type of initialization used in the case of a lagrangian coordinate. This is also the reference coordinate in relation to which the lagrangian coordinate suffers distortion function of the vertical velocity SIGMA Sigma type coordinates
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain CARTESIANTOP A Cartesian Coordinate which is calculated downwards from the Digital Terrain (MOHID Land only)
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain LAGRANGIAN Lagrangian coordinates - moves the upper and

lower faces with the vertical flow velocity.

Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain FIXSEDIMENT Fixed Sediment coordinates
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain FIXSPACING Fixed Spacing coordinates - used to study flows close to the bottom
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain SIGMA Sigma coordinates
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain SIGMATOP A Sigma Coordinate which is calculated downwards from the Digital Terrain (MOHID Land only). Needs Normal Sigma Below
Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain HARMONIC Harmonic coordinates - the horizontal faces close to the surface

expand and collapse depending on the variation of the surface elevation. This coordinate was implemented in the geometry module to simulate reservoirs.

Mohid Base 2 ModuleGeometry TYPE Type of vertical coordinate of the domain CARTESIAN Cartesian coordinates
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation KERNEL_TYPE Type of kernel used in the convolution interpolations Exponential
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation KERNEL_TYPE Type of kernel used in the convolution interpolations Gaussian
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the interpolation process 1 Conservative convolution
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the interpolation process 2 NonConservative convolution
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the interpolation process 4 Bilinear
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the interpolation process 5 Spline 2D
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the interpolation process 6 Inverse weight
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the interpolation process 3 Triangulation
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation NC_TYPE Cheks what class of NonConservative convolution process to use 2 Smoothes the field using the PHI value
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation NC_TYPE Cheks what class of NonConservative convolution process to use 3 Data
Mohid Base 2 ModuleInterpolation NC_TYPE Cheks what class of NonConservative convolution process to use 1 User defined kernel for the NonConservative convolution
Mohid Land ModuleRunoff ROUTING The overland flow routing method. Possible values:

1 - Manning 2 - Chezy

2 Chezy Equation
Mohid Land ModuleRunoff ROUTING The overland flow routing method. Possible values:

1 - Manning 2 - Chezy

1 Manning Equation
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation DIMENSION Number of dimensions of the assimilation field 3 Three-Dimensional property
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation DIMENSION Number of dimensions of the assimilation field 2 Two-Dimensional property
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation TYPE_ZUV Reference of the field to the grid. U Variable is referenced to the XX faces of the control volume
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation TYPE_ZUV Reference of the field to the grid. Z Variable is defined in the center of the control volume
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation TYPE_ZUV Reference of the field to the grid. V Variable is referenced to the YY faces of the control volume
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation TYPE_ZUV Reference of the field to the grid. V Variable is referenced to the YY faces of the control volume
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation TYPE_ZUV Reference of the field to the grid. U Variable is referenced to the XX faces of the control volume
Mohid Water ModuleAssimilation TYPE_ZUV Reference of the field to the grid. Z Variable is defined in the center of the control volume

Mohid Water ModuleFreeVerticalMovement FREEVERT_IMPEXP_ADV Coeficient to compute vertical movement through implicit or explicit methods 1.0 Explicit
Mohid Water ModuleFreeVerticalMovement FREEVERT_IMPEXP_ADV Coeficient to compute vertical movement through implicit or explicit methods 0.0 Implicit
Mohid Water ModuleFreeVerticalMovement WS_TYPE Method to compute settling velocity 1 Prescribe a constant settling velocity for particulate property
Mohid Water ModuleFreeVerticalMovement WS_TYPE Method to compute settling velocity 2 Compute settling velocity as function of cohesive sediment concentration
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic BAROCLINIC_RADIATION Check if the user wants to radiate internal tides 0 No radiation
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic BAROCLINIC_RADIATION Check if the user wants to radiate internal tides 2 Vertical
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic BAROCLINIC_RADIATION Check if the user wants to radiate internal tides 1 Horizontal
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic CYCLIC_DIRECTION Check along which direction the user wants to impose a CYCLIC boundary condition DirectionY_ Direction Y
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic CYCLIC_DIRECTION Check along which direction the user wants to impose a CYCLIC boundary condition DirectionX_ Direction x
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic CYCLIC_DIRECTION Check along which direction the user wants to impose a CYCLIC boundary condition DirectionXY_ Directions X and Y
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic DISCRETIZATION Check what type of implicit discretization in time is choose for the global equations 1 Abbott Scheme - 4 equations per iteration
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic DISCRETIZATION Check what type of implicit discretization in time is choose for the global equations 2 Leendertse Scheme - 6 equations per iteration
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic EVOLUTION Checks out if the user pretends to actualize the hydrodynamic properties computing the equations or reading them from a file there is also the possibility of read the residual flow of the last run and maintain the instant properties equal to the residual ones. The user can also say that the hydrodynamic properties have always null value. Residual_hydrodynamic Residual hydrodynamic
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic EVOLUTION Checks out if the user pretends to actualize the hydrodynamic properties computing the equations or reading them from a file there is also the possibility of read the residual flow of the last run and maintain the instant properties equal to the residual ones. The user can also say that the hydrodynamic properties have always null value. No_hydrodynamic No hydrodynamic
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic EVOLUTION Checks out if the user pretends to actualize the hydrodynamic properties computing the equations or reading them from a file there is also the possibility of read the residual flow of the last run and maintain the instant properties equal to the residual ones. The user can also say that the hydrodynamic properties have always null value. Read_File Read file
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic EVOLUTION Checks out if the user pretends to actualize the hydrodynamic properties computing the equations or reading them from a file there is also the possibility of read the residual flow of the last run and maintain the instant properties equal to the residual ones. The user can also say that the hydrodynamic properties have always null value. Solve_Equations Solve equations
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic EVOLUTION Checks out if the user pretends to actualize the hydrodynamic properties computing the equations or reading them from a file there is also the possibility of read the residual flow of the last run and maintain the instant properties equal to the residual ones. The user can also say that the hydrodynamic properties have always null value. Vertical1D 1D vertical model of the water column. Only coriolis and wind stress. Neuman conditions of horizontal null gradient are imposed for velocities and water level.
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic IMPLICIT_VERTADVECTION Check if the vertical advection is implicit 0.0 Explicit
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic IMPLICIT_VERTADVECTION Check if the vertical advection is implicit 0.5 Hybrid for option in (0.0, 1.0)
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic IMPLICIT_VERTADVECTION Check if the vertical advection is implicit 1.0 Implicit
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic IMPLICIT_VERTDIFFUSION Check if the vertical advection is implicit 1.0 Implicit
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic IMPLICIT_VERTDIFFUSION Check if the vertical advection is implicit 0.5 Hybrid for option in (0.0, 1.0)
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic IMPLICIT_VERTDIFFUSION Check if the vertical advection is implicit 0.0 Explicit
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 4 Gauge
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 1 No local solution
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 2 Submodel
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 5 AssimilaPlusSubModel
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 7 AssimilaGaugeSubModel
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 6 GaugePlusSubModel
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic LOCAL_SOLUTION Check what type o local (or reference) solution the user wants to use as a reference for the radiative and relaxation boundary conditions 3 AssimilationField
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic RADIATION Checks if the user wants to impose the Flather 1974 radiation boundary condition or other 0 No Radiation
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic RADIATION Checks if the user wants to impose the Flather 1974 radiation boundary condition or other 1 FlatherWindWave_
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic RADIATION Checks if the user wants to impose the Flather 1974 radiation boundary condition or other 3 BlumbergKantha_
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic RADIATION Checks if the user wants to impose the Flather 1974 radiation boundary condition or other 2 FlatherLocalSolution_
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic UP_CENTER Check if the horizontal advection discretization is upstream or center differences. By default advection is computed using a Upstream scheme 0.0 Centred differences
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic UP_CENTER Check if the horizontal advection discretization is upstream or center differences. By default advection is computed using a Upstream scheme 0.5 Hybrid for option in (0,1)
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic UP_CENTER Check if the horizontal advection discretization is upstream or center differences. By default advection is computed using a Upstream scheme 1.0 Upstream
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic VELNORMALBOUNDARY Checks the velocities the user want to impose in the exterior faces 2 null gradient
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic VELNORMALBOUNDARY Checks the velocities the user want to impose in the exterior faces 1 null value
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic VELTANGENTIALBOUNDARY Checks the velocities the user want to impose between two boundary points 1 null value
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic VELTANGENTIALBOUNDARY Checks the velocities the user want to impose between two boundary points 2 null gradient
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic WIND Checks if the user want to consider the effect of the wind stress. By default the wind stress is not compute 1 wind forcing
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic WIND Checks if the user want to consider the effect of the wind stress. By default the wind stress is not compute 2 wind forcing with a smooth start
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamic WIND Checks if the user want to consider the effect of the wind stress. By default the wind stress is not compute 0 No wind forcing
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile BAT_INTEGRATION_TYPE It is posible to calculate the new bathymetry (spacial integration) using two different options MaxVal_Type Each new integrated cell has the maximum value of the cells used to do the integration of that cell
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile BAT_INTEGRATION_TYPE It is posible to calculate the new bathymetry (spacial integration) using two different options MeanVal_Type The depth of the integrated cell is obtained by the average of the cells used to do the integration of that cell.
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile IN_FILE_TYPE Input File Type BeginEnd_type
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile IN_FILE_TYPE Input File Type M2_Tide_type
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile IN_FILE_VERSION Input File Version 2
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile IN_FILE_VERSION Input File Version 1 Only available if LOAD_TO_MEMORY = 0
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile OUT_FILE_VERSION Controls the version of the output file 2
Mohid Water ModuleHydrodynamicFile OUT_FILE_VERSION Controls the version of the output file 1
Mohid Water ModuleJet LOCAL_TYPE Methodology to define the ambient variables UNIFORM Uniform water colum
Mohid Water ModuleJet LOCAL_TYPE Methodology to define the ambient variables FIELD3D 3D field generated by the MOHID system
Mohid Water ModuleJet LOCAL_TYPE Methodology to define the ambient variables LINEAR Water column where the density and velocity have a linear profile
Mohid Water ModuleJet PARAMETERIZATION Parametrization used to simulate the entrainmenet process CORJET Parameterization based on CORJET model
Mohid Water ModuleJet PARAMETERIZATION Parametrization used to simulate the entrainmenet process JETLAG Parameterization based on JETLAG model
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian ACCIDENT_METHOD The how to distribute initially the particles if the emission type is accident 2 The "Thickness" option
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian ACCIDENT_METHOD The how to distribute initially the particles if the emission type is accident 1 The "Fay" option
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian DENSITY_METHOD Way to calculate particle density 3 Constant
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian DENSITY_METHOD Way to calculate particle density 1 Leendertse
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian DENSITY_METHOD Way to calculate particle density 2 UNESCO
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian EMISSION_SPATIAL The type of spatial emission. Point Emission at a single point
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian EMISSION_SPATIAL The type of spatial emission. Accident Emission as accident
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian EMISSION_SPATIAL The type of spatial emission. Box Emission from a Box
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian EMISSION_TEMPORAL The type of temporal emission Continuous Continuous emission
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian EMISSION_TEMPORAL The type of temporal emission Instantaneous Instantaneous emission
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian MOVEMENT The type of particle aleatory horizontal movement NotRandom Do not consider any aleatory horizontal component
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian MOVEMENT The type of particle aleatory horizontal movement SullivanAllen Parameterization based on Sullivan Allen formulation
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian MOVING_ORIGIN_UNITS The Units in which the moving origin position is given Meters The units are meters
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian MOVING_ORIGIN_UNITS The Units in which the moving origin position is given Cells The units are given as cells
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian OUTPUT_CONC Output Integration Type

1 - Maximum 2 - Average

2 Uses average values for integration
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian OUTPUT_CONC Output Integration Type

1 - Maximum 2 - Average

1 Uses maximum values for integration
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian SEDIMENTATION Sedimentation type. Imposed
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian SEDIMENTATION Sedimentation type. Stokes
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian T90_VAR_METHOD_1 Method to compute T90 function. 1 Fecal decay according to Canteras et al. (1995)
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian T90_VAR_METHOD_1 Method to compute T90 function. 2 Fecal decay according to Chapra (1997)
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian TURB_V Vertical turbulence parameterization Profile Parameterization based on the velocity profile
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian TURB_V Vertical turbulence parameterization Constant Constant Parameterization
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian VOLUME_INCREASE The way volume increase is calculated Velocity The doublication occour after the time given by TVOL200, but also depends on the local velocity
Mohid Water ModuleLagrangian VOLUME_INCREASE The way volume increase is calculated Double The doublication occour after the time given by TVOL200
Mohid Water ModuleOil DISPERSIONMETHOD Method for Dispersion Delvigne Dispersion parameterized with Delvigne formulation
Mohid Water ModuleOil DISPERSIONMETHOD Method for Dispersion Mackay Dispersion parameterized with Mackay formulation
Mohid Water ModuleOil EMULSIFICATIONMETHOD Method for Emulsification Mackay Emulsification parameterized following Mackay formulation
Mohid Water ModuleOil EMULSIFICATIONMETHOD Method for Emulsification Rasmussen Emulsification parameterized following Rasmussen formulation
Mohid Water ModuleOil EVAPORATIONMETHOD Method for Evaporation EvaporativeExposure Evaporation computed with evaporative exposure method
Mohid Water ModuleOil EVAPORATIONMETHOD Method for Evaporation PseudoComponents Evaporation computed with pseudocomponents method
Mohid Water ModuleOil EVAPORATIONMETHOD Method for Evaporation Fingas Evaporation computed with Fingas formulations
Mohid Water ModuleOil FINGAS_EVAP_EQTYPE Evaporation Equation Type SquareRoot Square Root Equation Type for Evaporation
Mohid Water ModuleOil FINGAS_EVAP_EQTYPE Evaporation Equation Type Logarithmic Logarithmic Equation Type for Evaporation
Mohid Water ModuleOil OILTYPE Oil Type Crude Crude Oil
Mohid Water ModuleOil OILTYPE Oil Type Refined Refined oil
Mohid Water ModuleOil SPREADINGMETHOD Method for Spreading Fay Mechanical spreading simply based on Fay theory
Mohid Water ModuleOil SPREADINGMETHOD Method for Spreading ThicknessGradient Oil mechanical spreading based on thickness gradients, parameterized with fay theory
Mohid Water ModuleSedimentProperties DIFFUSION_METHOD Method to compute diffusion coefficeient correction for the sediments. 1 - Berner, 1980 ; 2 - Soetaert, 1996 1 Berner, 1980
Mohid Water ModuleSedimentProperties DIFFUSION_METHOD Method to compute diffusion coefficeient correction for the sediments. 1 - Berner, 1980 ; 2 - Soetaert, 1996 2 Soetaert, 1996
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MLD_Method 3 Maximum value of Brunt-Vaisalla frequency (N)
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MLD_Method 2 Richardson number (Ri) superior to a critical value.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MLD_Method 1 Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) inferior to a predefined minimum.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model file2D Vertical viscosity is specified using an ASCII file containing grid data. The file is defined in the block: begin_viscosity_v/end_viscosity_v. Use of this block is specified in the FillMatrix module (Mohid Base 2 project)
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model constant Constant eddy viscosity model. Viscosity value is specified with keyword "VISCOSITY_V". Typical values for real (ocean or estuaries) are in the range 0.1 - 10, depending on vertical length scale and vertical grid spacing.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model nihoul Uses Nihoul turbulence scheme.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model leendertsee Uses Leendertsee turbulence scheme.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model pacanowski Uses Pacanowski turbulence scheme.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model turbulence_equation Uses a turbulence equation for closure. This is only to be used with GOTM module.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODTURB Vertical eddy viscosity model backhaus Uses Backhaus turbulence scheme.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODVISH Horizontal eddy viscosity model. file2D Horizontal viscosity is specified using an ASCII file containing grid data. The file is defined in the block: begin_viscosity_v/end_viscosity_v. Use of this block is specified in the FillMatrix module (Mohid Base 2 project)

Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODVISH Horizontal eddy viscosity model. smagorinsky Smagorinsky turbulence scheme.
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODVISH Horizontal eddy viscosity model. estuary
Mohid Water ModuleTurbulence MODVISH Horizontal eddy viscosity model. constant Constant horizontal viscosity
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_H Horizontal advection discretization. 1 UpwindOrder1
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_H Horizontal advection discretization. 4 P2_TVD
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_H Horizontal advection discretization. 5 CentralDif
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_H Horizontal advection discretization. 2 UpwindOrder2
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_H Horizontal advection discretization. 3 UpwindOrder3
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_V Vertical advection discretization. 1 UpwindOrder1
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_V Vertical advection discretization. 3 UpwindOrder3
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_V Vertical advection discretization. 4 P2_TVD
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_V Vertical advection discretization. 2 UpwindOrder2
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADV_METHOD_V Vertical advection discretization. 5 CentralDif
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADVECTION_H_IMP_EXP Horizontal advection computed using a implicit/explicit discretization for this property. 1 Explicit discretization
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADVECTION_H_IMP_EXP Horizontal advection computed using a implicit/explicit discretization for this property. 0 Implicit discretization
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADVECTION_V_IMP_EXP Vertical advection computed using a implicit/explicit discretization for this property. 1 Explicit discretization.
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties ADVECTION_V_IMP_EXP Vertical advection computed using a implicit/explicit discretization for this property. 0 Implicit discretization.
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 3 VerticalDiffusion
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 8 CyclicBoundary
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 6 Orlanski
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 1 MassConservation
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 4 NullGradient
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 5 SubModel
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_CONDITION Boundary condition for this property. 2 ImposedValue
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_INITIALIZATION Processes considered to initialize the boundary values of this property EXTERIOR A value exterior to the domain is be imposed (a constant value).
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties BOUNDARY_INITIALIZATION Processes considered to initialize the boundary values of this property INTERIOR Boundaries equal to the values given

in the same cells during the domain initialization.

Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DECAY_TIME Decay time of this property in the boundary. 0 Property value at the boundary remains constant.
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DENSITY_METHOD Method to compute water density 1 Leendertse
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DENSITY_METHOD Method to compute water density 2 UNESCO (in-situ temperature)
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DENSITY_METHOD Method to compute water density 3 Linear
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DENSITY_METHOD Method to compute water density 5 Jackett and McDougall 1995
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DENSITY_METHOD Method to compute water density 4 Mellor 1996
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DIFFUSION_V_IMP_EXP Vertical diffusion computed using a implicit/explicit discretization for this property. 1 Explicit discretization.
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DIFFUSION_V_IMP_EXP Vertical diffusion computed using a implicit/explicit discretization for this property. 0 Implicit discretization.
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DOSAT_TYPE Method to compute dissolved oxygen saturation 1 Apha
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DOSAT_TYPE Method to compute dissolved oxygen saturation 2 Henry
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties DOSAT_TYPE Method to compute dissolved oxygen saturation 3 Mortimer
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_H Horizontal TVD limitation 1 MinMod
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_H Horizontal TVD limitation 5 PDM
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_H Horizontal TVD limitation 3 Muscl
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_H Horizontal TVD limitation 4 Superbee
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_H Horizontal TVD limitation 2 VanLeer
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_V Vertical TVD limitation 2 VanLeer
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_V Vertical TVD limitation 3 Muscl
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_V Vertical TVD limitation 4 Superbee
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_V Vertical TVD limitation 1 MinMod
Mohid Water ModuleWaterProperties TVD_LIMIT_V Vertical TVD limitation 5 PDM