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!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! IST/MARETEC, Water Modelling Group, Mohid modelling system !------------------------------------------------------------------------------


! TITLE  : moduleMPImanagement

! PROJECT  : Example of the actor model using Fortran and MPI

! URL  :

! AFFILIATION  : IST/MARETEC, Marine Modelling Group

! DATE  : Nov 2014

! REVISION  : Rciardo Miranda - v1.0




!This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

!modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

!version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.


!This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

!but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


!GNU General Public License for more details.


!You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

!along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

!Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.



module moduleMPImanagement

   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: msgPlayBall1Tag = 11111
   integer, parameter :: msgPlayBall2Tag = 11122
   integer, parameter :: msgPlayBall3Tag = 33333
   integer, parameter :: msgPlayBall4Tag = 44444
   integer, parameter :: msgMyMPITag     = 22222
   integer, parameter :: msgEndGameTag   = 34232
   integer, parameter :: msgMsgIDTag     = 34555
   public  :: getMsgPlayBall1Tag
   public  :: getMsgPlayBall2Tag
   public  :: getMsgPlayBall3Tag
   public  :: getMsgPlayBall4Tag
   public  :: getMsgMyMPITag
   public  :: getMsgEndGameTag
   public  :: getMsgIDTag
   integer function getMsgPlayBall1Tag()
       getMsgPlayBall1Tag = msgPlayBall1Tag
   end function getMsgPlayBall1Tag
   integer function getMsgPlayBall2Tag()
       getMsgPlayBall2Tag = msgPlayBall2Tag
   end function getMsgPlayBall2Tag
   integer function getMsgPlayBall3Tag()
       getMsgPlayBall3Tag = msgPlayBall3Tag
   end function getMsgPlayBall3Tag
   integer function getMsgPlayBall4Tag()
       getMsgPlayBall4Tag = msgPlayBall4Tag
   end function getMsgPlayBall4Tag
   integer function getMsgMyMPITag()
       getMsgMyMPITag = msgMyMPITag
   end function getMsgMyMPITag
   integer function getMsgEndGameTag()
       getMsgEndGameTag = msgEndGameTag
   end function getMsgEndGameTag
   integer function getMsgIDTag()
       getMsgIDTag = msgMsgIDTag
   end function getMsgIDTag

end module moduleMPImanagement