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====EcoToxicity Model====
====Toxicity Model====
*The formulation is to associate an eco-toxiciy value to the property (From project ECORIVER 2002).
*Every toxic property must be discharged.
*Every toxic property must be discharged.
*Its concentration in the river network is set to 0.0.
*Its concentration in the river network is set to 0.0.

Revision as of 18:25, 15 February 2010


This module can be used by two models: MOHID Land, and MOHID River Network. Like other modules, it has a specific input file, called DrainageNetwork_X.dat, where X is the simulation number. The following tables describe the keywords that can be used, their data type, and the default values (in case of omission).

DrainageNetwork_X.dat Keywords


Keyword                   : Data Type         Default     !Comment
NETWORK_FILE              : char              -           !Path to drainage network file
CHECK_NODES               : 0/1               [1]         !Ckeck nodes consistency
CHECK_REACHES             : 0/1               [1]         !Check reaches consistency
GLOBAL_MANNING            : real              -           !Rugosity in Channels
GEO_CONVERSATION_FACTOR   : real              [1.]        !Lat to Meters rough estimation


Keyword                   : Data Type         Default     !Comment
STABILIZE                 : 0/1               [0]         !Restart time iteration if high volume gradients
STABILIZE_FACTOR          : real              [0.1]       !max gradient in time steps as fraction of old volume
MAX_ITERATIONS            : int               [100]       !Max iterations for stabilized check
DT_FACTOR                 : real              [0.8]       !Factor for DT Prediction
MAX_DT_FLOOD              : real              [10.0]      !Max DT if channel water level exceeds full bank


Keyword                   : Data Type         Default     !Comment
HYDRODYNAMIC_APROX        : int               [1]         !1 - KinematicWave, 2 - DiffusionWave, 3 - DynamicWave
NUMERICAL_SCHEME          : int               [0]         !0 - ExplicitScheme, 1 - ImplicitScheme
MASS_ERR                  : real(8)           [0.001]     !Max error in mass conservation
MIN_WATER_DEPTH           : real              [0.001]     !Min water depth in nodes (For h < MIN_WATER_DEPTH water stops flowing)
INITIAL_WATER_DEPTH       : real              [0.0]       !Initial water depth
MINIMUM_SLOPE             : real              [0.0]       !Minimum Slope for Kinematic Wave

Downstream Boundary

Keyword                   : Data Type         Default     !Comment
DOWNSTREAM_BOUNDARY       : int               [1]         !0 - Dam, 1 - ZDG, 2 - CD, 3 - ImposedWaterDepth, 3 - ImposedVelocity
DEFAULTVALUE              : real              -           !Default value at downstream boundary
FILE_IN_TIME              : char              [NONE]      !If DOWNSTREAM_BOUNDARY = ImposedWaterDepth, this can be NONE or TIMESERIE
FILENAME                  : char              -           !If FILE_IN_TIME = TIMESERIE, this is the name of timeserie file for the downstream boundary
DATA_COLUMN               : int               -           !Number of column with data in FILE_IN_TIME


Output is given for all nodes in HDF5 format, and also as time series for the specified nodes in TIME_SERIE_LOCATION file. These nodes are identified by their IDS (see Network file) and have to be inside the block <BeginNodeTimeSerie> / <EndNodeTimeSerie>.

Keyword                   : Data Type         Default     !Comment
OUTPUT_TIME               : int int...        [-]         !time interval between outputs for all nodes, in HDF5 format.
TIME_SERIE_LOCATION       : char              -           !Path to time serie file with the specified nodes (can be this file)
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE           : 1000
DT_OUTPUT_TIME            : 1200
TIME_SERIE_BY_NODES       : 0/1               [0]         !Keyword to see if the user wants the time series to be written by nodes, i.e.,
                                                          !One file per node, with all variables in the headers list
                                                          !if FALSE, its one file per variable with nodes in the headers.


Keyword                   : Data Type         Default     !Comment
MIN_WATER_DEPTH_PROCESS   : real              [0.01]      !Water Quality Process / Surface Fluxes shutdown
DISCHARGES                : 0/1               [0]         !Use module discharges (WWTP, etc)
TRANSMISSION_LOSSES       : 0/1               [0]         !If user wants to use transmission losses
HYDRAULIC_CONDUCTIVITY    : real              -           !Hydraulic Conductivity to calculate transmission losses
REMOVE_OVERTOP            : 0/1               [0]         !Removes Water if channels are overtoped
AERATION_METHOD           : int               [-]         !1 - PoolAndRifle, 2 - ChannelControled_
T90_DECAY_MODEL           : 0                 [1]         !0 - Constant, 1 - Canteras, 2 - Chapra
T90                       : real              [7200.]     !if T90_DECAY_MODEL = Constant
SHADING_FACTOR            : real              [1.]        !0-1 fraction of riparian shading
FRACTION_SEDIMENT         : 0/1               [0]
GLOBAL_TOXICITY           : char              ['SUM']     !Global Toxicity Computation Method : SUM,MAX,RISKRATIO


Each property keywords must be inside a block <beginproperty>/<endproperty>.

Keyword                    : Data Type         Default      !Comment
NAME                       : char              [-]          !Property name, must be on of Properties_names
UNITS                      : char              [-]          !usually mg/L (see IS_COEF)
IS_COEF                    : real              [1.e-3]      !Conversion factor to the International System
DESCRIPTION                : char              [-]          !Property description
DEFAULT_VALUE              : real              [0.0]        !Property initial concentration
MIN_VALUE                  : real              [0.0]        !Property minimum concentration
OVERLAND_CONCENTRATION     : real              [0.0]        !Concentration discharged from overland
GROUNDWATER_CONCENTRATION  : real              [0.0]        !Concentration discharged from ground water
DIFFUSEWATER_CONCENTRATION : real              [0.0]
ADVECTION_DIFUSION         : 0/1               [1]          !1 - want to transport property; 0 - no transport
    ADVECTION_SCHEME       : int               [1]          !1 - UpwindOrder1 (currently no more options)
    DIFFUSION_SCHEME       : int               [5]          !5 - CentralDiff  (currently no more options)
    DIFFUSIVITY            : real              [1e-8]       !Molecular diffusivity of property in m2/s
DISCHARGES                 : 0/1               [0]          !1 - property is discharged; 0 - no discharges
TOXICITY                   : 0/1               [0]          !1 - property has an associated toxicity     
    TOX_EVOLUTION          : int               [1]          !1 - Saturation, 2 - Linear, 3 - RiskRatio
    EC50                   : real              [0.5]        !If TOX_EVOLUTION = Saturation or RiskRatio,
                                                            !EC50 is the concentration that causes 50% of effect (Tox = 0.5)
                                                            !in fraction of initial concentration units [%]
    SLOPE                  : real              [1.0]        !If TOX_EVOLUTION = Linear
DECAY                      : 0/1               [0]          !1- want to use bacterial decay model. 0 - no use. Must have DISCHARGES = 1 and atmosphere.
SURFACE_FLUXES             : 0/1               [0]          !Property has surface fluxes (e.g. evaporation). Needs atmosphere.
BOTTOM_FLUXES              : 0/1               [0]          !Property has bottom fluxes. Must be particulated.
    BOTTOM_CONC            : real              [0.0]        !Bottom Initial Concentration
    BOTTOM_MIN_CONC        : real              [0.0]        !Bottom Minimum Concentration
    EROSION                : 0/1               [1]          !Compute erosion fluxes
        CRIT_SS_EROSION    : real              [0.2]        !Critical Erosion Shear Stress [Pa]
        EROSION_COEF       : real              [5.0E-4]     !Erosion Coefficient [kg m-2 s-1]
    DEPOSITION             : 0/1               [1]          !Compute deposition fluxes
        CRIT_SS_DEPOSITION : real              [0.1]        !Critical Deposition Shear Stress [Pa]
        CHS                : real              [4.0]        !Hindered settling [kg m-3] - See Module_FreeVerticalMovement.
        WS_TYPE            : int               [1]          !Settling type: WSConstant = 1, SPMFunction = 2
        WS_VALUE           : real              [0.0001]     !Constant settling velocity [m s-1]
        KL                 : real              [0.1]        !See Module_FreeVerticalMovement.
        KL1                : real              [0.1]        !See Module_FreeVerticalMovement.
        ML                 : real              [4.62]       !See Module_FreeVerticalMovement.
        M                  : real              [1.0]        !See Module_FreeVerticalMovement.
WATER_QUALITY              : 0/1               [0]          !1 - use Water Quality Model for property transformation; 0 - no use
BENTHOS                    : 0/1               [0]          !1 - use Benthos Model for property transformation; 0 - no use
CEQUALW2                   : 0/1               [0]          !1 - use CEQUALW2 Model for property transformation; 0 - no use
LIFE                       : 0/1               [0]          !1 - use Life Model for property transformation; 0 - no use
TIME_SERIE                 : 0/1               [0]          !Output this property in time series files.
OUTPUT_NAME                : char              [NAME]       !Can be NAME or DESCRIPTION.
COMPUTE_LOAD               : 0/1               [0]          !Output concentration (in UNITS) x Flow [m3 s-1]
SUMTOTALCONC               : 0/1               [0] 0        !Checks if user wants to calculate total Concentration (Column + Bottom) must be particulate

Toxicity Model

  • The formulation is to associate an eco-toxiciy value to the property (From project ECORIVER 2002).
  • Every toxic property must be discharged.
  • Its concentration in the river network is set to 0.0.
  • Discharge concentration must be equal to 1, because we are measuring the dilution D = 1 - C_new / C_ini
  • The variable property%toxicity%concentration represents C/c_ini so it starts by being 1.
  • This is not even close to a final version. For more details, or sugestions/corrections, contact MARETEC (Rosa Trancoso).
  • EC50 - Concentration that causes 50% of effect (Tox = 0.5)

Network file:

  ID                      : int               -           !Node ID number
  COORDINATES             : real real         -           !Node coordinates
  GRID_I                  : int               -           !I position of node, if grid
  GRID_J                  : int               -           !J position of node, if grid
  TERRAIN_LEVEL            : real              -           !Bottom level of cross section
  MANNING_CHANNEL         : real         GLOBAL_MANNING   !Node rugosity
  WATER_DEPTH             : real      INITIAL_WATER_DEPTH !Node initial water depth
  CROSS_SECTION_TYPE      : int               [1]         !1 - Trapezoidal, 2 - TrapezoidalFlood, 3 - Tabular
  1 - Trapezoidal, 2 - TrapezoidalFlood
      BOTTOM_WIDTH        : real              -           !Bottom width of cross section
      TOP_WIDTH           : real              -           !Top width of cross section
      HEIGHT              : real              -           !Max height of cross section
  2 - TrapezoidalFlood
      MIDDLE_WIDTH        : real              -           !Middle width of cross section
      MIDDLE_HEIGHT       : real              -           !Middle height of cross section
  3 - Tabular
      N_STATIONS          : integer           -           !number os stations that define the cross section
      STATION             : real real ...     -           !station values
      ELEVATION/LEVEL     : real real ...     -           !elevation values
  ID                      : int               -           !Reach ID Number
  DOWNSTREAM_NODE         : int               -           !Downstream node ID
  UPSTREAM_NODE           : int               -           !Upstream node ID


NETWORK_FILE              : ..\..\GeneralData\DrainageNetwork\DrainageNetworkAlcabrichel_100ha_terrain.dnt
CHECK_NODES               : 1
CHECK_REACHES             : 1
MASS_ERR                  : 0.001
GLOBAL_MANNING            : 0.06
MIN_WATER_DEPTH           : 0.01
XS_CALC                   : 1
TIME_SERIE_LOCATION       : ..\..\GeneralData\Timeseries\TimeSerieLocation_200_new.dat

OUTPUT_TIME               : 0 864000

DISCHARGES                : 1 (1-if have a discharge file; 0 if not discharging)
CONTINUOUS                : 0

MAX_DT_FLOOD              : 100
STABILIZE                 : 1
DT_FACTOR                 : 0.75
STABILIZE_FACTOR          : 0.05

MINIMUM_SLOPE             : 0.0001

If want to model Properties

Than additionaly to the above options need to define properties to be modelled. One block for each property (see a list

NAME                    : salinity
UNITS                   : psu
DESCRIPTION             : salinity
DEFAULT_VALUE           : 0.3
MIN_VALUE               : 0.0
ADVECTION_DIFUSION      : 1       !1-want to transport property; 0 - no transport
DISCHARGES              : 0       !1-property is discharged;0 - no discharges
TIME_SERIE              : 1
WATER_QUALITY           : 0       !1-use water quality model for property transformation;0-no transformation

Creatig a drainage network file

  • Alternatively can also obtain a drainage network with program BasinDelimiter (from SourceSafe) with a basin.dat with the keywords, adapted to the study watershed:
TOPOGRAPHIC_FILE              : ..\..\GeneralData\DTM\MDT200mSD.dat
TRESHOLD_AREA                 : 100000
DELINEATE_BASIN               : 1
OUTLET_I                      : 1
OUTLET_J                      : 44
WRITE_REACHES                 : 1
REACHES_FILE                  : ..\..\GeneralData\DrainageNetwork\DrainageNetwork.dnt
  • Define the cross sections for the drainage network file in MOHID GIS.


(Currently in this version of the cross sections program keyword TERRAIN_LEVEL is not written, instead is written BOTTOM_LEVEL (old version). TERRAIN LEVEL = BOTTOM_LEVEL + HEIGHT. Change it for example with excel, new program should be written)

  • Define the network file just created in the drainage network data file with:
NETWORK_FILE : ..\..\GeneralData\DrainageNetwork\DrainageNetwork.dnt