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Mohid Ocean Downscalling

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To download GFS model solution go to Then select date range(Ex.: 2013 April 15 To 2013 April 20), select cycles (Ex.: 0000), select forecast hours (Ex.: 003 006 009 012 015 018 021 024). Press Submit Data request button and Press Selected Files for FTP. On the Filename Filter Type “*.grb2” and press Select files button. Then select the levels desired and at FTP Information, type your email and press the start FTP button. This will place the files in the ftp for download.

NOTES : This is a 24 hour period with all the necessary properties for Mohid, the best forecast for each day in the range. The 000 output is neglected because some properties are 3 hour average, for instance “downward solar radiation” isn’t present. For this 000 is subtracted and the 024 added.


To download my ocean solution go to and click in ACCES THE CATALOGUE. In block 1 choose "Global Ocean", in 2 the parameters and in 3 choose forecast products. After fill all the blocks click search and in the next web page choose DATA ACCES and then GO. Prescribe the user name and password and then choose the dates and area of interest.


To download te RTOFS global model solution go to or The download in the second one is made via opendap. select the product and thenclick in download data.



Bathymetry transition

Running tool SmoothBathymNesting.exe

Example of the input file SmoothBathymNesting.dat

! File bathymetry of the external 3D solution
FATHER_BATIM                : 
!Bathymetry File of MOHID solution
SON_BATIM                   : 

!New Bathymetry File 
NEW_SON_BATIM               : 
NAME                        : generic property !Name of generic property
INITIALIZATION_METHOD       : sponge           !Type of initialization used
DEFAULTVALUE                : 1                !0-external 3D solution, 1-MOHID solution
SPONGE_OUT                  : 0
SPONGE_CELLS                : 10               !sponge cells number
SPONGE_EVOLUTION            : 2                !1-exponential, 2-linear


z-level to MOHID geo

bilinear vs triangulation

linear horizontally and vertically

Boundary conditions

Open boundary

The methodology used in MOHID for the Open Boundary Conditions (OBC) is similar to the one presented by Marchesiello et al. (2001). A Flow Relaxation Scheme (FRS) applied to temperature (T), salinity (S) and velocities (U, V) (Martinsen and Engedahl, 1987) is combined with a radiation scheme from Flather (1976) for the barotropic mode.

Sample for the hydrodynamic module:

RADIATION                 : 2
LOCAL_SOLUTION            : 7 ! there is 7 options for define loca solution see InvertedBarometer
SUBMODEL                  : 1
MISSING_NULL              : 1


To impose surface boundary conditions (e.g., wind stress, solar radiation, temperature, pressure etc.) in atmosphere module an example of the file is provided below.

 OUTPUT_TIME             : 0. 3600.
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.0025
 NAME                    : wind velocity X
 UNITS                   : m/s
 DESCRIPTION             : wind velocity X interpolated from GFS model field
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 FILE_IN_TIME            : HDF
 FILENAME                : ..\..\..\GeneralData\GFS\Abril2013\Level2_10-04-2013_25-04-2013.hdf5
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 1
 NAME                    : wind velocity Y
 UNITS                   : m/s
 DESCRIPTION             : wind velocity Y interpolated from GFS model field
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 FILE_IN_TIME            : HDF
 FILENAME                : ..\..\..\GeneralData\GFS\Abril2013\Level2_10-04-2013_25-04-2013.hdf5
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 1
 NAME                    : air temperature
 UNITS                   : ºC
 DESCRIPTION             : Temperature interpolated from GFS model field
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 15.
 FILE_IN_TIME            : HDF
 FILENAME                : ..\..\..\GeneralData\GFS\Abril2013\Level2_10-04-2013_25-04-2013.hdf5
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 1
 NAME                    : solar radiation
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Solar radiation interpolated from GFS model field
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.0
 FILE_IN_TIME            : HDF
 FILENAME                : ..\..\..\GeneralData\GFS\Abril2013\Level2_10-04-2013_25-04-2013.hdf5
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 1
 NAME                    : atmospheric pressure
 UNITS                   : Pa
 DESCRIPTION             : Atmospheric pressure interpolated from GFS model field
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 FILE_IN_TIME            : HDF
 FILENAME                : ..\..\..\GeneralData\GFS\Abril2013\Level2_10-04-2013_25-04-2013.hdf5
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : relative humidity
 UNITS                   : fraction
 DESCRIPTION             : Constant value
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.55
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 1
 NAME                    : cloud cover
 UNITS                   : %
 DESCRIPTION             : Constant value
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 50.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 1

Sensible/latent heat is computed in Module InterfaceWaterAir based in the atmospheric parameters (e.g.,wind stress, solar radiation, temperature, pressure etc.) prescribed in the atmosphere module. An example of the file is provided below.

 OUTPUT_TIME             : 0. 3600.
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.0025
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 NAME                    : wind shear velocity
 UNITS                   : m/s
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed wind shear velocity
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : wind stress X
 UNITS                   : N/m2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed wind stress X
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 DEFINE_CDWIND           : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : wind stress Y
 UNITS                   : N/m2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed wind stress Y
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 DEFINE_CDWIND           : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : latent heat
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed latent heat
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : sensible heat
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed sensible heat
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : surface radiation
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed infrared radiation
 ALBEDO                  : 0.05 
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : net long wave radiation
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed net long wave radiation
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : downward long wave radiation
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed downward long wave radiation
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : downward long wave radiation
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed downward long wave radiation
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : upward long wave radiation
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed upward long wave radiation
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0
 NAME                    : non solar flux
 UNITS                   : W/m^2
 DESCRIPTION             : Computed infrared radiation
 FILE_IN_TIME            : NONE
 REMAIN_CONSTANT         : 0
 DEFAULTVALUE            : 0.
 TIME_SERIE              : 0
 OUTPUT_HDF              : 0

Iinital condition and Spin up

For the spin-up procedure, a methodology based on a slow connection of the forcing terms (baroclinic force, windstress) is used. This methodology consists of defining an initial condition where the initial fields of salinity and temperature are interpolated from the external 3D solution (MyOcean or RTOFS), a null velocity field is assumed, and a SSH field with null gradient is also considered. A coefficient that varies linearly between 0 and 1 along the “connection” period of 5 days is multiplied by the baroclinic force and wind stress. Because the forces are slowly connected, the velocity reference solution of the OBC also needs to be slowly connected. The nudging term in the momentum equation is multiplied by a coefficient C given by:

C=(Elapsed Time/Connection Period)^4;     Elapsed Time<Connection Period

C=1                                 ;     Elapsed Time>=Connection Period

In this way, the velocity field near the boundary also converges slowly to the reference solution. To minimize the perturbations suffered by the initial condition of salinity and temperature along the spin-up period, a relaxation period variable in time was also assumed for these properties. The idea is to assume a relaxation period that increases with time; this way, in the beginning of the run the temperature and salinity fields have a stronger nudging when the external and internal activity is more intense due to the spin-up process. In the end of the spin-up period, the nudging in the model interior (out of the FRS area) is null. For the forces, a connection coefficient was assumed with a linear evolution over 5 days. For the reference solution a quadratic evolution was imposed. For the slow connection of the forcing mechanisms, the methodology followed by Mellor (2004) for the baroclinic force was assumed. This evolution allows, in the first instants, a strong nudging across the entire domain. With time, the model tends to be free except in the flow relaxation scheme area.

Slow connection of tide, wind, pressure an baroclinic force in the hydrodynamic file:

SLOWSTART                 : 86400
TIDE                      : 1
TIDEPOTENTIAL             : 1
RAMP                      : 1   
RAMP_PERIOD               : 259200
WIND                      : 2
WIND_SMOOTH_PERIOD        : 259200
ATM_PRESSURE              : 1
ATM_PERIOD                : 259200
FLATHER_COLD_PERIOD       : 432000

Initial condition for salinity and temperature in waterproperties file:

 OUTPUT_TIME              : 0 10800
 ADV_METHOD_H             : 4
 ADV_METHOD_V             : 4
 TVD_LIMIT_H              : 4
 TVD_LIMIT_V              : 4
 NAME                     : salinity
 UNITS                    : ºC
 DESCRIPTION              : MyOcean Interpolated results
 DEFAULTVALUE             : 34.895
 OLD                      : 1
 TYPE_ZUV                 : z
 FILENAME                 : ..\..\..\GeneralData\MyOcean\Level2_MyOcean_13-04_27-04_2013.hdf5
 OUTPUT_HDF               : 1
 NAME                     : temperature
 UNITS                    : ºC
 DESCRIPTION              : MyOcean Interpolated results
 DEFAULTVALUE             : 16.
 OLD                      : 1
 TYPE_ZUV                 : z
 FILENAME                 : ..\..\..\GeneralData\MyOcean\Level2_MyOcean_13-04_27-04_2013.hdf5
 SURFACE_FLUXES           : 1
 OUTPUT_HDF               : 1