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Mohid SWAT

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Two modified versions of SWAT were developed, based on the two SWAT releases (SWAT2000 and SWAT2005). The functionalities described herein are equal in both versions. So we refer to this modified versions has SWAT-MOHID. The aim of these developments is not to replace the use of SWAT graphical user interfaces for input or output, but to complement it. This also means that the developed outputs do not include all the SWAT variables but instead, they were developed on a need basis either for easier exploring, results analysis, model coupling, etc. This development benefits from many current developments and improvements of MOHID tools made by its users and will continue to benefit in the future.

Time series output

A first modification was the implementation of time series outputs. The modified SWAT source code enables the user to output time series for two geometric entities found in SWAT: (i) hydrological response units (HRU) and (ii) or sub-basins/reaches. The output of the time series is done with a frequency which is independent of the “normal” SWAT output and the format of the time series is done in MOHID format. Time series written for selected HRU’s are organized in four categoiries: (i) meteorological information, (ii) plant growth, (iii) nutrient concentration and (iv) erosion. Time series written fro selected sub-basins/reaches are nutrient concentration, sediments concentrations and the water flows into the reaches. Time series generated by SWAT-MOHID:

Results per sub-basin

RCH – results from the SWAT river – Flows, properties concentrations, temperature, etc DIS – results per sub-basin – contribution of each sub-basin to the reach) – This files were created for coupling SWAT with Mohid River Network. Units are in m3/s and mg/l Results per HRU PLT – results related with plant growth – LAI, Biomass, Growth Stress, etc MTO – results related with climatic model variables USL – results at HRU level related with erosion NIT – results related with the nitrogen cycle in the soil – plant uptake of N, N remove by PHS - results related with the phosphorus cycle in the soil Global results LDU – average results related per land use of all watershed GLB – results related with overall watershed a ) GlobalWater.glb - results related with the global water c) GlobalNutrient.glb – Results related with global sediment budgets c) Average_Basin_kg_ha.glb – Results related with global model pathways