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Operational Modelling

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Revision as of 18:04, 18 April 2011 by Francisco (talk | contribs) (WRF)
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This wiki intends to explain how operational models are set in the Mohid Maretec framework.

Before intending to put any model in operational, the model has to be strongly tested.

Input Data

For each of the different modelling levels, a set of typical input data for each of the modules have to be selected (model.dat, hydrodynamic.dat, waterproperties.dat, turbulence.dat, etc.) also a set of hdf5 final files (.fin) for the hydrodynamic, GOTM and waterproperties in case they exist.

Atmospheric forcing

If the model have interpolated atmospheric forcing data for the particular gridded data, a location should be provided. In the case that it need to be calculated, a folder named work should be included with the configuratino files and programs. Atmospherical forcing conditions can be provided by different sources: GFS, MM5 and WRF.


METEO_MODEL                              : WRF
METEO_MODEL_PATH                         : \\DATACENTER\alexandria3\modelos\Meteo_IST\wrf_6h
WORK_PATH                                : D:\Aplica\OPTagus3D\Work\WRF\
OUTPUT_FOLDER                            : D:\Aplica\OPTagus3D\Work\WRF\History\
BACKUP_FOLDER                            : \\datacenter\alexandria4\modelos\Mohid_IST\OPTagus3D\Tagus\Meteo\
MOHID_GRID                               : D:\Aplica\OPTagus3D\GeneralData\Bathymetry\TagusRibeiras.dat
MOHID_GRID_LABEL                         : Tagus3D
MAIL_SERVER                              :
MAIL_SENDER_NAME                         : OPTagus3D
MAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS                      : 
!So por ser hindcast
START                                    : 2011 2 6 0 0 0
END                                      : 2011 2 7 0 0 0
!NUMBER_OF_DAYS                          : 1
!CHECK_NUMBER_OF_FILES                   : 1
!NUMBER_OF_FILES                         : 5
WRF_3km Lisbon 3
ACTION                        : INTERPOLATE GRIDS
START                         : 2011 2 6 0 0 0
END                           : 2011 2 7 0 0 0
FATHER_FILENAME               : WRF_WRF_3km_Lisbon.hdf5
FATHER_GRID_FILENAME          : WRF_3km.dat
LEVEL                         : 3
OUTPUTFILENAME                : WRF_Tagus3D_2011-02-06_2011-02-07.hdf5
NEW_GRID_FILENAME             : D:\Aplica\OPTagus3D\GeneralData\Bathymetry\TagusRibeiras.dat
air temperature
downward long wave radiation
wind velocity X
wind velocity Y
wind modulus
relative humidity
solar radiation
mean sea level pressure

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