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! IST/MARETEC, Water Modelling Group, Mohid modelling system



! TITLE  : pong

! PROJECT  : Example of the actor model using Fortran and MPI

! URL  :

! AFFILIATION  : IST/MARETEC, Marine Modelling Group

! DATE  : Nov 2014

! REVISION  : Rciardo Miranda - v1.0




!This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

!modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

!version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.


!This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

!but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


!GNU General Public License for more details.


!You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

!along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

!Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.




! Compile:

! mpif90 -o /myDirectory/projects/lang/fortran/MPI/pingPong/pong /myDirectory/projects/lang/fortran/MPI/pingPong/moduleMPImanagemnt.f90 /myDirectory/projects /lang/fortran/MPI/pingPong/pong.f90


! Run:

! /opt/mpich/bin/mpiexec -n 1 /myDirectory/projects/lang/fortran/MPI/pingPong/ping : -n 1 /myDirectory/projects/lang/fortran/MPI/pingPong/pong

program pong

   use mpi
   use moduleMPImanagemnt
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: UNDEFINED   =-99
   integer, parameter :: SUCCESS     = 0
   integer, parameter :: NULL_INT    =-999999
   type T_pingPong
       integer :: myMPI_id      = NULL_INT
       logical :: hasBall       =.FALSE.
       logical :: gameON        =.TRUE.
       integer :: counting      = NULL_INT
       integer :: otherCounting = NULL_INT
       integer :: otherMPI_id   = NULL_INT
   end type T_pingPong
   call main()
   subroutine main()
       type(T_pingPong), pointer :: pingPong
       integer :: STAT_CALL
       pingPong => constructPingPong()
       STAT_CALL = startGame(pingPong)

if1 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "subroutine main, error calling startGame, ERR01"
       end if if1
       call loop(pingPong)
       call EXIT(SUCCESS)
   end subroutine main
   function constructPingPong()
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: constructPingPong
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: newPingPong
       newPingPong%myMPI_id = startMPI(newPingPong)
       constructPingPong => newPingPong
   end function constructPingPong
   integer function startGame(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       integer                     :: counting
       integer,dimension(8)        :: values
       integer                     :: sec, rand, aux, I
       call DATE_AND_TIME(VALUES=values)
       sec = values(7)
       call SRAND(sec)
       aux = rand(0)

do1 : do I = -1, aux

           counting  = MAX(5, rand(0) / 100000)
       end do do1
       STAT_CALL = setCounting(pingPong, counting = counting)

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "function startGame, error calling setCounting, ERR01"
           end if if2
       STAT_CALL = sendBall(pingPong)

if3 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function startGame, error calling sendBall, ERR02"
       end if if3
       startGame = SUCCESS
   end function startGame
   integer function startMPI(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL, myMPI_id, numprocs
       myMPI_id  = NULL_INT
       numprocs  = NULL_INT

if1 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function startMPI, error calling MPI_INIT, ERR01"
       end if if1
       call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,                             &
                          myMPI_id,                                   &
                          IERROR = STAT_CALL)

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function startMPI, error calling MPI_COMM_RANK, ERR02.1"
       end if if2
       STAT_CALL = setMyMPI_id(pingPong, myMPI_id)

if21 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function startMPI, error calling setMyMPI_id, ERR02.2"
       end if if21
       call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,                               &
                          numprocs,                                     &
                          IERROR = STAT_CALL)

if3 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function startMPI, error calling MPI_COMM_SIZE, ERR03"
       end if if3
       print *, 'Process ', myMPI_id, ' of ', numprocs, ' is alive'

if5 : if (getMyMPI_id(pingPong) .EQ. 0) then

           STAT_CALL = setOtherMPI_id(pingPong, otherMPI_id = 1)

if51 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "function startMPI, error calling setOtherMPI_id, ERR05"
           end if if51
       else if (getMyMPI_id(pingPong) .EQ. 1) then if5
           STAT_CALL = setOtherMPI_id(pingPong, otherMPI_id = 0)

if52 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "function startMPI, error calling setOtherMPI_id, ERR06"
           end if if52
       else if5
           stop "function startMPI, ERR07"
       end if if5
       startMPI = myMPI_id
   end function startMPI
   integer function getCounting(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       getCounting = pingPong%counting
   end function getCounting
   integer function getOtherCounting(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       getOtherCounting = pingPong%otherCounting
   end function getOtherCounting
   integer function getMyMPI_id(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       getMyMPI_id = pingPong%myMPI_id
   end function getMyMPI_id
   integer function getOtherMPI_id(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       getOtherMPI_id = pingPong%otherMPI_id
   end function getOtherMPI_id
   integer function setOtherCounting(pingPong, otherCounting)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer, intent(IN)         :: otherCounting
       pingPong%otherCounting = otherCounting
       setOtherCounting = SUCCESS
   end function setOtherCounting
   integer function setCounting(pingPong, counting)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer, intent(IN)         :: counting
       pingPong%counting = counting
       setCounting = SUCCESS
   end function setCounting
   integer function decreaseCounting(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       pingPong%counting = getCounting(pingPong)-1
       decreaseCounting = SUCCESS
   end function decreaseCounting
   integer function setMyMPI_id(pingPong, myMPI_id)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer, intent(IN)         :: myMPI_id
       pingPong%myMPI_id = myMPI_id
       setMyMPI_id = SUCCESS
   end function setMyMPI_id
   integer function setOtherMPI_id(pingPong, otherMPI_id)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer, intent(IN)         :: otherMPI_id
       pingPong%otherMPI_id = otherMPI_id
       setOtherMPI_id = SUCCESS
   end function setOtherMPI_id
   integer function setHasBall(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       pingPong%hasBall =.TRUE.
       setHasBall = SUCCESS
   end function setHasBall
   integer function setHasNoBall(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       pingPong%hasBall =.FALSE.
       setHasNoBall = SUCCESS
   end function setHasNoBall
   integer function setGameOFF(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       pingPong%gameON =.FALSE.
       setGameOFF = SUCCESS
   end function setGameOFF
   recursive subroutine loop(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       integer                     :: STATUS(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
       call MPI_PROBE(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,                                          &
                      MPI_ANY_TAG,                                             &
                      MPI_COMM_WORLD,                                          &
                      STATUS,                                                  &

if25 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "subroutine loop, error calling MPI_PROBE, ERR01"
       end if if25

if41 : if (STATUS(MPI_SOURCE) .EQ. getOtherMPI_id(pingPong)) then if42 : if (STATUS(MPI_TAG) .EQ. getMsgPlayBall1Tag()) then

               STAT_CALL = receiveBall1(pingPong)

if4 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

                   print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
                   stop "subroutine loop, error calling receiveBall1, ERR02"
               end if if4
           else if (STATUS(MPI_TAG) .EQ. getMsgPlayBall2Tag()) then if42
               STAT_CALL = receiveBall2(pingPong)

if44 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

                   print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
                   stop "subroutine loop, error calling receiveBall2, ERR02"
               end if if44
           else if (STATUS(MPI_TAG) .EQ. getMsgPlayBall3Tag()) then if42
               STAT_CALL = receiveBall3(pingPong)

if45 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

                   print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
                   stop "subroutine loop, error calling receiveBall3, ERR02"
               end if if45
           else if (STATUS(MPI_TAG) .EQ. getMsgEndGameTag()) then if42
               STAT_CALL = killPingPong(pingPong)

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

                   print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
                   stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR02"
               end if if2
           end if if42
       end if if41
       if (pingPong%gameON) call loop(pingPong)
   end subroutine loop
   integer function receiveBall1(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STATUS(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
       integer                     :: counting
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       integer                     :: i1, i2
       counting   = NULL_INT
       call MPI_RECV(counting,                                                 &
                     1,                                                        &
                     MPI_INTEGER,                                              &
                     getOtherMPI_id(pingPong),                                 &
                     getMsgPlayBall1Tag(),                                     &
                     MPI_COMM_WORLD,                                           &
                     STATUS,                                                   &

if35 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function receiveBall1, error calling MPI_RECV, ERR01"
       end if if35
       STAT_CALL = setOtherCounting(pingPong, otherCounting = counting)

if62 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function receiveBall1, error calling setOtherCounting, ERR04"
       end if if62
       print*, "pong, receiveBall1 getMyMPI_id =", getMyMPI_id(pingPong), "getCounting =", getCounting(pingPong), &
               "getOtherCounting =", getOtherCounting(pingPong)

       call sleep(2)
       call doSomething()

if71 : if (getCounting(pingPong) .GT. 0) then

           STAT_CALL = sendBall(pingPong)

if7 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "function receiveBall, error calling sendBall, ERR01"
           end if if7
       else if71
           ! Program terminates because there are no more plays
           STAT_CALL = sendKillGame(pingPong)

if3 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR02"
           end if if3
           STAT_CALL = killPingPong(pingPong)

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR03"
           end if if2
       end if if71
       call sleep(5)
       call doSomething()
       call doSomething()
       receiveBall1 = SUCCESS
   end function receiveBall1
   integer function receiveBall2(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STATUS(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
       integer                     :: counting
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       integer                     :: i1, i2
       counting   = NULL_INT
       call MPI_RECV(counting,                                                 &
                     1,                                                        &
                     MPI_INTEGER,                                              &
                     getOtherMPI_id(pingPong),                                 &
                     getMsgPlayBall2Tag(),                                     &
                     MPI_COMM_WORLD,                                           &
                     STATUS,                                                   &

if25 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function receiveBall2, error calling MPI_RECV, ERR01a"
       end if if25
           STAT_CALL = setOtherCounting(pingPong, otherCounting = counting)

if61 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function receiveBall2, error calling setOtherCounting, ERR04"
       end if if61
       print*, "pong, receiveBall2 getMyMPI_id =", getMyMPI_id(pingPong), "getCounting =", getCounting(pingPong), &
               "getOtherCounting =", getOtherCounting(pingPong)
       call sleep(2)
       call doSomething()

if71 : if (getCounting(pingPong) .GT. 0) then

           STAT_CALL = sendBall(pingPong)

if7 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "function receiveBall, error calling sendBall, ERR01"
           end if if7
       else if71
           ! Program terminates because there are no more plays
           STAT_CALL = sendKillGame(pingPong)

if3 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR02"
           end if if3
           STAT_CALL = killPingPong(pingPong)

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR03"
           end if if2
       end if if71
       receiveBall2 = SUCCESS
   end function receiveBall2
   integer function receiveBall3(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STATUS(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
       integer                     :: counting
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       integer                     :: i1, i2
       counting   = NULL_INT
       call MPI_RECV(counting,                                                 &
                     1,                                                        &
                     MPI_INTEGER,                                              &
                     getOtherMPI_id(pingPong),                                 &
                     getMsgPlayBall3Tag(),                                     &
                     MPI_COMM_WORLD,                                           &
                     STATUS,                                                   &
       if5 :       if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then
           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function receiveBall3, error calling MPI_RECV, ERR01b"
       end if if5
       STAT_CALL = setOtherCounting(pingPong, otherCounting = counting)
       if6 :       if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then
           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function receiveBall3, error calling setOtherCounting, ERR04"
       end if if6
       print*, "pong, receiveBall3 getMyMPI_id =", getMyMPI_id(pingPong), "getCounting =", getCounting(pingPong), &
               "getOtherCounting =", getOtherCounting(pingPong)

if71 : if (getCounting(pingPong) .GT. 0) then

           STAT_CALL = sendBall(pingPong)

if7 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "function receiveBall, error calling sendBall, ERR01"
           end if if7
       else if71
           ! Program terminates because there are no more plays
           STAT_CALL = sendKillGame(pingPong)

if3 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR02"
           end if if3
           STAT_CALL = killPingPong(pingPong)

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

               print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
               stop "subroutine main, error calling killPingPong, ERR03"
           end if if2
       end if if71
       receiveBall3 = SUCCESS
   end function receiveBall3
   subroutine doSomething
       integer                     :: i,j,k, res1, res2, res3

do1 : do i=1,1000000000 do2 : do j=1,1000000000 do3 : do k=1,1000000000

           res3=MAX(res1, res2)
       end do do3
       end do do2
       end do do1
   end subroutine doSomething
   integer function sendBall(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       STAT_CALL = decreaseCounting(pingPong)

if1 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function sendBall, error calling decreaseCounting, ERR01"
       end if if1
       call MPI_SEND(getCounting(pingPong),                                    &
                     1,                                                        &
                     MPI_INTEGER,                                              &
                     getOtherMPI_id(pingPong),                                 &
                     getMsgPlayBall3Tag(),                                     &
                     MPI_COMM_WORLD,                                           &

if6 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function sendBall, error calling MPI_SEND, ERR02"
       end if if6
       sendBall = SUCCESS
   end function sendBall
   integer function sendKillGame(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       call MPI_SEND(NULL_INT,                                                 &
                     1,                                                        &
                     MPI_INTEGER,                                              &
                     getOtherMPI_id(pingPong),                                 &
                     getMsgEndGameTag(),                                       &
                     MPI_COMM_WORLD,                                           &

if16 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function sendKillGame, error calling MPI_SEND, ERR01"
       end if if16
       sendKillGame = SUCCESS
   end function sendKillGame
   integer function killPingPong(pingPong)
       type(T_pingPong), pointer   :: pingPong
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       STAT_CALL = stopMPI()

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function killPingPong, error calling stopMPI, ERR01"
       end if if2
       print*, "Ping Pong Terminated, pong"
       STAT_CALL = setGameOFF(pingPong)

if3 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function killPingPong, error calling setGameOFF, ERR01"
       end if if3
       killPingPong = SUCCESS
   end function killPingPong
   integer function stopMPI()
       integer                     :: STAT_CALL
       call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,                               &
                        IERROR = STAT_CALL)

if6 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function stopMPI, error calling MPI_BARRIER, ERR01"
       end if if6

if2 : if (STAT_CALL .NE. SUCCESS) then

           print*, "STAT_CALL = ", STAT_CALL
           stop "function stopMPI, error calling MPI_FINALIZE, ERR02"
       end if if2
       stopMPI =  SUCCESS
   end function stopMPI

end program pong