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TortoiseSvn is a very cool svn client for windows with a cool interface that blends seamlessly with the windows explorer.

How to use the svn client with Mohid

Simply install presto the tortoise svn Tortoise svn. You can also see video screencasts instead of the picture-only tutorial below...

Creating a new local repo

Here's the quick how-to add a new mohid_net project from our local intranet repository:

  • Create a new folder:

  • Right click the new folder and select svn checkout...:

  • Insert your subversion user name and password. Then click ok.
  • Get the files, and when it's done click ok:

  • That's it! You've imported the whole project!

Getting the latest version of the code

  • To refresh and get the latest version of the code simply right-click on your local-repository, and then select the SVN update option:

  • Once the new files are downloaded, simply hit the ok button.

  • That's it!

Commiting changes to the code

  • Now whenever you feel like to commit your changes, if any (provided that you are granted the rights to do so - ask the mohid code administrators for a user name and the write permission), first you need to update and merge to the last version of the code. Simply right click the subversioned root folder and click Svn update.... Get the latest version and then beware if any merging occurs. Usually, 90% of the time, the merges made are automatic. Sometimes however you may be prompted by the program to merge manually the changed line of code.
  • After all the merges are made, please make sure that your modifications have prevailed in your local copy of the code and that your project still compiles successfully.
  • After the merge is made and the compiling works successfully, you can finally proceed to commit the code: simply right click the subversioned folder, and click Svn commit...:

  • Make sure you log all your changes, then click ok:

  • And... it's done!

External References

  • <goto>TortoiseSvn</goto>
  • <goto>RapidSvn</goto>