Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to fetch http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/6626342.rss (HTTP Response: HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently ) in C:\WebData\wiki.mohid.com\extensions\magpierss\rss_fetch.inc on line 238

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\WebData\wiki.mohid.com\extensions\rss.php on line 22

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\WebData\wiki.mohid.com\extensions\rss.php on line 24

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\WebData\wiki.mohid.com\extensions\rss.php on line 24
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(Using twitter with curl)
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Latest revision as of 11:39, 3 December 2008

Twitter is a social short messaging system from the web to the outside world. It can be used to send messages to friends. A practical utility is to have a bot-twitter-user that broadcasts messages from scheduled scripts. It could confirm the status of an ongoing process or job with an sms.

Using twitter with curl

curl -u mohid1:***** -d status="Having fun with curl" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

Mohid Twitter project

Make sure you have accessible from your system path the following GNU utilities:

  1. tee
  2. grep
  3. tail
  4. curl

Save this code as a batchfile:

REM MohidTwitter.bat
REM Usage syntax:
REM > MohidWater.exe | tee Run1.log
REM > Call MohidTwitter.bat Run1.log
@echo off

REM Please edit the username and password value
set username=MyUsername
set password=MyPass

type %1 | grep MOHID | grep "[^-]$" | tail -n 1 > _tmp.txt
set /P mess=<_tmp.txt
echo %mess%
curl -u %username%:%password% -d status="%mess%" "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml"
del _tmp.txt

@echo on

Bot agents

Maretec agents

Channel Title:

Twitter bot script

bash example

Here's a sample bash script that uses curl to extract a weather forecast from an rss feed and twit it:


#! /bin/sh

#This line is important if you are to put this script as a cronjob
#Goto the folder where the bash script exists.
cd $here

#BBC Lisbon weather id

#BBC weather RSS feed address


#temporary file

#Weather twitter bot

#Read the RSS feed and filter it
curl $feed 2>&1 | grep 'title' | tail -n 1 | perl -wlne'm/title>(.*)<\/title/i && print $1' | 
sed -e  "s/\&\#xB0;//g" > $file
# use this line instead, to filter out the Fahrenheit degrees, as well as the leading "the forecast for"
#sed -e "s/\&\#xB0;//g" | sed -e "s/ [\(][0-9]*F[\)]//g" | sed -e "s/space:\+/ /g" | cut -d ' ' -f4-21 > $file

#Read the forecast into a weather variable
read weather < $file

#Twit the weather variable away
curl --basic --user $twitbot --data status="$weather" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

Batch example

Here's the marvin_bot agent script in batch. However, previously, you are required to have cygwin installed and the %CYGWIN%\bin path added to your %PATH% environment variable.

@ECHO off

REM Goto here
set here="D:\Users\Guillaume\guillaume\biscates\bots"
cd %here%

REM Marvin feed address
set feed="marvinquotes_srtd.txt"

REM temporary file
set file="marvin_bot"

REM Marvin twitter bot
set user=marvin_bot
set pass=****

REM Read the feed and randomize it
cat %feed% | shuf | head -n 1 > %file%.txt

REM Read the message into a weather variable
set /P mess=<%file%.txt
echo %mess% >> %file%.log

REM Timestamp the log file
echo -------------------------------------------->> %file%.log
echo %DATE% %TIME% >> %file%.log

REM Twit the weather variable away
wget --http-user=%user% --http-pass=%pass% --post-data="status=%mess%" -O %file%.log http:// twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
@ECHO on

Check if message is new

This code in bash or batch checks for new messages to be twittered.


touch "mess.log"
if [ `diff mess.tmp mess.log | grep -e "^<" | wc -l` -eq 1 ]

 #Uncomment one the following couple of lines
 #cat mess.tmp >> mess.log #keeps historical record of all messages
 #cat mess.tmp > mess.log #keeps only last message




NOTE: you need to find windows Xp binaries of grep, diff, sed, (g)awk, tail, head, cat, tac, sort and install them in your PATH.

touch "mess.old"
diff mess.tmp mess.old | grep -e "^<" | wc -l > diff.tmp
set /P diff=<diff.tmp
if %diff% neq 1 goto end
goto mess

REM >> keeps historical record
REM > keeps last mess
REM Uncomment one the following couple of lines
REM type mess.tmp>>mess.old
REM type mess.tmp>mess.old


Sample food

> cat Novembro_SAASUTL.htm | \
perl -ne 'm/>([^<>]*?)<\// && print$1."\n"' | \
sed -f sasutl.sed -e '/^$/d' | \
awk '/29-11-2007/,/30-11-2007/'
  1. Get http://www.sas.utl.pt/alim/Ementas/View/View.aspx to \\guillaume\temp
  2. Transfer via winscp to point.pt -p 2996

Status update

External References