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VmMrtSrv08 FTP

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Revision as of 13:00, 13 January 2010 by Davidbrito (talk | contribs) (Created the Virtual Machine (VM) and started it)
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From the maretec user at the MrtXnSrv, with putty was created a virtual machine to handle FTP site:

Mounted a ISO

First mounted the Windows OS folder from kepler ( so that can be used for virtual machine OS install (Windows 2008 Server):

ex: sudo /bin/mount -t cifs -o [credentials] [Folder Origin location] [Folder Destination location]

>sudo /bin/mount -t cifs -o username=Administrator,password=XXXXX,workspace=MARETEC // /home/maretec/mnt/ISO

Created a new Logical Volume (LV)

It was created a LV with 200GB (50 for OS).

ex: sudo /sbin/lvcreate -n [Name of LV] -L [size of LV] [Volume group where LV will be]

>sudo /sbin/lvcreate -n vmmrtsrv08_FTP -L 200GB dados01

Created a new config file

It was created a config file based on vmmrtsrv06-1.0.cfg and adapted to ISO file and LV created.

It was used command vi to edit the file

Created the Virtual Machine (VM) and started it

in /home/maretec/xen_configs the config file was used to create the VM

>sudo /usr/sbin/xm new -F VMMRTSRV08_1.cfg
>sudo /usr/sbin/xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
VMMRTSRV02                                  87  1024     1     r----- 111349.5
VMMRTSRV04                                  89  1024     2     -b----     91.5
VMMRTSRV06                                  85  1024     2     -b----   2483.9
VMMRTSRV07_EINSTEIN                         88  1024     2     -b----  14978.5
VMMRTSRV08_FTP                              92  1024     2         

>sudo /usr/sbin/xm start vmmrtsrv08_FTP
>sudo /usr/sbin/xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  2048     2     r----- 749124.7
VMMRTSRV02                                  87  1024     1     r----- 111349.5
VMMRTSRV04                                  89  1024     2     -b----     91.5
VMMRTSRV06                                  85  1024     2     -b----   2483.9
VMMRTSRV07_EINSTEIN                         88  1024     2     -b----  14978.5
VMMRTSRV08_FTP                              92  1024     2     -b----    119.9

Checked port for VNC connection

>sudo /usr/sbin/xm list -l VMMRTSRV08_FTP
see in location localhost: 5904


The VM was first installed the OS and then configured.

Accessed the domain via a console with VNC

Access the domain with a VNC client, such as <goto>TightVNC</goto>. The domain console access port with VNC is

OS Installation - in the console

See instructions in How to Install Windows on a new machine These steps include network definition, windows updates, antivirus installation, format of non system partition, enable remote desktop.

IP changed - in the console

IP changed to fixed IP: IP:

SubNet Mask  :

Default Gateway  :

Preferred DNS Server:

Changing the bridging between the LAN and the DMZ

Switching from LAN(eth0) to DMZ(eth1) - in the Xen Server

> sudo /usr/sbin/xm shutdown VMMRTSRV08_FTP                                                            (shutdown machine)
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm list -l VMMRTSRV08_FTP > xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_1.cfg                              (see actual config)
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm delete VMMRTSRV08_FTP                                                              (delete machine)
> cp xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_1.cfg xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_2.cfg                                         (create new config - 2)
> vim xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_2.cfg                                                                     (start edit config - 2)
08_2.cfg> remove all lines with uuid, status, long serial numbers, mac adresses ...    (remove garbage - it will be saved to config - 2)
> cp xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_2.cfg xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_3.cfg                                         (create new config - 3)
> vim xen_configs/VMMRTSRV08_3.cfg                                                                     (start edit config - 3)
08_3.cfg> (bridge eth1) 
08_3.cfg> :w
08_3.cfg> :q
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm new -F vmmrtsrv08_3.cfg                                                            (create new machine)
> sudo /usr/sbin/xm start VMMRTSRV08_FTP                                                               (start new machine)

IP change - in the console

Then, use TighVNC to enter the domain through console access as user:

  • System--> Administration--> Network--> New. It will open a wizard.
  • Ethernet connection--> Realtek (eth1)
  • Static ip-->
  • Subnet mask-->
  • Gateway-->
  • Save.


> su
> /sbin/service network restart
> /sbin/ifconfig
> /sbin/route -n


Open Ports

Finally, you need to ask Marco Reis from Conexa to configure the router firewall so it links the ports between the LAN firewall and the DMZ firewall (reverse tunneling, height port). You might as well ask also to open up ports 21, 20, 80, 443 and 8080.

FTP configuration

See Also
