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This is the list of known keywords that need to be changed based on the Beliche or Maranhão runs.
This is the list of known keywords that need to be changed based on the Beliche ( ''\\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\2.CorreCe-Qual\ExemploBase_Maranhao\1.SimulacaoZero\AdaptedToW2con'') or Maranhão runs.
==Sample file==
==Sample file==

Revision as of 16:16, 9 September 2009

This is the list of known keywords that need to be changed based on the Beliche ( \\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\2.CorreCe-Qual\ExemploBase_Maranhao\1.SimulacaoZero\AdaptedToW2con) or Maranhão runs.

Sample file

  • lines 15,16
GRID         NWB     NBR     IMX     KMX
               1       3      23      42
  • lines 45-48
BRANCH G      US      DS     UHS     DHS     UQB     DQB   NLMIN   SLOPE
BR1            2      11       0       0       0       0       1 0.00000
BR2           14      18       0      11       0       0       1 0.00000
BR3           21      22       0      18       0       0       1 0.00000

See also