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W2 con sample

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This is the list of known keywords that need to be changed based on the Beliche ( \\Datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\2.CorreCe-Qual\ExemploBase_Maranhao\1.SimulacaoZero\AdaptedToW2con) or Maranhão (\\datacenter\Albufeiras_Eutrofizacao\ComoFazer\2.CorreCe-Qual\ExemploBase_Maranhao\RunRef38_Maranhao\WithoutOutputFiles) runs.

Sample file

  • lines 15,16
GRID         NWB     NBR     IMX     KMX
               1       3      23      42
  • lines 45-48
BRANCH G      US      DS     UHS     DHS     UQB     DQB   NLMIN   SLOPE
BR1            2      11       0       0       0       0       1 0.00000
BR2           14      18       0      11       0       0       1 0.00000
BR3           21      22       0      18       0       0       1 0.00000

See also