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The idea behind the imposed solution, is the ability to load pre-calculated hydrodynamic and waterproperties values from hdf5 files. Typically is used to run lagrangian tracers in off-line mode, to run submodels from hydrodynamic and waterproperties hdf5 output windows, to calculate residual fields of velocity and water level, as well as the energy timeserie.

Sample configuration

The geometry_X.dat should correspond to the one found in the HDF5 file. In addition, the hydrodynamic, interface sediment water and water properties data file should be configured following the inditacions below. A typical file for the hydrodyamic_x.dat would be similar to:

EVOLUTION                 : Imposed Solution

NAME                      : water level
UNITS                     : m
DIMENSION                 : 2D
DEFAULTVALUE              : 0
FILE_IN_TIME              : hdf
FILENAME                  : ... (location of the hdf5 file to be imposed)

NAME                      : velocity U
UNITS                     : m/s
DIMENSION                 : 3D
DEFAULTVALUE              : 0
FILE_IN_TIME              : hdf
FILENAME                  : ... (location of the hdf5 file to be imposed)

NAME                      : velocity V
UNITS                     : m/s
DIMENSION                 : 3D
DEFAULTVALUE              : 0
FILE_IN_TIME              : hdf
FILENAME                  : ... (location of the hdf5 file to be imposed)

The InterfaceSedimentWater_X.dat should be configured as:

DEFAULTVALUE              : 0.0

The Waterproperties_X.dat file has to be configured using the following indications for each property:

NAME                           : ...         (Water property name)
UNITS                          : ...         (Water property units)
DEFAULTVALUE                   : ...         (Water property default value. Mandatory thought not used)
DIMENSION                      : 2D/3D       (Dimension of the property)
FILE_IN_TIME                   : hdf
FILENAME                       : ...         (location of the hdf5 file to be imposed)


See also