From MohidWiki
This program creates smoothing coefficients for a bathimetry to allow a smooth transition in the boundary between the the bathymetry and a larger scale one. See also SmoothBatimNesting.
Quick start
- Create the son bathymetry (you may use Mohid GIS).
- Create and edit the options SmoothBatimCoef.dat file and save it in the same path as the executable.
- Run the executable.
Options file
Here's what the options file SmoothBatimCoef.dat looks like:
SON_BATIM : ..\GridData_2.dat NEW_COEF : SmoothCoefs.dat NUMBER_CELLS : 10
The Number_cells are the number of grid points taken from the border in, that will yield non-null smoothing coefficients.
So far there is only one type of algorithm for the smoothing coefficient defined here. It's basically a quadratic growth from 0 to 1 from the border to Ncells inside, where Ncells is a parameter given by the modeller. Here's the formula:
- ILB: lower bound in the i direction.
- IUB: upper bound in the i direction.
- JLB: lower bound in the j direction.
- JUB: upper bound in the j direction.
- Failed to parse (unknown error): \forall\;_{i\,j}\quad C_{i\,j} = \begin{cases} \frac{(JLB-j)^2}{Ncells^2}, & if\; (JLB-j)^2 < Ncells^2 \\ \frac{(JUB-j)^2}{Ncells^2}, & if\; (JUB-j)^2 < Ncells^2 \\ 1., & otherwise \end{cases}
Future algorithms
Please place here the algorithms you'd wish be implemented:
- ...