From MohidWiki
Configuring your environment variables: .bashrc
> vim ~/.bashrc # .bashrc # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi # User specific aliases and functions export PATH=\ ./bin:\ /opt/local/bin:\ /opt/local/gnu/bin:\ /opt/local/gnome2/bin:\ /opt/local/gnome1/bin:\ /opt/local/mozilla/bin:\ /usr/local/netcdf/include:\ /usr/local/netcdf/lib:\ /usr/local/netcdf/bin:\ $PATH export MANPATH=\ /opt/local/man:\ /opt/local/gnu/man:\ /opt/local/gnome2/man:\ /opt/local/gnome1/man:\ /opt/local/mozilla/man:\ $MANPATH
Flow control
Count=0 while test $Count -lt 10 do echo "Inside first loop $Count"
Count=`expr $Count + 1`
done echo "Outside first loop $Count"
if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ]; then echo "Description: Creates ring of tw bots" echo "Usage: > `basename $0` tw_ringof.txt" exit $E_BADARGS fi
case "$3" in 'test') twitbot="pointptteste:pointpt" ;; *) twitbot="weather${city}:weather" ;; esac
Find string in files
Using the Find is good under windows when one whishes to search for a string inside a set of files. But in linux one must rely on alternative routes. This example uses for, pipes, grep and cat and prints out any line matching MATCH
from a list of files containing the FILEPATTERN
> for i in `find . | grep 'FILEPATTERN'`; do cat $i | grep MATCH;done
Now, if you want to change the MATCH
pattern with a SUBST
pattern, then check out Sed.
Replicate directories tree
In order to duplicate the directory tree simply type in bash inside the root of the directory to duplicate:
> for i in `find . | grep '[^.]....$' | grep '[^.]...$' | grep '[^.]..$'`; do mkdir NEWROOT/$i; done
where NEWROOT is the new home directory of the duplicated directory tree.
Here's a more elegant way of doing the directory skeleton replication:
> for i in `find ROOT -type d | sed 's/ROOT/NEWROOT/g'`; do mkdir $i; done
Now you are able to transfer files between the original directory tree and the duplicated directory tree. You can transfer them one file at a time, or by extensions:
> for i in `find . | grep '\.SUFF$'`; do cp
where SUFF is the file extension. (Remember to execute the command from within the original directory tree's root.)
Piping output
Here's one example that pipes the output of a program to the input of another program
> echo My Sister | (read a b; echo $a; echo$b) My Sister
Here's one example to mute the stdout and the stderr
> echo coucou >/dev/null 2>&1
Using if
> if [ `diff ${file}.txt ${file}.tmp | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then echo Ok; fi
Reading and setting environment variables
This examples creates the environment variable $mess by reading the line from file.txt:
> read mess < file.txt
Manipulating variables
> ${var/pattern/replacement}
> let var = $othervar + 3
> ${var:3:2}
substring from 3-rd + 1 char with an offset of 2 char.
> ${#var}
returns the number of chars in $var
> ${var:0:${#var}-3}
substring everything except the last 3 chars
> ${var:-3}
substring only the last 3 chars