Mohid Support Tools
From MohidWiki
Revision as of 13:46, 8 May 2012 by Anatrancoso (talk | contribs) (→Not developed by the MOHID team)
MOHID Water Modelling System has a large variety of support tools used to help creating simulations, preparing and processing input and output data files. Below is a list of the support tools built around MOHID.
- AssimilationPreProcessor
- AssimilationZones
- BasinDelimiter
- Box2GridData
- ConvertToHDF5
- ConvertToXYZ
- CopyMohidProject
- Digital Terrain Creator
- FillMatrix
- Fes95
- Fes2004
- FilterBathymetry
- GenerateGrid
- HydrodynamicAnalyser
- InvertedBarometer
- Kml2Mohid
- NOAAnetcdfTOhdf5
- SmoothBatimNesting
- Tide Preview
- TimeSeriesCreator
- WOAnetcdfTOhdf5
HDF5 tools
MatLab Tools
- Various tools: includes reading and plotting MOHID HDF5.
- Timeseries
- TideAnalyser